The REAL Reason For The Increasing Hot Temperatures


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 17, 2004

Geoengineering Video Exposes The SCIENTIFIC Truth Regarding ChemtrailChemical Composition

Chemtrails And Chem-clouds Proven To Contain Toxic Mix Of Aerosolized Ingredients

State of the Nation

SOTN Editor’s Note:
Since January of 2015 the skies around the world have seen a dramatic uptick in the duration and intensity of full-scale chemtrailing operations. Humanity was forewarned about this intensification of global geoengineering programs by an active chemtrailpilot in December of 2014. His prediction has turned out to be true practically to the very day.


Operation Indigo Skyfold is the name of the U.S Federal Government’s unlawful chemtrail program. The following exposé clearly delineates what relatively very few know about what is occurring daily in the skies above them.

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

Now we have a very high quality video produced by our European friends who have dissected various aspects of this illicit and extremely harmful geoengineering practice. Italians Antonio and Rosario Marciano, who run the anti-chemtrail website – — have written the following dedication for their outstanding production.

“This documentary is dedicated to everyone who wants to fight for truth and life on planet Earth. Let’s stand up and defend our rights!”
What distinguishes their video from so many others is that the scientific research analyzing chemtrail composition represents an unusually rigorous investigation into the aerosolized mix of ingredients, their byproducts and the residues which are left on the land and the waters. For many environmental activists and health advocates around the globe, this scientific information and hard data will be invaluable in their initiatives to shut these programs down, once and for all.


Because of the pervasiveness of these toxic ingredients being sprayed 24/7, as well as the poisonous nature of some of them, it is important for everyone to know what they’re being exposed to. Particularly those with chronic and/or acute respiratory disease ought to be aware. Likewise, anyone with persistent health problems or serious medical conditions ought to take notice of the information provided by this excellent video.

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions

Lastly, may we say that the following video is perhaps the finest scientific presentation on the CHEMTRAIL phenomenon on the internet today. The scientific analysis of the chemical composition of chemtrails is unimpeachable. For this reason alone it stands as a defining video-documtenary of the greatest environmental assault on Planet Earth today. Truly, there is not a more serious looming global health crisis than the one being geoengineered daily by the ongoing, worldwide chemtrailing operations.

[youtube_sc url= ]

For anyone who still doubts the existence of such a geoengineering program, known for its incessant sky chemtrailing operations, please view the following photo-doc.

CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)


That the skies across the planet are now sprayed relentlessly with toxic chemicals and poisonous contaminants WITH NO GOVERNMENTAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is completely unacceptable by any standards. Not only is nourishing sunlight significantly reduced, all life — human, animal and plant — is being unnecessarily subjected to a harmful chemtrail brew of pollutants.

As we close each and every post concerning chemtrails and/or geoengineering …

Chemtrails must be stopped BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
Geoengineering must be terminated BY EVERY MEANS POSSIBLE!

I didn't want to be skeptical soooooooo I Google chemtrail and a band came up 😂 a song called Chemtrail then I found multiple articles calling chemtrail a conspiracy

Of course they call it a conspiracy. What do you want them to say, “Yea, we’re spraying you & the world with refined metals & chemicals.” Look up in the sky on any given day & watch em!
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Of course they call it a conspiracy. What do you want them to say, “Yea, we’re spraying you & the world with refined metals & chemicals.” Look up in the sky on any given day & watch em!
What is the benefit ? Why are “they” doing it?
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Of course they call it a conspiracy. What do you want them to say, “Yea, we’re spraying you & the world with refined metals & chemicals.” Look up in the sky on any given day & watch em!
Good to see areeves is as crazy as ever
Unfortunately, when it comes to what’s really going on, you’re very ignorant! For your own good, Wake Up!
I wish they would spray them a little wider. The big fluffy chem pillows put out a lot of shade on a hot as balls day like today.
What is the benefit ? Why are “they” doing it?
So they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, they will confiscate our property & tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Where we once lived & visited will be off limits! Look @ the Agenda 21 Map. This is part of the “Great Reset”… which is the opening of the 4th Seal In Revelation 6!

