I use Pinesol for that😀OP uses Aqua Net to lock that feathered hair into place
I use Pinesol for that😀OP uses Aqua Net to lock that feathered hair into place
It’s not just the democrats, it’s the NWO. They create crisises & then manage the crisis. Goal #11 of the NWO.., “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”I fully believe Democrats are somewhat responsible for out of control gas prices and they are doing nothing to help the situation because they care more about advancing their agenda than they care about any of us but....dis tew much.
Ive never understood this mentality. These posts will still exist in-season.the season can not get here fast enough
Someone’s gotta tell the truth & warn the peopleIve never understood this mentality. These posts will still exist in-season.
Ive never understood this mentality. These posts will still exist in-season.the season can not get here fast enough
I love explanation points! It’s a way to show how pissed I am the NWO is putting us through this BS!!!
Goal #11 of the NWO... To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of creating one crisis after another & managing such crisises!!!
It’s only the beginning…. Goal #11 of the NWO “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises” …. Some of y’all will wake up!” Next up…. “The Climate Change Crisis!”
9/11 was a NWO inside job. It was done for two reasons, 1. At the time, our country was running on a surplus, we were NOT in debt as a nation. By them staging 9/11, everyone & their mother wanted to go to war. This put us in Trillions of dollars worth of debt.
Reason 2. DHS was created & under the guise of protecting us from Terror, they’ve been spying on us & building profiles on everyone. If you have a smart phone or tv & even some appliances are equipped with cameras. A colonel @ Central Command in Tampa told me, “Even if your phone is turned off, they can still listen to you.”
A Special Ops guy who specializes in Demolition told me the towers were imploded. He said, “buildings don’t fall straight down like the towers did unless they’re imploded. This is why the first responders said, “we heard explosions in the lower floors.”
Even the engineers who designed the towers said they designed them to withstand 2800 degrees. Jet fuel heats up to 1100 degrees. The Special Ops guy said, “Marvin Bush, George Bush’s brother was in charge of the security for all three buildings that fell.” Yes, there was a third building that fell. Building 7, a 47 story structure, fell 7 hours after the towers fell. Building 7, which was 100 yards away from the towers, allegedly fell because of the debris from the towers. Two days before 9/11, the man who owned building 7, took out a 7 Billion dollar insurance policy out on the building.
No planes hit the towers, they used holograms. The naked eye can’t decipher a real plane from a hologram.
Holograms will be used to fake the 2nd coming of JESUS & an alien invasion. A 32nd Degree Mason with ties to 33 Degree Masons told me this. The fake alien/demon invasion is called “Operation Blue Beam.”
This is why JESUS said in Luke 21, “Men’s hearts would fail them for looking after those things that are coming on the earth.”
What we’re witnessing in Aphganastan
9/11 was an inside job by the NWO Elite. The purpose for 9/11 was to give us an reason to go to war. At the time of 9/11, our country was running on a surplus, we were not in debt. When the events of 9/11 occurred, everyone & their mother wanted to go to war. Going to war put us in tens of trillions of dollars worth of debt, if not more. The second reason for 9/11 was to create DHS. Under the guise of protecting us from Terror, DHS has been spying on us for the purpose of building profiles on every citizen in America. The NWO wants to know who’s going to oppose them & who’s willing to be re-educated, who’s willing to take the mark of the Beast & who’s willing to worship the Beast/Antichrist.
All three buildings that fell on 9/11 were imploded by explosives. That’s why the first responders said, “we heard explosions on the lower floors.”
A Special Ops Operative told me in 2012 9/11 was an inside job. This man is a demolition expert. He said, “buildings don’t fall straight down like the towers fell, they topple over unless they’re imploded.” He said, “Marvin Bush, George Bush’s brother was in charge of the security of all three of those buildings.” He said, “The man who owned building 7, a forty-seven story structure that fell 7 hours after the towers, took out a 7 Billion dollar insurance policy on the building 2 days before 9/11.
