They’re eating the pets in Ohio!!!!

Guess you cant dispute his claims with any evidence to counter them... Funny how the left always claim what they in fact are guilty of. Its all projection...
He started out in this thread saying there's illegal immigrants in Ohio eating pets. That was disproven by the Governor, Mayor, and other city officials. He's now pivoting to trying to find videos of any immigrants in the US harming pets as proven by the videos provided above. Are there people in the US harming pets? Yes, in a population of 350+million people you're going to find lunatics doing crazy shit.
Uh, wut? I brought receipts. You brought liberal propaganda. I'm genuinely confused how I ever thought the way you guys do... It hurts my brain to even think about the sort of mental gymnastics I used to pull off.

Edit to ask - are Florida cats different than Ohio cats? That's a new one for me.
Do I really need to break this down for you? In a thread about HAITIANS EATING cats in Springfield OHIO, you posted a video about a PERSON (nationality unknown) KILLING a cat in a neighborhood called Springfield in FLORIDA.

How stupid do you and @TigerRagRob think we are?
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Do I really need to break this down for you? In a thread about HAITIANS EATING cats in Springfield OHIO, you posted a video about a PERSON (nationality unknown) KILLING a cat in a neighborhood called Springfield in FLORIDA.

How stupid do you and @TigerRagRob think we are?
I think most here know that you are either stupid or just pure evil and just lie about everything. Its either one or the other and neither is good for you...
I think most here know that you are either stupid or just pure evil and just lie about everything. Its either one or the other and neither is good for you...
Says the guy who worships a tool who gets paid $100, 000 an episode to spread Russian propaganda and insists it's true.

If I'm consrtantly lying, why don't you ever disprove the things I've said?

I just disputed your fellow dark webber's claims with evidence but instead of acknowledging that he was peddling nonsense, you state:
Guess you cant dispute his claims with any evidence to counter them
WTF? 🤷‍♂️ 🤡
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Says the guy who worships a tool who gets paid $100, 000 an episode to spread Russian propaganda and insists it's true.

If I'm consrtantly lying, why don't you ever disprove the things I've said?

I just disputed your fellow dark webber's claims with evidence but instead of acknowledging that he was peddling nonsense, you state:

WTF? 🤷‍♂️ 🤡
You mean the guy that sources his takes using mainstream media? Ive disproved many things you have stated in the past using the laws on the books. Where to start Russiagate? Covid? The jab? How many hoax's do I need to keep exposing and you have been proven wrong about over and over and over again and again and again about? This is why I tend to think that your not stupid, but evil instead. You say whatever you think that you need to to try and win whatever at all cost...
You mean the guy that sources his takes using mainstream media? Ive disproved many things you have stated in the past using the laws on the books. Where to start Russiagate? Covid? The jab? How many hoax's do I need to keep exposing and you have been proven wrong about over and over and over again and again and again about? This is why I tend to think that your not stupid, but evil instead. You say whatever you think that you need to to try and win whatever at all cost...
LOL, one of his sources for his charge about the dead Missouri voters was the Xchan account "End Wokeness" LOLOL. Mainstream my ass.

You're so full of shit and you've never disproven a damn thing I've said and it's quite the opposite. As an example, for the collusion investigation, I provided documentation including 5 quotes from Republican Trey Gowdy and your attempt to prove me wrong was something like "everybody knows it was Hillary and the DNC" LMAO

Not only are you too dumb to prove me wrong, you refuse to use credible sources, so you'll never be able to.

PS - it's "you're"
You mean the guy that sources his takes using mainstream media? Ive disproved many things you have stated in the past using the laws on the books. Where to start Russiagate? Covid? The jab? How many hoax's do I need to keep exposing and you have been proven wrong about over and over and over again and again and again about? This is why I tend to think that your not stupid, but evil instead. You say whatever you think that you need to to try and win whatever at all cost...

What you claim is proof isn't proof.
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Do I really need to break this down for you? In a thread about HAITIANS EATING cats in Springfield OHIO, you posted a video about a PERSON (nationality unknown) KILLING a cat in a neighborhood called Springfield in FLORIDA.

How stupid do you and @TigerRagRob think we are?
I didn't give a rats ass where it's happening. Migrants are bringing the worst of their culture, in droves, over the border and into American cities.

Are you ok with it happening in Florida as long as it isn't in Ohio? What a weird stance to take.
I didn't give a rats ass where it's happening. Migrants are bringing the worst of their culture, in droves, over the border and into American cities.

Are you ok with it happening in Florida as long as it isn't in Ohio? What a weird stance to take.
SMFH. Did you actually watch the video you sent me to prove your hallucinations? Play it again and tell me the min/sec mark where they said a "migrant" killed the cat....

I'll wait
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Folks, this is what Kamala brain looks like. Allowing a political party to audit their consumption "for their protection."
lol nice. I’m voting for Kamala because she’s not Trump. If the GOP put forward anyone else I’d probably question who to vote for depending on their policies and stances, but as of now the GOP is an abortion of a political party. Their main constituency now is conspiracy theory lunatics and grievance whores.
I didn't give a rats ass where it's happening. Migrants are bringing the worst of their culture, in droves, over the border and into American cities.

Are you ok with it happening in Florida as long as it isn't in Ohio? What a weird stance to take.
This is some deliciously racist framing. You’d do better just saying you don’t want any non-anglos coming over. Demonizing an entire bloc of immigrants over an unverified video is some harebrained shit
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This is some deliciously racist framing. You’d do better just saying you don’t want any non-anglos coming over. Demonizing an entire bloc of immigrants over an unverified video is some harebrained shit
The video didn't even mention it being an immigrant and only used this description. Didn't even describe his race but somehow he spun that into a dark-skinned immigrant smh

Sorry bud. In the country many people keep geese / swans as pets. They actually make great alarms and i promise you they will give you all the fight you want.

I'll provide the swan if you want to fight. Only requirement is that i get to record it and post it to TI Politics board.
The only person I know who keeps geese is a white USMC gunny in Virginia who kills one for Christmas dinner every year.
Well this isn't exactly what some wanted to hear, let's take a roll call here:

So are you guys going to offer an apology for your rhetoric in this thread?
Let me ask you this teeter:

If Vance and Trump hadn't spewed all those malicious lies, do you still think Springfield would have received all those bomb threats?

Is there no possibility that there are ex-pats overseas that are magas?

Was the foreign country Russia? If so, they work for maga and their MO has always been to sow discord any way they can so this is something they would definitely do.

But more than anything else, did Trump call for the bomb threats to stop when he was given the opportunity or was he irresponsible as usual and dismiss them?

Oh and F DC Draino - anyone who uses him as a source is a mental midget.

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Wait a minute are the MAGA folks suddenly saying Russians have infiltrated our geopolitical scene?
Let me ask you this teeter:

If Vance and Trump hadn't spewed all those malicious lies, do you still think Springfield would have received all those bomb threats?

Is there no possibility that there are ex-pats overseas that are magas?

Was the foreign country Russia? If so, they work for maga and their MO has always been to sow discord any way they can so this is something they would definitely do.

But more than anything else, did Trump call for the bomb threats to stop when he was given the opportunity or was he irresponsible as usual and dismiss them?

Oh and F DC Draino - anyone who uses him as a source is a mental midget.

Oh no, something from