The REAL Reason For The Increasing Hot Temperatures

That makes no sense. Why dont they want to destroy the entire earth and go love with their father in hell?

Cant just destroy one hemisphere.
Yes they can, with EMPs & Tactical Nukes … they think with Alien/UFO Technology, they’re going to defeat GOD, JESUS & The Angels & Lucifer will set up his throne in Jerusalem & they’ll rule & reign under him. Revelation 19 says the exact opposite, JESUS will destroy the armies who have gathered @ Megeddo (Armageddon) The Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet will be thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan will be bound in the abyss for 1000 years. The believers who were beheaded during the Tribulation Will spend the 1000 year Millennium with JESUS (Revelation 20:4) The rest of the dead will be raised after the 1000 years has expired. This is called The Great White Throne Judgement! The Books will be opened, everyone’s life, words, deeds, thoughts will be in these books. Another Book will be opened, The Lambs Book Of Life. Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire. This is why it’s imperative to Receive JESUS as Savior & Lord.
That makes no sense. Why dont they want to destroy the entire earth and go love with their father in hell?

Cant just destroy one hemisphere.
The EMP & Tactical Nukes Will be part of the Fourth Seal
Wildman, I wouldn’t breach those subjects with you anyway. If you don’t believe in Chemtrails, you’re not going to buy the more advanced Truths I’m shlepping😎I just ask you to do one favor for me, when you see Chemtrails in the sky, identify the thin ones & watch the planes make the Chemtrails. You’ll see them spraying from one side of the sky to the other. I’m just asking you to observe them yourself

One man’s “advanced truth” is another man’s “alternate reality” and yet another man’s “fantasy world”.
Believing you are a charlatan, as opposed to certifiably insane, is MY reality which, I believe, is much more likely than what you are shoveling with a manure fork on here.

Although, I admit, my tendency to often slide into solipsism does often play a part in my thinking.
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One man’s “advanced truth” is another man’s “alternate reality” and yet another man’s “fantasy world”.
Believing you are a charlatan, as opposed to certifiably insane, is MY reality which, I believe, is much more likely than what you are shoveling with a manure fork on here.

Although, I admit, my tendency to often slide into solipsism does often play a part in my thinking.
You’re in for a Rude Awakening
I think we have found out the last few years how corrupt the swamp is. Look at the leftist/ communist policies wrecking havoc with our country now. Yet the sheep will continue to listen MSN and vote against their own interest. As Vlad Lenin used to say, those American leftists' are idiots but they are useful idiots. Useful to our communist goals.
tell me more about the southern strategy.
... ive said it before and ... I'll say it again ... commercial aviation being involved in geo-engineering by Chemtrails is utterly ridiculous. The linked video asserts (at about the 9:30 mark) that commercial aviation are in cahoots with the NWO by adding additives to jet fuel. That is preposterous ...

< ------ nearly 23 years in the commercial aviation industry
What is so scary about guys like this is that he really believes this. Reading his posts make it far easier to see how cults arise. No amount of logic, no scientific facts, no discussion of the Bible and translations will deter him from what he believes in his soul will happen.

When 2025 comes and nothing happens, he will just come up with a reason on why it was delayed, the NWO changed their plan etc. He will never admit that he was wrong.

It's truly sad, and I'd be shocked if it hasn't really impacted his relationships with family and friends.
... ive said it before and ... I'll say it again ... commercial aviation being involved in geo-engineering by Chemtrails is utterly ridiculous. The linked video asserts (at about the 9:30 mark) that commercial aviation are in cahoots with the NWO by adding additives to jet fuel. That is preposterous ...

< ------ nearly 23 years in the commercial aviation industry
You have your head up your rear end! Wake up
  • Haha
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... ive said it before and ... I'll say it again ... commercial aviation being involved in geo-engineering by Chemtrails is utterly ridiculous. The linked video asserts (at about the 9:30 mark) that commercial aviation are in cahoots with the NWO by adding additives to jet fuel. That is preposterous ...

< ------ nearly 23 years in the commercial aviation industry
I’ll put you in touch with an anti-Chemtrail activist, who has been threatened by the FBI. His brother IS A CHEMTRAIL PILOT… They Hate Each Other.
I’ll put you in touch with an anti-Chemtrail activist, who has been threatened by the FBI. His brother IS A CHEMTRAIL PILOT… They Hate Each Other.
my comment is purely directed at Commercial Aviation, because that is what I know.

