THIS IS BIG: US Census Bureau Confirms HUGE CONFLICT in Total Number of Voters in 2020 Election


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Incredible! Wake up American people! The deep state has stolen our country from us! We are the majority and are on our knees now due to our trusting nature and lack of citizen involvement.

By Joe Hoft
Published May 9, 2021 at 12:00pm

The results of the 2020 Election are again not supported by evidence. This time the data reported by the Census Bureau conflicts with the election results.

According to the US Census Bureau’s results from the 2020 Census, their are obvious discrepancies with the results of the 2020 Election.
Via Election Wiz:
US Census data released last week called into question the official vote tally from the 2020 election. As part of the Census, the government collects data on citizens who self-report as having voted in presidential elections. The collected data shows an unusual anomaly in the reported results.
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According to the Census, the recorded number of people voting in 2020 was tallied at 154,628,000. On the other hand, official results place the number of actual ballots cast slightly north of 158 million. That’s a discrepancy of nearly four million votes.
Speaking to pollster Richard Baris during an episode of “Inside the Numbers,” lawyer Robert Barnes said historically, the Census tends to “pin on the nose” the recorded vote numbers with the actual results. In other words, often the two data sets reasonably match.
Barnes is right. For example, the bureau was nearly spot-on in 2008, slightly under-reporting that 131,100,000 voted, while the official results showed 131,300,000 ballots cast.
The Election Wiz continues:
Of course, sometimes the Census has missed the mark. But for decades, in almost every case where the Census grossly botched the results, it was because the bureau over-recorded the number of those who voted.
Consider the following: In 1992, the Census over recorded the official results by slightly more than nine million. In 1996, the Census again over recorded the number of reported voters by roughly nine million. Similarly, the bureau recorded the number of those who voted in the 2004 election as 125 million, while official results placed the total at 122 million.
We now have multiple data markers that provide evidence the election results are not reasonable.

This is something Big Media and Big Tech will not share. They have been covering for this fraudulent election for months. What a disgrace.

the old 'i don't understand so it must have been rigged' argument. imagine how dumb you'd have to be for this argument work on you. sad really
the old 'i don't understand so it must have been rigged' argument. imagine how dumb you'd have to be for this argument work on you. sad really

It's no coincidence that Trump has a passionate following among older, uneducated white voters.

It's no coincidence that Trump has a passionate following among older, uneducated white voters.

I am educated and more than smart enough regardless to deal with you liberal bozos. I would bet a lot of money that some uneducated farmers outs in the country could run circles around you pompous entitled young libs.
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I am educated and more than smart enough regardless to deal with you liberal bozos. I would bet a lot of money that some uneducated farmers outs in the country could run circles around you pompous entitled young libs.
