Also to the OP, I am glad you have gain some empathy and concern for others in regards to Corona. So your concern is appropriate and have nothing to do with being soft, it's what Jesus commanded that we love our neighbors.
I really think if we will to think differently about why we are being plagued with this virus, why is God allowing it to be. Yes i believe it's lab made etc...but God is ultimately in control but out of every situation there is a lesson for someone. Maybe it is because our hearts have grown cold to others, we have really lost sight if loving our neighbors and our enemies, we don't empathize or have compassion anymore (unless it's someone/ we can identify with) and we don't want to admit to our wrongs and just repent as individuals or as a Nation (and those wrongs go much further than a abortion). We are bog down in defiance and anger. I am really vexed & sorrowful where we are as a nation and it has nothing to do with politics but the hearts of the NATION'S PEOPLE. Our hearts dictate how we treat each other, think towards each other. So back to covid, when a mask, physical distancing, etc is asked because it might keep someone else safe, keep families together, protect our most wise and highly valuable citizens, etc...
yes our first instance maybe be i don't want to or i have a right not too. However, i will because i maybe ok but someone else may not. This is not my rights being taken but i will give up my wants for the greater good bc although i feel government is not right, Mrs Ethel who i don't know doesn't deserve to suffer because of my defiance to government (ex). My niece's 9yo classmate didn't deserve to lose both her parents (30's) due to COVID-19 (true story). Jesus didn't want to endure the cross either but he yielded his will for us. I think 2020 & corona can bring clearer vision if we focus on ensuring our hearts are right. So i THANK YOU OP to being opened to that experience of change, don't allow pressure from others or shame of being soft close that part of your heart off again. We will get thru this if we keep the mantra of "loving our brothers".