No planes were used to bring the towers down. Holograms were used . With the naked eye, one can’t tell the difference between a real plane or a hologram. The plane that supposedly crashed in the field in PA was shot down. That’s why there wasn’t larger fragments of the plane after the crash. Had it crashed in the field, an engine or part of a wing or tail of the plane would have been found. This is what the Special Ops guy told me.
The engineers who designed the towers said, “we designed those buildings to withstand 2800 degrees. Jet fuel only heats up to 1700 degrees.
We all remember The debris from the towers being loaded into dump trucks around the clock. The debris was placed on barges & shipped to China. This was done so no outside investigation could be performed, which would have revealed the residue on the steel. This would have proved the buildings were imploded
The NWO will use holograms to fake the 2nd coming of JESUS & fake an alien invasion. This is called Operation Blue Beam.
What we are witnessing in Afghanistan was done on purpose. People say Biden & his administration are incompetent, no, they’re evil & are part of the NWO.
Again, Goal #19 of the NWO…. “To infiltrate & subvert all governments & work from within to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.”
Goal #11…. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”
9/11, The housing market crash of 2008, Covid 19, The Delta variant, The border crisis, Climate Change Crisis, The Afghanistan Crisis are all examples of Goal #11
Enjoy what freedoms we have left! I don’t have access to their white board.
Goal #19…. “To Infiltrate & Subvert All Governments & work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.”
Goal #11….. “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises
Goal #11…. To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”
It’s coming & they use events to achieve their goals …. WW1, The Great Depression, WW2, Kennedy Assassination, Vietnam, Cold War, Oil Embargoes in the 70’s, 87 Stock Market Crash, 9/11, Housing Market Crash in 2008, COVID-19, Vaccines…. Etc…
Goal 11 of the NWO… “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”
I gotta hand it to @areeves for consistency on goal#11Goal #11 of The NWO…. “To Keep People Everywhere From Deciding Their Own Destinies By Means Of One Created Crisis After Another & Managing Such Crisises.”
Right on brother! I got my 8.5 year supplies and plan! Its almost time to execute the bad bunny J balvin planSomeone’s gotta tell the truth & warn the people
This. @areeves posts lots of crazy albeit hilarious content. He’s gonna spin right off this planet.Oh you are missing out big time if you block him. Lots of quality content.
I’m glad you find it amusing but unfortunately, it’s realityThis. @areeves posts lots of crazy albeit hilarious content. He’s gonna spin right off this planet.
😂😂😂Well, if that’s the case, you’re obviously a believer in @ least some of the Truth I’ve been slingingRight on brother! I got my 8.5 year supplies and plan! Its almost time to execute the bad bunny J balvin plan
LoL no it’s not bro, but you go ahead and run around shouting about the NWO with your hair on fire if it makes you feel better. It’s certainly entertaining for the rest of us. Chem Trails? I’m dying!I’m glad you find it amusing but unfortunately, it’s reality
I have a responsibility & an obligation to tell the Truth & more importantly, to share with people NOT To Receive The Mark of the Beast & or Worship The Beast/Antichrist & To Let Folks Know, It’s An Absolute Must For Folks To Receive JESUS as Savior & Lord If They Want To Spend Eternity In Heaven & NOT In The Lake Of Fire.LoL no it’s not bro, but you go ahead and run around shouting about the NWO with your hair on fire if it makes you feel better. It’s certainly entertaining for the rest of us. Chem Trails? I’m dying!
That is Flat Out Lie!!! In fact, go back &OP was the one that introduced QAnon to this board ...
Jesus is Lord, Areeves, but you don't need to worry about he 4th seal...So they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, they will confiscate our property & tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Where we once lived & visited will be off limits! Look @ the Agenda 21 Map. This is part of the “Great Reset”… which is the opening of the 4th Seal In Revelation 6!
