They’re eating the pets in Ohio!!!!

my absolute favorites are the “listen you sheep just don’t get it bc you’re not enlightened. Stop reading mainstream stuff and check out this info from <insert Twitter avatar of a Roman bust and a username with 7 different numbers and letters>” guys.

It’s just all a conspiracy where 99% of medical professionals disagree with the truth bc they’re all getting paid by big pharma.
my absolute favorites are the “listen you sheep just don’t get it bc you’re not enlightened. Stop reading mainstream stuff and check out this info from <insert Twitter avatar of a Roman bust and a username with 7 different numbers and letters>” guys.

It’s just all a conspiracy where 99% of medical professionals disagree with the truth bc they’re all getting paid by big pharma.
The radicalization of people via social media exposes the most gullible, but is very very dangerous.
This whole eating pets thing is a huge W for Trump.

He got the national media to pay attention the migrant crisis in Ohio. It will drive the news cycle for a few days.

People are pissed that illegals are coming in and taking tax dollars that traditionally went to their neighborhoods. Especially blacks, since those are the neighborhoods they send the illegals to.
Funny, I read a comment by a CEO who employed 30 Haitians and wished more of his employees were Haitian because they work so hard. That’s pretty typical for immigrants coming to America.
the third parties are the only way to vote for the last three or four elections if you want to have a clean consensus. you can actually vote for a moderate and someone who, in most cases, actually aligns with your beliefs. I know, it's an insane concept. if you have to pin it down because it makes that much of a difference to you I'd say libertarian is closest, but they're too far gone in some ways too.
Why is that an insane concept? I think many would agree with that statement. I align much more with libertarians than L/R. I still think Kennedy would have been the best choice, in a vacuum, this year.
lol did he really hit us with “what you don’t know about fluoride??”
You've clearly consumed plenty of fluoride.
in his mind he's owning us
This definitely won't fit the liberal narrative ITT 😂

"Give it time. It will and up on your doorstep. It is culture."
Buddy, you fell for the ole, make a facebook post, then have all your twitter accounts post about it, trick. YOU LITERALLY SWALLOWED HOLE A NARRATIVE MANUFACTORED BY NEONAZI"S WITH 0 EVIDENCE. ON FACE VALUE. smoke that shit and realize, you are lost in the sauce.
Buddy, you fell for the ole, make a facebook post, then have all your twitter accounts post about it, trick. YOU LITERALLY SWALLOWED HOLE A NARRATIVE MANUFACTORED BY NEONAZI"S WITH 0 EVIDENCE. ON FACE VALUE. smoke that shit and realize, you are lost in the sauce.
Show your evidence. I'll wait.
Show your evidence. I'll wait.

Conservative commentators were angered by Trump’s falsehoods, seemingly frustrated that the former president had been misled by rumors on social media.

“You stupid mf’ers just got Trump to repeat your lie about the pets,” Erick Erickson, a conservative talk radio host based in Atlanta, wrote on X shortly after the debate. “Congrats on setting the news stories tomorrow by lying so Trump picks it up,” he added.

Springfield Police Division said it was aware of the “rumors” but has no information to support them.

“In response to recent rumors alleging criminal activity by the immigrant population in our city, we wish to clarify that there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community,”

Before Vance, neo-Nazis helped spread the debunked claims​

The now-refuted claim appears to have gotten its start online in early August, when a user on the far-right social platform Gab with the screenname "bri ory" commented on photos of members of the white supremacist neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe marching through Springfield protesting Haitian migrants and carrying swastika flags. The commenter claimed that “once haitians (sic) swarm into a town animals start to disappear.”

Later in August, a resident named Anthony Harris claimed at a Springfield City Commission meeting that the migrants were eating ducks in the park. A member of the same neo-Nazi group also attended the meeting and the group later echoed that claim on Gab. Days later, it appeared on X.

Haitian immigrants in Springfield have been the targets of rumors for some time, as NPR reported last month. GOP committee woman Glenda Bailey has become one of the loudest voices against Haitian migration, publicly accusing the community of having diseases, carrying out Voodoo rites, and being involved in gangs.

