except, once again, that’s not true. I’ve help several civil conversations with folks on here, including with you in the short period where I bought the idea that you were the “reasonable” conservative. Then you switched to ad hominem attack and apologizing for a violent coup attempt.
Folks like you have spent 4 years defending the guy who has ripped the country apart and calling all Democrats “Marxists” but only now that you’re getting called out for it do you demand civility.
My post simply laid out the times Trump defended or praised literal Nazis. Those instances were pretty undeniable. And your response was to ask when I was “radicalized.”
You were trying to brush off sympathy for white supremacists by calling ME a radical. Then you demand civility.
Do you not see the massive hypocrisy there?
Was it a coup attempt when antifa created CHAZ and took over a portion of a city and a police station? That wasn't conservatives btw. Was it a coup attempt when hundreds of protesters broke into a senate building to protest Kavanaugh being sworn in? Was it a coup attempt when cities were under siege, police departments and state buildings being destroyed and people calling for abolishing the police? The point of everything above isn't to justify the other, you totally missed the point. I desperately want everyone to come together to condemn it all but you're too busy looking for blood because many might have voted in a way you didn't agree with and you are attacking them for it now and you will continue to attack them for it in the future. I'm not the only person on here that's been on the receiving end of it just so we are clear.
This is the hypocrisy that many have to tried to flag to you. Two wrongs don't make a right yet you seem to forget or acknowledge the other examples are wrongs. Did you condemn Johny Depp when he said he might assassinate a sitting president? What about Madonna when she said she might blow up the white house? What about Hillary when she suggested Biden never concede? Trump not conceding is a problem but it was ok when Hillary was telling Biden not to? Maxine W, Chris Cuomo, Ayanna P, Kamala, all indirectly encouraging protests (ie, riots) and I don't see you suggesting we round them up and kick them out. Why not? What's different? They all have viable platforms and have encouraged violence.
What I've said all year is that the majority of the nation is near the center and we need to get back there regardless of who's in office. What I've said all year is there is negative influence away from the center on both sides and I've even gone as far as to say that I am overly anti all forms of "radical" . No place for it and you start resembling nations in which I fought in if you continue to allow it. I've said that repeatedly. You just choose to read and interpret how you want so that you can use it against me or against others of a different view from yourself.
I thought Obama did a pretty damn good job of ripping the country a part but I'd bet you view that differently right? Do you think maybe that's because we might have different values or we might prioritize some things over others based on how they impact us as individuals or families? This is why discussing politics makes little sense. Like religion, it's down to interpretation and individual values.
And...... you're not civil......calling me a nazi, traitor with blood on my hands isn't civil. Telling me to go f*ck myself isn't civil. When you respond like that, I don't want to absorb your message. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to try and understand how you might have some valid points. I stop seeing you as the bright guy that you might be and I view you as nothing more than an online bully, influencer that abuses people if they don't agree with him. I can't stand people that behave that way and what's embarrassing is that I came down to your level and continue to engage you.
For the record, I demanded civility before we ever spoke or crossed paths because I give it to others. I certainly gave it to you until I didn't receive it. Now you simply don't deserve it.