It’s the Pale Rider, which represents Death. He was given authority over 1/4 part of the Earth. He was given authority to kill with the Sword (Guns, Nukes, Guillotines, Famine (Food Shortages Are Coming), Pestilence (Living Conditions & The NWO releasing more viruses) Beasts Of The Earth (Once The NWO releases the EMP, Tactical Nukes, martial law will be enacted. Citizens in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & China will flee into the wilderness in their respective countries. Many will encounter Bears, Mountain Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Crocs, Gators & other wild beasts. NWO Authorities Will order everyone in these countries to be taken to a FEMA Camp. Those who don’t will be terminated. NWO Authorities Will Tell citizens we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ the FEMA Camps. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “you have two choices..,, Agree to be Re-Educated, Agree To Take The RFID Chip (mark of the Beast) & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgement from GOD. Once they perish, they will spend Eternity in the Lake Of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)
Those who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell. (Revelation 13) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will be Beheaded By Guillotine (Revelation 13)

If One Wants To Spend Eternity In Heaven, One Must Receive JESUS & Savior & Lord.

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth JESUS as Lord & Believe In Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved.”

JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIs Angels.”

JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.”

Revelation 20:15 Tells Us, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”

If One Desired To Be Saved, say this prayer… “Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In Jesus’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins & I Turn To You With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. I Invite You To Come Live Inside My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!

If One Says that prayer, Your Name is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! The HOLY SPIRIT Came To Live Inside Of You!

Tell Someone You Trusted JESUS As Your Savior & Lord!

Read Your Bible Everyday & GOD Will Speak To You & Bless You.

Pray Everyday In JESUS’s Name

Most of y’all know how how to be Saved, Some Don’t. I’m sharing this information because Time is Short!

These Events Could Happen As Early As The Fall or As Late As Sometime In 2025. Or, Somewhere In Between!

In The Coming Months, expect Increased temperatures, Weather phenomenon, Food Shortages, More Mass Shootings (Until Laws Are passed To Disarm Us), Pestilences, Increased Famine, the flooding of illegal immigrants, more dangerous drugs, continued drought in some areas & flooding in others. By 2026, FL will be underwater, The East & West Coast states as well as the states along the Mississippi River will be partially underwater.

Wake Folks, Time Is Short!
That's a to to digest.
I want to ask for clarity on two parts if I may.

Citizens in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & China will flee into the wilderness in their respective countries.[...]NWO Authorities Will order everyone in these countries to be taken to a FEMA Camp.
I assume you realize FEMA is a US deparment and only a US institute. Are you suggesting the US will open camps in Europe and Canada, and who will install these camps?

These Events Could Happen As Early As The Fall or As Late As Sometime In 2025. Or, Somewhere In Between!
"As late as" would mean no later than. Right?
So if we make it to the end of 2025 and none of this happens then we are clear and you are wrong?
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That's a to to digest.
I want to ask for clarity on two parts if I may.

I assume you realize FEMA is a US deparment and only a US institute. Are you suggesting the US will open camps in Europe and Canada, and who will install these camps?


"As late as" would mean no later than. Right?
So if we make it to the end of 2025 and none of this happens then we are clear and you are wrong?
For the sake of this conversation yes, I’d be wrong BUT, unfortunately, I won’t be
So they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, they will confiscate our property & tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Where we once lived & visited will be off limits! Look @ the Agenda 21 Map. This is part of the “Great Reset”… which is the opening of the 4th Seal In Revelation 6!
It’s the Pale Rider, which represents Death. He was given authority over 1/4 part of the Earth. He was given authority to kill with the Sword (Guns, Nukes, Guillotines, Famine (Food Shortages Are Coming), Pestilence (Living Conditions & The NWO releasing more viruses) Beasts Of The Earth (Once The NWO releases the EMP, Tactical Nukes, martial law will be enacted. Citizens in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & China will flee into the wilderness in their respective countries. Many will encounter Bears, Mountain Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Crocs, Gators & other wild beasts. NWO Authorities Will order everyone in these countries to be taken to a FEMA Camp. Those who don’t will be terminated. NWO Authorities Will Tell citizens we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ the FEMA Camps. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “you have two choices..,, Agree to be Re-Educated, Agree To Take The RFID Chip (mark of the Beast) & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgement from GOD. Once they perish, they will spend Eternity in the Lake Of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)
Those who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell. (Revelation 13) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will be Beheaded By Guillotine (Revelation 13)

