They’re eating the pets in Ohio!!!!

I have not read through the entire thread, but I have seen this happen in Berea 15 years ago. It’s was cats and has sitting on ice being cleaned in a gentleman’s sink. Culturally normal for some parts of the world. No CAP. I things it’s awful.
I have not read through the entire thread, but I have seen this happen in Berea 15 years ago. It’s was cats and has sitting on ice being cleaned in a gentleman’s sink. Culturally normal for some parts of the world. No CAP. I things it’s awful.
Go back to lurking.
You're right. There is nothing to see here.

"In response, DeWine announced on Wednesday he is sending $2.5 million in healthcare resources to help deal with the surge as well as sending additional Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers to help with traffic issues."
You're right. There is nothing to see here.

"In response, DeWine announced on Wednesday he is sending $2.5 million in healthcare resources to help deal with the surge as well as sending additional Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers to help with traffic issues."
What do you think "healthcare and public safety" mean, exactly?
They just pulled a Kamala with that "again" comment, but I'm sure you're ok with it. I recently changed my handle, for the first time, after 12 years.
So when you reveal yourself, will we remember you as a bleeding heart Democrat or was that something you made up to make an obtuse point?
I was a bleeding heart Democrat until covid.
What do you think "healthcare and public safety" mean, exactly?
What I think isn't important. DeWine primarily focused on two issues caused by the surge: healthcare and driving. He said most Haitians are not vaccinated and driver education is an issue since people over 18 can just take a test and as long as they pass, they can get a license. DeWine said issues have cropped up due to Haitians being unfamiliar with U.S. traffic laws.
You miss the point, as usual. I will give you that. An immigrant killed a wild goose and ate it. Happy?

Now... explain how that corroborates trump's story about "dogs and cats and pets" being killed and eaten in Ohio. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

I have never claimed to be smart. But I know a few things.

A goose is not a pet.
A goose is not a cat.
A goose is not a dog.
trump will never be president again.
Sorry bud. In the country many people keep geese / swans as pets. They actually make great alarms and i promise you they will give you all the fight you want.

I'll provide the swan if you want to fight. Only requirement is that i get to record it and post it to TI Politics board.
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Sorry bud. In the country many people keep geese / swans as pets. They actually make great alarms and i promise you they will give you all the fight you want.

I'll provide the swan if you want to fight. Only requirement is that i get to record it and post it to TI Politics board.

you are neither serious nor genuine. You have provided no evidence of immigrants stealing and eating cats and dogs.

Your candidate was unhinged last night, he is an embarrassment to this country.
So when you reveal yourself, will we remember you as a bleeding heart Democrat or was that something you made up to make an obtuse point?
Oh, I didn't think it a secret. I was OrangeBallz10. Feel free to sleuth. I'm sure I made plenty of idiotic liberal comments through the years. That's why I give you guys so much grace.
Sorry bud. In the country many people keep geese / swans as pets. They actually make great alarms and i promise you they will give you all the fight you want.

I'll provide the swan if you want to fight. Only requirement is that i get to record it and post it to TI Politics board.
I would pay to see that.
Oh, I didn't think it a secret. I was OrangeBallz10. Feel free to sleuth. I'm sure I made plenty of idiotic liberal comments through the years. That's why I give you guys so much grace.
Hmm, ok. I remember seeing the handle but I don't remember any political posts. I do find it odd though that you went from bleeding heart democrat to maga Republican because of covid. I'd love to hear that explanation.
Wait so vaccinations is what made you jump ship? That would be a weird thing to make a Democrat flip. I know hundreds and I've never heard any of them complain about the covid vaccine, only magas.
Vaccination deaths and illnesses. I know 0 unvaccinated people who were harmed. Can't keep count in the other direction, but that's merely the tip of the iceberg.

The ontological shock that your protective agency, the government, would harm you intentionally prevents many from waking up. I'm not afraid to admit I was fooled. I'm afraid of foolishly harming those I care about. I woke up.
Vaccination deaths and illnesses. I know 0 unvaccinated people who were harmed. Can't keep count in the other direction, but that's merely the tip of the iceberg.

The ontological shock that your protective agency, the government, would harm you intentionally prevents many from waking up. I'm not afraid to admit I was fooled. I'm afraid of foolishly harming those I care about. I woke up.

Vaccination deaths.... Good lord man, get off Twitter.
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Vaccination deaths and illnesses. I know 0 unvaccinated people who were harmed. Can't keep count in the other direction, but that's merely the tip of the iceberg.

