They’re eating the pets in Ohio!!!!

my absolute favorites are the “listen you sheep just don’t get it bc you’re not enlightened. Stop reading mainstream stuff and check out this info from <insert Twitter avatar of a Roman bust and a username with 7 different numbers and letters>” guys.

It’s just all a conspiracy where 99% of medical professionals disagree with the truth bc they’re all getting paid by big pharma.
my absolute favorites are the “listen you sheep just don’t get it bc you’re not enlightened. Stop reading mainstream stuff and check out this info from <insert Twitter avatar of a Roman bust and a username with 7 different numbers and letters>” guys.

It’s just all a conspiracy where 99% of medical professionals disagree with the truth bc they’re all getting paid by big pharma.
The radicalization of people via social media exposes the most gullible, but is very very dangerous.
This whole eating pets thing is a huge W for Trump.

He got the national media to pay attention the migrant crisis in Ohio. It will drive the news cycle for a few days.

People are pissed that illegals are coming in and taking tax dollars that traditionally went to their neighborhoods. Especially blacks, since those are the neighborhoods they send the illegals to.
Funny, I read a comment by a CEO who employed 30 Haitians and wished more of his employees were Haitian because they work so hard. That’s pretty typical for immigrants coming to America.
the third parties are the only way to vote for the last three or four elections if you want to have a clean consensus. you can actually vote for a moderate and someone who, in most cases, actually aligns with your beliefs. I know, it's an insane concept. if you have to pin it down because it makes that much of a difference to you I'd say libertarian is closest, but they're too far gone in some ways too.
Why is that an insane concept? I think many would agree with that statement. I align much more with libertarians than L/R. I still think Kennedy would have been the best choice, in a vacuum, this year.
lol did he really hit us with “what you don’t know about fluoride??”
You've clearly consumed plenty of fluoride.
in his mind he's owning us
This definitely won't fit the liberal narrative ITT 😂

"Give it time. It will and up on your doorstep. It is culture."
Buddy, you fell for the ole, make a facebook post, then have all your twitter accounts post about it, trick. YOU LITERALLY SWALLOWED HOLE A NARRATIVE MANUFACTORED BY NEONAZI"S WITH 0 EVIDENCE. ON FACE VALUE. smoke that shit and realize, you are lost in the sauce.
Buddy, you fell for the ole, make a facebook post, then have all your twitter accounts post about it, trick. YOU LITERALLY SWALLOWED HOLE A NARRATIVE MANUFACTORED BY NEONAZI"S WITH 0 EVIDENCE. ON FACE VALUE. smoke that shit and realize, you are lost in the sauce.
Show your evidence. I'll wait.
Show your evidence. I'll wait.

Conservative commentators were angered by Trump’s falsehoods, seemingly frustrated that the former president had been misled by rumors on social media.

“You stupid mf’ers just got Trump to repeat your lie about the pets,” Erick Erickson, a conservative talk radio host based in Atlanta, wrote on X shortly after the debate. “Congrats on setting the news stories tomorrow by lying so Trump picks it up,” he added.

Springfield Police Division said it was aware of the “rumors” but has no information to support them.

“In response to recent rumors alleging criminal activity by the immigrant population in our city, we wish to clarify that there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community,”