If One Wants To Spend Eternity In Heaven, One Must Receive JESUS & Savior & Lord.

Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth JESUS as Lord & Believe In Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved.”

JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIs Angels.”

JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.”

Revelation 20:15 Tells Us, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”

If One Desired To Be Saved, say this prayer… “Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In Jesus’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins & I Turn To You With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. I Invite You To Come Live Inside My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!

If One Says that prayer, Your Name is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! The HOLY SPIRIT Came To Live Inside Of You!

Tell Someone You Trusted JESUS As Your Savior & Lord!

Read Your Bible Everyday & GOD Will Speak To You & Bless You.

Pray Everyday In JESUS’s Name

Most of y’all know how how to be Saved, Some Don’t. I’m sharing this information because Time is Short!

These Events Could Happen As Early As The Fall or As Late As Sometime In 2025. Or, Somewhere In Between!

In The Coming Months, expect Increased temperatures, Weather phenomenon, Food Shortages, More Mass Shootings (Until Laws Are passed To Disarm Us), Pestilences, Increased Famine, the flooding of illegal immigrants, more dangerous drugs, continued drought in some areas & flooding in others. By 2026, FL will be underwater, The East & West Coast states as well as the states along the Mississippi River will be partially underwater.

Wake Folks, Time Is Short!
Please tell me you’re not a clemson grad
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That's a to to digest.
I want to ask for clarity on two parts if I may.

I assume you realize FEMA is a US deparment and only a US institute. Are you suggesting the US will open camps in Europe and Canada, and who will install these camps?


"As late as" would mean no later than. Right?
So if we make it to the end of 2025 and none of this happens then we are clear and you are wrong?
FEMA is UN …. We’ll just call the Authorities in other countries NWO authorities
So they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, they will confiscate our property & tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Where we once lived & visited will be off limits! Look @ the Agenda 21 Map. This is part of the “Great Reset”… which is the opening of the 4th Seal In Revelation 6!

Please tell me you’re not a clemson grad
You gonna ask me the same thing when these things I’ve described come to pass?
I fully believe Democrats are somewhat responsible for out of control gas prices and they are doing nothing to help the situation because they care more about advancing their agenda than they care about any of us but....dis tew much.
That's a to to digest.
I want to ask for clarity on two parts if I may.

I assume you realize FEMA is a US deparment and only a US institute. Are you suggesting the US will open camps in Europe and Canada, and who will install these camps?


"As late as" would mean no later than. Right?
So if we make it to the end of 2025 and none of this happens then we are clear and you are wrong?
NWO governments (they’re in place & have been Will set up the camps) In the US
Many, if not all of the former military bases were converted to FEMA Camps.

An Acquaintance, who is a Believer I know, has a guy, he grew up with, who was a placeholder @ one of the FEMA Camps. He was shipped to Iraq last year.
I think we have found out the last few years how corrupt the swamp is. Look at the leftist/ communist policies wrecking havoc with our country now. Yet the sheep will continue to listen MSN and vote against their own interest. As Vlad Lenin used to say, those American leftists' are idiots but they are useful idiots. Useful to our communist goals.
I think we have found out the last few years how corrupt the swamp is. Look at the leftist/ communist policies wrecking havoc with our country now. Yet the sheep will continue to listen MSN and vote against their own interest. As Vlad Lenin used to say, those American leftists' are idiots but they are useful idiots. Useful to our communist goals.
Well said, Brother