It’s the Pale Rider, which represents Death. He was given authority over 1/4 part of the Earth. He was given authority to kill with the Sword (Guns, Nukes, Guillotines, Famine (Food Shortages Are Coming), Pestilence (Living Conditions & The NWO releasing more viruses) Beasts Of The Earth (Once The NWO releases the EMP, Tactical Nukes, martial law will be enacted. Citizens in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & China will flee into the wilderness in their respective countries. Many will encounter Bears, Mountain Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Crocs, Gators & other wild beasts. NWO Authorities Will order everyone in these countries to be taken to a FEMA Camp. Those who don’t will be terminated. NWO Authorities Will Tell citizens we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ the FEMA Camps. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “you have two choices..,, Agree to be Re-Educated, Agree To Take The RFID Chip (mark of the Beast) & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgement from GOD. Once they perish, they will spend Eternity in the Lake Of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)
Those who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell. (Revelation 13) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will be Beheaded By Guillotine (Revelation 13)
If One Wants To Spend Eternity In Heaven, One Must Receive JESUS & Savior & Lord.
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth JESUS as Lord & Believe In Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved.”
JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIs Angels.”
JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.”
Revelation 20:15 Tells Us, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”
If One Desired To Be Saved, say this prayer… “Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In Jesus’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins & I Turn To You With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. I Invite You To Come Live Inside My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!
If One Says that prayer, Your Name is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! The HOLY SPIRIT Came To Live Inside Of You!
Tell Someone You Trusted JESUS As Your Savior & Lord!
Read Your Bible Everyday & GOD Will Speak To You & Bless You.
Pray Everyday In JESUS’s Name
Most of y’all know how how to be Saved, Some Don’t. I’m sharing this information because Time is Short!
These Events Could Happen As Early As The Fall or As Late As Sometime In 2025. Or, Somewhere In Between!
In The Coming Months, expect Increased temperatures, Weather phenomenon, Food Shortages, More Mass Shootings (Until Laws Are passed To Disarm Us), Pestilences, Increased Famine, the flooding of illegal immigrants, more dangerous drugs, continued drought in some areas & flooding in others. By 2026, FL will be underwater, The East & West Coast states as well as the states along the Mississippi River will be partially underwater.
Wake Folks, Time Is Short!
The Pale horse represents 1/4th of Romans dying from famine, plague, pestilence and violence, from 250-300 A.D. The word ‘earth‘ means land, not the whole Earth. The Roman Empire is the land/earth of prophecy.
“Hell” or “Hades” is better translated as the grave, as many people died.The pale horse represents an era of death in the Roman Empire. Again, it’s not speaking of the whole Earth, just the Roman Earth.
Acts 2:27 says “For You will not leave my soul in Hades, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption,” meaning Jesus was in the grave.
The pale horseman rode force and the Roman Empire crumbled into the most dreadful state of disorder and chaos, where their society had almost completely broken down.‘Helling your potatoes‘ means a farmer was going to dig a hole and bury them in the ground.
At one time 5,000 people were dying every day.
So you can see the Jesus was talking about 1/4 of the Roman Empire dying, and it’s not about the end times.Historian Edward Gibbon recorded that one quarter (a fourth of the earth) of the population of the entire Roman Empire died of famine, plaque, pestilence, and of the violence.
Bible Prophecy is so widely open to interpretation that anyone can apply it to whatever they decide they want to be true. Maybe we are approaching the end times, but LOL @ everything you are asserting. It’s ridiculous.That is Flat Out Lie!!! In fact, go back &
Look @ my post about Q & I clearly state it does not match up with Bible Prophecy
In 3.5 years or less, I Assure You, You Will Change Your Stance On The Information I’ve ProvidedBible Prophecy is so widely open to interpretation that anyone can apply it to whatever they decide they want to be true. Maybe we are approaching the end times, but LOL @ everything you are asserting. It’s ridiculous.
Yes it is Absolutely about the end times. If you’re a Believer, GOD Bless You! Like I’ve said many times, Time Will Prove Me Right! Let’s see how it plays out over the next 3.5 years & probably sooner than that. Everything I’ve said is well documented on here. If I’m wrong, I’ll be the first one to admit it. But, I’m NOT Wrong!Jesus is Lord, Areeves, but you don't need to worry about he 4th seal...