Before Vance, neo-Nazis helped spread the debunked claims​

The now-refuted claim appears to have gotten its start online in early August, when a user on the far-right social platform Gab with the screenname "bri ory" commented on photos of members of the white supremacist neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe marching through Springfield protesting Haitian migrants and carrying swastika flags. The commenter claimed that “once haitians (sic) swarm into a town animals start to disappear.”

Later in August, a resident named Anthony Harris claimed at a Springfield City Commission meeting that the migrants were eating ducks in the park. A member of the same neo-Nazi group also attended the meeting and the group later echoed that claim on Gab. Days later, it appeared on X.

Haitian immigrants in Springfield have been the targets of rumors for some time, as NPR reported last month. GOP committee woman Glenda Bailey has become one of the loudest voices against Haitian migration, publicly accusing the community of having diseases, carrying out Voodoo rites, and being involved in gangs.

Father of boy in Springfield who was killed by a Haitian immigrant tells Trump and Vance to keep his son’s name out of their ****ing mouths when they are spreading their hate mongering.

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And it all could have been fixed had Trump not blocked a bipartisan immigration bill.

How can you not acknowledge that he had a hand in continuing the issue? He doesn't want to fix it, he wants to use it to scare his base.
What a dumb comment yoshi. You are out of your mind on this.
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Dude you're literally standing up for a scammer without a virology degree who wants to sell you vitamins & minerals that you don't need to help you get rid of a spike protein that does you no harm and will be naturally eliminated from the body in short order. You should be embarrassed for pushing that ridiculous propaganda. That doesn't make you a strong person but it does say something about you.

McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detox: Trio

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This bundle consists of these three powerful ingredients: Spike Support's Nattokinase, Bromelain, and Turmeric Extract, based directly on Dr. McCullough's groundbreaking McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detox.

Buy the official McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detox bundle today, researched by Dr. Peter McCullough.*
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No virology degree? You referring to Fauci??
Funny, I read a comment by a CEO who employed 30 Haitians and wished more of his employees were Haitian because they work so hard. That’s pretty typical for immigrants coming to America.
Look at my post history.

I don’t care how many people come into our country. If we need labor that is great.

However, it must be done in a legal and orderly fashion so 1) we know who is coming into our county (no criminals) 2) so it does not overwhelm our communities. As it is we have governors and mayors begging for mercy.

I don’t care what nationality they are, follow the process.
Why is that an insane concept? I think many would agree with that statement. I align much more with libertarians than L/R. I still think Kennedy would have been the best choice, in a vacuum, this year.

You've clearly consumed plenty of fluoride.

If you think Kennedy was a good choice you should lose your right to vote. I would probably pick trump over him.
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Hillary Clinton Lol GIF
Look at my post history.

I don’t care how many people come into our country. If we need labor that is great.

However, it must be done in a legal and orderly fashion so 1) we know who is coming into our county (no criminals) 2) so it does not overwhelm our communities. As it is we have governors and mayors begging for mercy.

I don’t care what nationality they are, follow the process.

And these Haitians did follow the process. They are here legally.

We had a chance at a bi-partisan immigration bill that Trump killed so he could continue to bitch about immigration.

He doesn't actually want( or have a plan) to fix anything, he just wants to keep his minions angry
  • Haha
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If you think Kennedy was a good choice you should lose your right to vote. I would probably pick trump over him.

I'm a Democrat but my comrades are aghast that I'm conflicted on who I'd vote for between Kennedy and Trump.
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I'm a Democrat but my comrades are aghast that I'm conflicted on who I'd vote for between Kennedy and Trump.
Maybe just vote for a candidate you actually agree with and is capable of doing a good job?
Yeah. He kinda does without there being a National Emergency allowing the use of Executive Powers.

The President of America isn't allowed to unilaterally change laws. That's literally why we have checks and balances.

Remember when y'all were so mad about the Obama Executive Orders? Funny how that changed when Trump did it.