I may think that the notion of geo-engineering via chemtrails is ludacris, BUT ... I cant say for certain what potential nefarious elements are doing. I can just say with 100% certainty, commercial aviation is not being used as proposed in the video you linked.

You have your head up your rear end! Wake up

My opinions are built on knowledge of how the aviation industry works, and I have 23 years of experience in this field. Whether it be onboard systems that monitor engine performance, communication media that communicates to the cockpit, passenger processing tech within a airport, or baggage reconciliation systems ... I have seen, implemented, and maintained it all.

You have watched videos on Youtube.

Whose opinion will we be trusting here?

Unless ... Im part of the Deep State NWO???? MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
my comment is purely directed at Commercial Aviation, because that is what I know.

I may think that the notion of geo-engineering via chemtrails is ludacris, BUT ... I cant say for certain what potential nefarious elements are doing. I can just say with 100% certainty, commercial aviation is not being used as proposed in the video you linked.

My opinions are built on knowledge of how the aviation industry works, and I have 23 years of experience in this field. Whether it be onboard systems that monitor engine performance, communication media that communicates to the cockpit, passenger processing tech within a airport, or baggage reconciliation systems ... I have seen, implemented, and maintained it all.

You have watched videos on Youtube.

Whose opinion will we be trusting here?

Unless ... Im part of the Deep State NWO???? MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA

Your expertise doesn't matter. It doesn't fit his narrative gained by 57 years of being taken care of by his parents while he watched internet videos in their basement. He's the expert and everyone who disagrees is NWO.
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OP doing a masterful job reeling in the usual suspects ITT. Well done.
my comment is purely directed at Commercial Aviation, because that is what I know.

I may think that the notion of geo-engineering via chemtrails is ludacris, BUT ... I cant say for certain what potential nefarious elements are doing. I can just say with 100% certainty, commercial aviation is not being used as proposed in the video you linked.

My opinions are built on knowledge of how the aviation industry works, and I have 23 years of experience in this field. Whether it be onboard systems that monitor engine performance, communication media that communicates to the cockpit, passenger processing tech within a airport, or baggage reconciliation systems ... I have seen, implemented, and maintained it all.

You have watched videos on Youtube.

Whose opinion will we be trusting here?

Unless ... Im part of the Deep State NWO???? MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
I respect the fact that you’ve been involved in aviation for 23 years. The fact remains Chemtrails are REAL. I’d be happy to put you in touch with an anti/Chemtrail Activist. Who’s brother is a Chemtrail pilot. Greg, the anti-Chemtrail activist speaks all over the world & has put together a ton of information proving that Chemtrails are REAL. He’s been threatened by the FBI for divulging the Truth. By the way, up until a couple of years ago, my mother spent 2-3 evenings a week @ Central Command (McDill A.F. Base) Text me & I’ll send you a pic of our friend, General DeLong sitting on Sadaam Hussein’s throne. DeLong ran the Gulf War under General Franks. 813 245 4570
I respect the fact that you’ve been involved in aviation for 23 years. The fact remains Chemtrails are REAL. I’d be happy to put you in touch with an anti/Chemtrail Activist. Who’s brother is a Chemtrail pilot. Greg, the anti-Chemtrail activist speaks all over the world & has put together a ton of information proving that Chemtrails are REAL. He’s been threatened by the FBI for divulging the Truth. By the way, up until a couple of years ago, my mother spent 2-3 evenings a week @ Central Command (McDill A.F. Base) Text me & I’ll send you a pic of our friend, General DeLong sitting on Sadaam Hussein’s throne. DeLong ran the Gulf War under General Franks. 813 245 4570
One of my pet peeves is hearing people say

“The FACT remains …” or “How about the FACT that …” and then proceed to say something that isn’t a fact. This ranks up there with me with people who can’t operate a self checkout register, left lane drivers, the entire DMV experience, and cole slaw …

I’m being fair here … I don’t know what shadow elements in our Government may or may not be doing, what I am saying is that the notion that Commercial Aviation is being used for this purpose is preposterous and virtually impossible.
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One of my pet peeves is hearing people say

“The FACT remains …” or “How about the FACT that …” and then proceed to say something that isn’t a fact. This ranks up there with me with people who can’t operate a self checkout register, left lane drivers, the entire DMV experience, and cole slaw …