The Fourth Seal Of Revelation 6
This Revelation Timeline Decoded Bible study focuses on the fourth seal of Revelation 6.
Revelation 6:7-8, “And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
Here’s a short summary of the fulfillment of the 4th seal of Revelation 6, then a video will give more details, followed by a verse by verse explanation.
The fourth seal is in Revelation 6:8, “I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.”
Remember that the Lord Jesus is judging the pagan Roman Empire because they killed millions of Christians. He is avenging justice for their deaths.
The color of the horse represents the condition of the Roman people at that time, and the description of the rider represents the cause of their condition.
“Hell” or “Hades” is better translated as the grave, as many people died.
The pale horseman rode force and the Roman Empire crumbled into the most dreadful state of disorder and chaos, where their society had almost completely broken down.
So you can see the Jesus was talking about 1/4 of the Roman Empire dying, and it’s not about the end times.
David Nikao Wilcoxson
😀 I wish the NWO would have crashed & burned when those guys went outI thought the NWO went away when Hulk Hogan quit and Macho Man died...
They will, the people who receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will be told where they can & cannot live & visit. Citizens Will be forced to live in metropolitan cities in 500 square foot apartments with NO Ac & limited water use. The United States will be heavily militarized to protect the limited access area & the prohibited areas. UN Troops & Military Vehicles will be used to enforce Agenda 21. The Red areas on the Agenda 21 Map are Prohibited Areas (No Civilians) The Yellow Areas On The Agenda 21 Map are Limited Access Areas to civilians. These people will be forced to eat synthetic meat, & hybrid fruit & vegies. (Geo-Engineered)Wow... So "they" are going to make a lot of the planet unable to support like so that "they" can tell us where to live and take our stuff? Honest question. If these folks are so powerful, why not just pass the laws to tell people where to live and take their stuff... and you know, have a place to live when they get all that stuff?
Hey Pawsfan, you’re gonna be eating crow when you come to the realization, these Truth Nuggets I’ve been lobbing in there the size of watermelons are reality!
So they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, they will confiscate our property & tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Where we once lived & visited will be off limits! Look @ the Agenda 21 Map. This is part of the “Great Reset”… which is the opening of the 4th Seal In Revelation 6!
It’s the Pale Rider, which represents Death. He was given authority over 1/4 part of the Earth. He was given authority to kill with the Sword (Guns, Nukes, Guillotines, Famine (Food Shortages Are Coming), Pestilence (Living Conditions & The NWO releasing more viruses) Beasts Of The Earth (Once The NWO releases the EMP, Tactical Nukes, martial law will be enacted. Citizens in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & China will flee into the wilderness in their respective countries. Many will encounter Bears, Mountain Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Crocs, Gators & other wild beasts. NWO Authorities Will order everyone in these countries to be taken to a FEMA Camp. Those who don’t will be terminated. NWO Authorities Will Tell citizens we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ the FEMA Camps. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “you have two choices..,, Agree to be Re-Educated, Agree To Take The RFID Chip (mark of the Beast) & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgement from GOD. Once they perish, they will spend Eternity in the Lake Of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)
Those who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell. (Revelation 13) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will be Beheaded By Guillotine (Revelation 13)
If One Wants To Spend Eternity In Heaven, One Must Receive JESUS & Savior & Lord.
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth JESUS as Lord & Believe In Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved.”
JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIs Angels.”
JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.”
Revelation 20:15 Tells Us, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”
If One Desired To Be Saved, say this prayer… “Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In Jesus’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins & I Turn To You With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. I Invite You To Come Live Inside My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!
If One Says that prayer, Your Name is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! The HOLY SPIRIT Came To Live Inside Of You!
Tell Someone You Trusted JESUS As Your Savior & Lord!
Read Your Bible Everyday & GOD Will Speak To You & Bless You.