I love the ignorance of the MAGA world. Did you guys not take Government in high school?
So that is why Trump had the border essentially closed for the last 2 years of his term with the lowest illegal immigration numbers in many years. Biden reversed Trumps executive orders on day one and the flow started pouring in. So it's bullshit that a president doesn't have the power to close the border. Yes technically it has to go through congress but it is easy to justify an emergency closing with what is going on right now with 10,000-15,000 a day coming across and all the fentanyl deaths' and child sex trafficking. We just witnessed a perfect example of being done both ways.
As far as the bill they were talking about, it was trash. all it did was give money to hire more administrative agents to process people faster coming in the country, not for agents to stop the flow, that is why it was opposed by so many, it was joke. There was also a lot of money gong to other junk not related to the border too. The border aside, The Harris/Biden administration is flying 10's of thousands of people into the country monthly bypassing the border completely, so the numbers haven't really decreased. . Do you really think they will actually stop now?

Sounds like you have a case of Trump Derangement syndrome. There are plenty of things I don't care for that Trump does or says and it drives me nuts, He probably makes me cringe 3 times a week, I don't like it, but I don't give a damn about that as long as he stops the madness that is going on right now. I am deeply concerned about the significant policy issues of the current administration. The Biden admin. doesn't give a damn about what it does to our country as long as they can get more people in to vote Democrat. It is truly shocking. Over a Hundred thousand additional deaths from fentanyl poisonings due to the out of control border, 10's of thousand of more women and children trafficked into the sex trade due to the border. Immigration is just the tip of the ice burg, I could go on for pages. it is amazing how many people will turn a blind eye to all of this just to keep Trump out of office. I can live with a guy who days dumb stuff every now and then if we make can stop the dumpster fire!!
Even legacy media channels are reporting it now. But I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding...

Remember how I told you that now that you've devoted yourself to the dark web, instead of the truth, you'll be constantly bombarded by fraudsters who try to trick you?

If the News4JAX logo didn't provide a hint, I'll just spell it out for you. Redwing St is in an area of Jacksonville FLORIDA called Springfield

Stop being such an easy mark dude SMH

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Remember how I told you that now that you've devoted yourself to the dark web, instead of the truth, you'll be constantly bombarded by fraudsters who try to trick you?

If the News4JAX logo didn't provide a hint, I'll just spell it out for you. Redwing St is in an area of Jacksonville FLORIDA called Springfield

Stop being such an easy mark dude SMH

Dark web this. But nah, they aren't doing it here bc American cats don't taste as good. You've devolved your ability to think.

Dark web this. But nah, they aren't doing it here bc American cats don't taste as good. You've devolved your ability to think.

No, no, no - we don't get to move on to your next attempt to fool us before you address your previous post. Are you going to admit that you were duped into believing a falsehood because you don't care about accuracy?
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No, no, no - we don't get to move on to your next attempt to fool us before you address your previous post. Are you going to admit that you were duped into believing a falsehood because you don't care about accuracy?
Uh, wut? I brought receipts. You brought liberal propaganda. I'm genuinely confused how I ever thought the way you guys do... It hurts my brain to even think about the sort of mental gymnastics I used to pull off.

Edit to ask - are Florida cats different than Ohio cats? That's a new one for me.
Buddy, you fell for the ole, make a facebook post, then have all your twitter accounts post about it, trick. YOU LITERALLY SWALLOWED HOLE A NARRATIVE MANUFACTORED BY NEONAZI"S WITH 0 EVIDENCE. ON FACE VALUE. smoke that shit and realize, you are lost in the sauce.
Remind us again how many hoax's you have fallen for? Here is a hint, way too many to keep count of. I find it rich that you claim how other people are brainwashed etc. Look in the mirror and get your own house in order...

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Uh, wut? I brought receipts. You brought liberal propaganda. I'm genuinely confused how I ever thought the way you guys do... It hurts my brain to even think about the sort of mental gymnastics I used to pull off.

Edit to ask - are Florida cats different than Ohio cats? That's a new one for me.
Folks, this is what terminal online brain looks like.

An example for everyone in what happens when you don't audit your consumption and spend wayyyyy too much time online.
Folks, this is what terminal online brain looks like.

An example for everyone in what happens when you don't audit your consumption and spend wayyyyy too much time online.
Guess you cant dispute his claims with any evidence to counter them... Funny how the left always claim what they in fact are guilty of. Its all projection...
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