I understand how you feel. It's why I was adamantly against Trump during the primary. My reason for that was in his book he said apologizing is a sign of weakness so never do it. I could not disagree about that more. The ability to admit you're wrong and be sorry for it is a core pillar of true strength. For the good things he can do, he's a fatally flawed individual and in such a spectacular way that it was only matter of time before it consumed him. Sadly, we have seen that happen since the election.
Here's where I think we're entering dangerous waters though. The people who supported Trump have been demonized, labeled and ostracized in so many ways by so many people with little to no regard for reality. It's all about politics and power. For a lot of these people, Trump was the one who would stand up to this establishment and he was their middle finger toward these people. The vitriol exchanged between both sides was unlike anything I have ever seen.
Behind it all, there is a message and if we don't start balancing out our culture, we're going to end up in a civil war. Just like we saw frustrations from the black community boil over this Summer, we have a the same thing with regard to many rural communities and people who just aren't represented by our government. This is a problem in a lot of places and it's something we have to at least try to understand and address in every way we can. When people feel they have no voice, no consideration, no representation, no recognition for the issues they face, it ultimately will lead to an explosive expression of these frustrations and we've seen that all too often of late. Hence the rise of BLM, Antifa, white supremacists, AOC, Sanders, Trump.
People just glossed over when an armed man attacked the GOP softball team a number of years ago. That was a significant story which needed a lot more attention so we could see the path we're headed down. Since then multiple elected officials on both sides have been assaulted but the vast majority of this has been directed toward GOP and conservatives because they have been constantly and wrongly branded as Nazis, racists and bigots in the media. It has to stop and we need to start seeing each other as people again who may have different views but we're still Americans.
Our government shouldn't be a participant in our culture in this country. It should be a guardian of liberty and justice but it is not meant to be used as a weapon to forward the agendas of either side. That's a long lost truth that could lead us to ruin if we're not careful. Those of us that understand economics know that even before Covid, we were spending money in an unsustainable way. There's just too much government overreach and to little understanding of the kind of society we're creating. It's one that won't function, won't be free and won't have the kind of opportunity people have come to expect in this country.
Truth needs to have its day. There will be inconvenient realities for both sides if that happens. But we're never going to pull out of this death spiral if we don't embrace the need to face facts no matter how inconvenient they are. No matter how much we posture or argue for our views, if we ignore the truth, we'll never stand on solid ground. We see that all over our politics. The last two presidential elections we ran candidates on both sides who wouldn't know the truth if it bumped into them. That's got to stop.