Pray Everyday In JESUS’s Name
Most of y’all know how how to be Saved, Some Don’t. I’m sharing this information because Time is Short!
These Events Could Happen As Early As The Fall or As Late As Sometime In 2025. Or, Somewhere In Between!
In The Coming Months, expect Increased temperatures, Weather phenomenon, Food Shortages, More Mass Shootings (Until Laws Are passed To Disarm Us), Pestilences, Increased Famine, the flooding of illegal immigrants, more dangerous drugs, continued drought in some areas & flooding in others. By 2026, FL will be underwater, The East & West Coast states as well as the states along the Mississippi River will be partially underwater.
Wake Folks, Time Is Short!
How did the vote on price gouging go?I fully believe Democrats are somewhat responsible for out of control gas prices and they are doing nothing to help the situation because they care more about advancing their agenda than they care about any of us but....dis tew much.
Pawsfan, one more thing, if you can’t handle Chemtrail talk, which you can see with the naked eye. How you gonna handle it when I open a can that talks about Operation Blue Beam, Donald Marshall & Cloning, reptilians from Orion & Sirius & The Vrill Society?Hey Pawsfan, you’re gonna be eating crow when you come to the realization, these Truth Nuggets I’ve been lobbing in there the size of watermelons are reality!
Pawsfan, one more thing, if you can’t handle Chemtrail talk, which you can see with the naked eye. How you gonna handle it when I open a can that talks about Operation Blue Beam, Donald Marshall & Cloning, reptilians from Orion & Sirius & The Vrill Society?
Pawsfan, one more thing, if you can’t handle Chemtrail talk, which you can see with the naked eye. How you gonna handle it when I open a can that talks about Operation Blue Beam, Donald Marshall & Cloning, reptilians from Orion & Sirius & The Vrill Society?
Pawsfan, one more thing, if you can’t handle Chemtrail talk, which you can see with the naked eye. How you gonna handle it when I open a can that talks about Operation Blue Beam, Donald Marshall & Cloning, reptilians from Orion & Sirius & The Vrill Society?
Got some questions:So they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, they will confiscate our property & tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Where we once lived & visited will be off limits! Look @ the Agenda 21 Map. This is part of the “Great Reset”… which is the opening of the 4th Seal In Revelation 6!
It’s the Pale Rider, which represents Death. He was given authority over 1/4 part of the Earth. He was given authority to kill with the Sword (Guns, Nukes, Guillotines, Famine (Food Shortages Are Coming), Pestilence (Living Conditions & The NWO releasing more viruses) Beasts Of The Earth (Once The NWO releases the EMP, Tactical Nukes, martial law will be enacted. Citizens in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand & China will flee into the wilderness in their respective countries. Many will encounter Bears, Mountain Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Crocs, Gators & other wild beasts. NWO Authorities Will order everyone in these countries to be taken to a FEMA Camp. Those who don’t will be terminated. NWO Authorities Will Tell citizens we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ the FEMA Camps. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, “you have two choices..,, Agree to be Re-Educated, Agree To Take The RFID Chip (mark of the Beast) & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those who Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgement from GOD. Once they perish, they will spend Eternity in the Lake Of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)
Those who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell. (Revelation 13) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will be Beheaded By Guillotine (Revelation 13)
If One Wants To Spend Eternity In Heaven, One Must Receive JESUS & Savior & Lord.
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth JESUS as Lord & Believe In Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be Saved.”
JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIs Angels.”
JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.”
Revelation 20:15 Tells Us, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”
If One Desired To Be Saved, say this prayer… “Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In Jesus’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins, I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins & I Turn To You With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. I Invite You To Come Live Inside My Heart. Thank YOU For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!
If One Says that prayer, Your Name is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! The HOLY SPIRIT Came To Live Inside Of You!
Tell Someone You Trusted JESUS As Your Savior & Lord!
Read Your Bible Everyday & GOD Will Speak To You & Bless You.
Pray Everyday In JESUS’s Name
Most of y’all know how how to be Saved, Some Don’t. I’m sharing this information because Time is Short!