I’m being fair here … I don’t know what shadow elements in our Government may or may not be doing, what I am saying is that the notion that Commercial Aviation is being used for this purpose is preposterous and virtually impossible.
I never said “commercial airlines” are spraying us. They’re small jets because I sit on my porch in the mountains of NC & watch them. There are usually 2-3 of them spraying. One can’t go to any town or city in the world without seeing them.
  • Haha
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I never said “commercial airlines” are spraying us. They’re small jets because I sit on my porch in the mountains of NC & watch them. There are usually 2-3 of them spraying. One can’t go to any town or city in the world without seeing them.
The video which you linked, which I can only assume you stand by, did.

and … fun fact … Biz AV and private jet business has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. Now I don’t know much about that side of the house (Collins ARINC Direct), but I know they are crushing it.

could it be that your seeing Bombardiers and Gulf Streams???? Oooooor we sticking with bonkers?
The video which you linked, which I can only assume you stand by, did.

and … fun fact … Biz AV and private jet business has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. Now I don’t know much about that side of the house (Collins ARINC Direct), but I know they are crushing it.

could it be that your seeing Bombardiers and Gulf Streams???? Oooooor we sticking with bonkers?
The video which you linked, which I can only assume you stand by, did.

and … fun fact … Biz AV and private jet business has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. Now I don’t know much about that side of the house (Collins ARINC Direct), but I know they are crushing it.

could it be that your seeing Bombardiers and Gulf Streams???? Oooooor we sticking with bonkers?
I’ve offered to put you in touch with an anti-Chemtrail activist, who’s brother is a Chemtrail pilot. I’ve given you my cell #, so I could send you pictures. I have noticed, recently, they’re spraying early in the morning. The trails @ 6:30 am are fairly wide, meaning they’ve been there for a while. If you see the pics, it’s undeniable.

I have a picture of them putting “JESUS Loved You” over my house in a Chemtrail. This is on the same day I got on Facebook & sent a message about Chemtrails & what the global elite are doing. This is @ my home, just outside of Tampa.

I can also send you a pic of crosshairs using a Chemtrail after I sent a Christian based fax to all Congress men & woman.
Before you scoff, text me & I’ll send you the pics.

In fact, I’ll send you pics of two freshly made Chemtrails over Clemson.

They’re purposely heating up the climate so they can roll out Agenda 21. The NWO politicians will tell us, “Because of the Climate Change Crisis, we’re going to tell you where you can & can’t live & visit. Agenda 21 was signed into law by Committee of 300 member, George Bush SR. In 1992. This will be part of the “Great Reset!”
  • Haha
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You’re an Idiot
The video which you linked, which I can only assume you stand by, did.

and … fun fact … Biz AV and private jet business has grown exponentially over the last 20 years. Now I don’t know much about that side of the house (Collins ARINC Direct), but I know they are crushing it.

could it be that your seeing Bombardiers and Gulf Streams???? Oooooor we sticking with bonkers?

Agenda 21 and 2030​

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.' (Brock Chisholm, Director of UN Health Organization).

The real reason people are being told to stay out of parks and off beaches--trying to get you used to having no access to nature. Agenda 21 stands for the Agenda for the 21st century, and Agenda 30 is a marker for when they want to have most of their nwo goals accomplished. In the New World Order, everyone is equal because no one is to express any individuality, creativity, talent or intellect that could put them above another. The United Nations version of equality is socialism--everything for the collective good, no individual rights and everyone is equally poor. The TV programming is now doing a masterful job drilling this socialistic concept into the emotions and belief systems of its viewers.

Wildlands Map

This wildlands map might give you more understanding to why parks and beaches were off-limits during the fake Covid pandemic. The officials were getting you used to not going to parks or beaches

Ten Emerging Megaregions (map created in 2007)

Agenda 21 Flyers


Agenda 21 drought

The picture to the left pretty much says it all -- weather modification via chemtrails and HAARP has created the severe drought in California, America's food basket and we do not have a water shortage as the earth creates water underground (look up The lack of knowledge (mentioned in this picture) is likely to include at least the lack of knowing about weather modification and the fact that the earth creates water as a natural process. David Dees, the illustrator of this picture, was probably also referring to that which I'll mention below.

Climate change has been blamed for this drought and other disasters and we have been blamed for the climate change. Again, the formula "Problem-Reaction-Solution" (also known as the Hegelian dialectic or Order out of Chaos) has been used to roll out Agenda 21 (also known as "Sustainable Development"). The Agenda for the 21st Century (Agenda 21) is the outline of how to change our lives using the justification of saving the planet.

