How many times does this need to be repeated. The dossier was not the only data point and was part of the 50 pages of evidence used for to connect Carter Page to the Pappy investigation. And now we know that FISA knew it was paid for (even though ALL INFORMANTS TESTIMONY IS BIASED). People seriously have no idea about the basics of getting any warrant. Just because people have bias doesn't rule out the evidence.
The dossier is 35 pages long--it has two parts that could be considered salacious (really just a couple of paragraphs--the rest is pretty boring but important). One that claims Trump went to Russia and had prostitutes piss on the bed Obama slept in (hasn't been disproven) and another line about trump going to Russia for real estate deals, couldn't get the business done and instead settled for prostitutes (also not disproven and with the 130,000 dollar pay off to Stormy is very likely and not at all salacious but I can see Comey telling the president it was at the time...).
And the dossier needs to be proven true? It already has been numerous times. And nothing has been outright discredited (yeah--for such a 'fake' document you couldn't come up with one thing).
Notice one of those things--Carter Page visiting with oil giant Rosneft?
But it is an intelligence document of sensitive materials. Do you think the Russians would just be like--yes, we will verify everything. You do realize the Russian sanctions were lifted despite the entire Congress voting for them, no? You act like the Russians aren't going to make sure no one talks about Trump cavorting with Russian prostitutes--the dossier even talks about this.
You obviously don't know what the word terrorist means or why the FISA court was set up...smh...And to be honest, I am fine with more oversight of FISA--liberals have been clamoring for it for years and years now--called unpatriotic traitors by Republicans because of it. Glad to see some folks want increased scrutiny, fine. But Carter Page was dirty. He was caught in an SVP wiretap where two Russian spies were actively cultivating him. FISA was absolutely right--guy is under surveillance, already has contact with Russian spies, is part of the Pappy investigation, and then pops up under Steele's dossier (and Steele had been a longtime source and top official in British intelligence--don't be thick bc the dossier says negative things about Trump). FISA doesn't mean someone is guilty, just that there is cause to surveil that person (in reality, it should be understood as trying to protect Trump from someone who could be used by the Russians).
Also cnsnews?? Really? You want to talk about not having bias and you post that partisan publication?