The ontological shock that your protective agency, the government, would harm you intentionally prevents many from waking up. I'm not afraid to admit I was fooled. I'm afraid of foolishly harming those I care about. I woke up.
Oh brother...ok, I see how you are - it's sad though.
Nope, definitely nothing going on. All fake news.

Are you for real? Is this real life?

You shared a video of migrants in Europe and another video of residents in Springfield saying they heard on facebook people are eating cats.

Step 1. Create facebook posts about immigrants eating cats.
Step 2. Validate those posts by interviewing people there who read the facebook posts you created about immigrants eating cats.

This is like the election.

1. trump says there was fraud.
2. People go on facebook and make up evidence of election fraud.
3. trump's lawyer reads those posts on facebook and claims to now have evidence of fraud.
4. trump's lawyer goes in front of a judge and judge requests to see the evidence. lawyer cannot provide evidence bc they know it is bullshit.
5. judge throws case out of court (60+ times).
Receipts. Good luck to you both.

not this shit again
Forgot to include "this shit"

But I'm sure that former Pfizer execs and employees are simply lying, and your hopes and dreams are correct.

I'd love to say "you guys crack me up" but I genuinely feel for you. It's a tough pill to swallow.

OK you're a lost cause if you're that far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist known to be a fraudster who fear-mongers about COVID vaccines in order to sell you his supplements. I could blow up all this other nonsense as well if I wanted to take the time. No need to share any more twats from scammers - it won't help your cause.

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OK you're a lost cause if you're that far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist known to be a fraudster who fear-mongers about COVID in order to sell you his supplements. I could blow up all this other nonsense as well if I wanted to take the time. No need to share any more twats from scammers - it won't help your cause.

Good luck to you.
Forgot to include "this shit"

But I'm sure that former Pfizer execs and employees are simply lying, and your hopes and dreams are correct.

I'd love to say "you guys crack me up" but I genuinely feel for you. It's a tough pill to swallow.

9/10 dentists say you should use toothpaste and a toothbrush. you find that one dentist that recommends brushing with your shit and rinsing with your piss and call it good.
9/10 dentists say you should use toothpaste and a toothbrush. you find that one dentist that recommends brushing with your shit and rinsing with your piss and call it good.
Guess you've never heard of fluoride?

Look - I've said my piece, and I fully understand why you liberals continue to react the way you do. You have a safe space that you intend to stay deeply tucked into. I used to be the same way.

If only 1 person read/reads this thread and finds the strength to stand up for themselves, that's all I can hope for.
Guess you've never heard of fluoride?

Look - I've said my piece, and I fully understand why you liberals continue to react the way you do. You have a safe space that you intend to stay deeply tucked into. I used to be the same way.

If only 1 person read/reads this thread and finds the strength to stand up for themselves, that's all I can hope for.
for about the 23,453,553rd time I'm not voting for kamala. i think you and your party are a joke, but that doesn't make me a liberal.
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Just so we know where this narrative started. Well it started with white nationalists of course! The origin was a ****ing facebook post. Then it just two weeks this manufactored bull shit made it all the way to the presidential debate.
Amazing you idiots can even function. Ya'll are the most gullible useful idiots in American history.
Guess you've never heard of fluoride?

Look - I've said my piece, and I fully understand why you liberals continue to react the way you do. You have a safe space that you intend to stay deeply tucked into. I used to be the same way.

If only 1 person read/reads this thread and finds the strength to stand up for themselves, that's all I can hope for.
Dude you're literally standing up for a scammer without a virology degree who wants to sell you vitamins & minerals that you don't need to help you get rid of a spike protein that does you no harm and will be naturally eliminated from the body in short order. You should be embarrassed for pushing that ridiculous propaganda. That doesn't make you a strong person but it does say something about you.

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for about the 23,453,553th time I'm not voting for kamala. i think you and your party are a joke, but that doesn't make me a liberal.
Never said that you were voting for Harris, but now I'm genuinely curious. If you don't consider yourself a liberal, how do you categorize your beliefs?

I now consider myself a "conservative" but I'm far from a "republican." The uniparty is a scourge on this country.
Never said that you were voting for Harris, but now I'm genuinely curious. If you don't consider yourself a liberal, how do you categorize your beliefs?

I now consider myself a "conservative" but I'm far from a "republican." The uniparty is a scourge on this country.
the third parties are the only way to vote for the last three or four elections if you want to have a clean consensus. you can actually vote for a moderate and someone who, in most cases, actually aligns with your beliefs. I know, it's an insane concept. if you have to pin it down because it makes that much of a difference to you I'd say libertarian is closest, but they're too far gone in some ways too.
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