If you have not heard of Agenda 21, it is the United Nations plan to condense us into highly controlled megacities, allow us to live in only a few places known as human settlement zones, get us out of our cars and monitor, restrict and tax our usage of water. gas. and electricity in order to lower our "carbon footprint". Smart Meters is one method of monitoring and restricting our use. The SMART in smart meters stands for "Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology" All these plans by the United Nations are based on the assumption (or lie) that the planet is warming due to excess carbon dioxide due to human activity. In reality, there are only trace amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and plants use it to make oxygen.

One of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller, paid for the land the United Nations Headquarters sits on(per his Memoirs). This is important to note because he as well as other CFR founders (which includes Paul Warburg who was once referred to as "the father of the Federal Reserve) talked of creating a new world order or in some way helped toward that goal. Here is a quote made by David Rockefeller at a UN dinner in 1994: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order" Think global warming scam and the fact that it is on this that the United Nations bases its policies. More on the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations here.

I will not be naive to suggest that Agenda 21 is the only playbook being used to create a one world government, but it is the only one (to my knowledge) that is being enacted by local governments. That is, local governments comply to the federal government's request so that they can get funding in return.

Here is where "think globally, act locally" comes in. Research the issues, learn the laws (especially the U.S. Constitution), and attend city, county, state and other meetings to call out politicians on their agendas and when they break laws. It is also important to let them know that you do not comply. If you don't know when your city or county is going to have it's meetings; you can go to their offices or check their web sites to get a list of their meeting schedules and the meeting agendas.

You can follow the process of Agenda 21 being implemented step by step in California by watching the Agenda 21 playlist on Grindall61's channel. Grindall61 has been attending and speaking at city and county meetings and recording them. He has also been tracking the propaganda spewed by the newspapers and TV to convince people that riding bikes and busses and living in stacked communities is what people prefer. This is what you would call a false consensus. For an example of how a false concensus is used to manipulate a community to agree with the restricted choices given, here is a more recent (Nov. 2017) video by Grindall61: THIS IS WHAT THE NEW WORLD ORDER BEING IMPLEMENTED AT THE LOCAL LEVEL LOOKS LIKE. AGENDA 21

The United Nations has recently created a new document which is an update of and an extension to Agenda 21. This new document is called, "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". It entails control of additional parts of our lives that are not included in Agenda 21.

The United Nations is the Implementer of and the Manipulator towards Agenda 21 Goals and the Agenda 21 Goals is the New World Order​

Below is a video of the United Nations new New World Order Song:​

United Nations NWO song
Click above image to open video

The United Nations and the World Health Organization 2030 goals and the New World Order

The screen captures at the end of this video didn't show up clearly, but you can find the search page yourself here
or just go to the United Nations page and then type in "New World Order" in the search engine of that site.

Here is a new United Nations Project 2020 nwo page in which they say "Let's Take Our Planet Back". It sounds as if they were here first and see us as invaders and now want to get rid of us, or think they were here first. Here is the link: United Nations New World Order Page

1,351 results for : Corporate: "United Nations Development Programme" from UNESDOC Digital Library

The video below and the 8 links that follow it show you how that even the current Jesuit pope is​

part of the new world order helping to push the United Nations and World Economic Forum goals:​

POPE FRANCIS: 'Our duty is to obey the United Nations!'


Oh you are missing out big time if you block him. Lots of quality content.
You’re right about that, Brother
  • Haha
Reactions: yoshi121374

Agenda 21 and 2030​

The real reason people are being told to stay out of parks and off beaches--trying to get you used to having no access to nature. Agenda 21 stands for the Agenda for the 21st century, and Agenda 30 is a marker for when they want to have most of their nwo goals accomplished. In the New World Order, everyone is equal because no one is to express any individuality, creativity, talent or intellect that could put them above another. The United Nations version of equality is socialism--everything for the collective good, no individual rights and everyone is equally poor. The TV programming is now doing a masterful job drilling this socialistic concept into the emotions and belief systems of its viewers.