These Events Could Happen As Early As The Fall or As Late As Sometime In 2025. Or, Somewhere In Between!
In The Coming Months, expect Increased temperatures, Weather phenomenon, Food Shortages, More Mass Shootings (Until Laws Are passed To Disarm Us), Pestilences, Increased Famine, the flooding of illegal immigrants, more dangerous drugs, continued drought in some areas & flooding in others. By 2026, FL will be underwater, The East & West Coast states as well as the states along the Mississippi River will be partially underwater.
Wake Folks, Time Is Short!
Yes, the world has to worry, because Bible Prophecy tells us that the Only nation not affected by the Beast/Antichrist is Jordan.Got some questions:
1) So you’re saying if we aren’t in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, Europe and China, we don’t have to worry? Bc that leaves S America, Asia and Africa (not to mention some pretty badass islands). Lot of land to move to avoid impending disaster.
2) With the ocean rising 3.6 in. in the last 30 years, why would FL now be under water in the next 2.5 years?
3) How does the flooding of illegal immigrants into the US bring about the apocalypse?
Out of 195 countries, Jordan gets the pass? Why not Lebanon, Syria or Egypt?Yes, the world has to worry, because Bible Prophecy tells us that the Only nation not affected by the Beast/Antichrist is Jordan.
The Pale Rider (Death… Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse was given Authority over 1/4 part of the Earth.)
In The 6th Seal (Revelation 6) is when GOD starts pouring his wrath out on the NWO & those who have received The Mark of the Beast & or Worshiped The Beast Antichrist. In this Seal, there’s an earthquake so powerful, every Island & mountain are moved out of their places. There’s 14 more Judgements from GOD after this one & then there’s Armageddon after that. This is when JESUS returns. (Revelation 19)
They’re purposely trying to turn our country into a 3rd world country as they are every country
Because the temperatures globally are increasing @ an alarming rate due to Chemtrails
I’ve never looked into living in Jordan! I’m just telling you what the Bible says. I believe it’s Daniel 11Out of 195 countries, Jordan gets the pass? Why not Lebanon, Syria or Egypt?
Why do we care if the US becomes a third world country when in 2.5 years the world is going to come to an end? Couldn’t you just move to Jordan and not have to worry about that?
The world is not coming to an end. Our country & the countries mentioned will be over as we know it.Out of 195 countries, Jordan gets the pass? Why not Lebanon, Syria or Egypt?
Why do we care if the US becomes a third world country when in 2.5 years the world is going to come to an end? Couldn’t you just move to Jordan and not have to worry about that?
Wildman, I wouldn’t breach those subjects with you anyway. If you don’t believe in Chemtrails, you’re not going to buy the more advanced Truths I’m shlepping😎I just ask you to do one favor for me, when you see Chemtrails in the sky, identify the thin ones & watch the planes make the Chemtrails. You’ll see them spraying from one side of the sky to the other. I’m just asking you to observe them yourself
My quest: why do these powerful entities want to destroy their “kingdoms” that theyre already so powerful within?Wildman, I wouldn’t breach those subjects with you anyway. If you don’t believe in Chemtrails, you’re not going to buy the more advanced Truths I’m shlepping😎I just ask you to do one favor for me, when you see Chemtrails in the sky, identify the thin ones & watch the planes make the Chemtrails. You’ll see them spraying from one side of the sky to the other. I’m just asking you to observe them yourself
Good question…. Because Satan comes to Kill, Steal & Destroy & that’s who their father is. They’re basically willing to destroy the Northern Hemisphere & that’s why they’ve bought much property in the Southern Hemisphere.My quest: why do these powerful entities want to destroy their “kingdoms” that theyre already so powerful within?
That makes no sense. Why dont they want to destroy the entire earth and go love with their father in hell?Good question…. Because Satan comes to Kill, Steal & Destroy & that’s who their father is. They’re basically willing to destroy the Northern Hemisphere & that’s why they’ve bought much property in the Southern Hemisphere.