Wildlands Map

This wildlands map might give you more understanding to why parks and beaches were off-limits during the fake Covid pandemic. The officials were getting you used to not going to parks or beaches

Ten Emerging Megaregions (map created in 2007)

Agenda 21 Flyers


Agenda 21 drought

The picture to the left pretty much says it all -- weather modification via chemtrails and HAARP has created the severe drought in California, America's food basket and we do not have a water shortage as the earth creates water underground (look up The lack of knowledge (mentioned in this picture) is likely to include at least the lack of knowing about weather modification and the fact that the earth creates water as a natural process. David Dees, the illustrator of this picture, was probably also referring to that which I'll mention below.

Climate change has been blamed for this drought and other disasters and we have been blamed for the climate change. Again, the formula "Problem-Reaction-Solution" (also known as the Hegelian dialectic or Order out of Chaos) has been used to roll out Agenda 21 (also known as "Sustainable Development"). The Agenda for the 21st Century (Agenda 21) is the outline of how to change our lives using the justification of saving the planet.

If you have not heard of Agenda 21, it is the United Nations plan to condense us into highly controlled megacities, allow us to live in only a few places known as human settlement zones, get us out of our cars and monitor, restrict and tax our usage of water. gas. and electricity in order to lower our "carbon footprint". Smart Meters is one method of monitoring and restricting our use. The SMART in smart meters stands for "Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology" All these plans by the United Nations are based on the assumption (or lie) that the planet is warming due to excess carbon dioxide due to human activity. In reality, there are only trace amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and plants use it to make oxygen.

One of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, David Rockefeller, paid for the land the United Nations Headquarters sits on(per his Memoirs). This is important to note because he as well as other CFR founders (which includes Paul Warburg who was once referred to as "the father of the Federal Reserve) talked of creating a new world order or in some way helped toward that goal. Here is a quote made by David Rockefeller at a UN dinner in 1994: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order" Think global warming scam and the fact that it is on this that the United Nations bases its policies. More on the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations here.

I will not be naive to suggest that Agenda 21 is the only playbook being used to create a one world government, but it is the only one (to my knowledge) that is being enacted by local governments. That is, local governments comply to the federal government's request so that they can get funding in return.

Here is where "think globally, act locally" comes in. Research the issues, learn the laws (especially the U.S. Constitution), and attend city, county, state and other meetings to call out politicians on their agendas and when they break laws. It is also important to let them know that you do not comply. If you don't know when your city or county is going to have it's meetings; you can go to their offices or check their web sites to get a list of their meeting schedules and the meeting agendas.

You can follow the process of Agenda 21 being implemented step by step in California by watching the Agenda 21 playlist on Grindall61's channel. Grindall61 has been attending and speaking at city and county meetings and recording them. He has also been tracking the propaganda spewed by the newspapers and TV to convince people that riding bikes and busses and living in stacked communities is what people prefer. This is what you would call a false consensus. For an example of how a false concensus is used to manipulate a community to agree with the restricted choices given, here is a more recent (Nov. 2017) video by Grindall61: THIS IS WHAT THE NEW WORLD ORDER BEING IMPLEMENTED AT THE LOCAL LEVEL LOOKS LIKE. AGENDA 21

The United Nations has recently created a new document which is an update of and an extension to Agenda 21. This new document is called, "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". It entails control of additional parts of our lives that are not included in Agenda 21.

United Nations NWO song
Click above image to open video

The United Nations and the World Health Organization 2030 goals and the New World Order

The screen captures at the end of this video didn't show up clearly, but you can find the search page yourself here
or just go to the United Nations page and then type in "New World Order" in the search engine of that site.

Here is a new United Nations Project 2020 nwo page in which they say "Let's Take Our Planet Back". It sounds as if they were here first and see us as invaders and now want to get rid of us, or think they were here first. Here is the link: United Nations New World Order Page

1,351 results for : Corporate: "United Nations Development Programme" from UNESDOC Digital Library

The video below and the 8 links that follow it show you how that even the current Jesuit pope is​

part of the new world order helping to push the United Nations and World Economic Forum goals:​

POPE FRANCIS: 'Our duty is to obey the United Nations!'


You’re right about that, Brother
This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on here and that’s saying something. You’re gonna have to step it up @TigerGrowls
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I have a picture of them putting “JESUS Loved You” over my house in a Chemtrail. This is on the same day I got on Facebook & sent a message about Chemtrails & what the global elite are doing. This is @ my home, just outside of Tampa.

I see you're familiar with Jerry's work.


I see you're familiar with Jerry's work.


No, the message that was sprayed over my house was a Chemtrail