I'm sure this narrative suits you to justify the extraordinary control of everything that people like you seem to want but all available evidence demonstrates how detached from reality this viewpoint is. I really hope you'll wake up to the truth at some point.
Who wants to control every aspect of our economy?
Who wants the government to be the sole provider of almost all benefits including health care?
Who wants to force people to take shots or vaccinations that they may or may not want which may or may not work and are poorly tested?
Who wants to force kids to take tests to prove they don't have a disease before returning to school?
Who wants to control the flow of information and dictate through government agencies what misinformation and disinformation are?
Who wants to control what can be said on social media and other free speech platforms?
Who wants to decide what terms and words are acceptable in society?
Who wants to disarm the public in an effort to gain greater control over them and stop dangerous behavior?
Who overtly wants to disregard the Constitution and the laws of our country in every way that is convenient to them?
Look at how abortent Fox News is and their promotion of right wing ideas. Then consider almost the entire remainder of the media apparatus does the same in reverse. How's that working out for us as a country to have such partisan media? Who started that process?
Who regularly seeks to undermine the religious freedom of the citizens of this country?
Which party comes up with these positively Orwellian names for legislation and an attempt to mislead the public as to what exactly is really in the legislation?
I could go on and on but ultimately you need to realize that what you are so afraid of is exactly what the left in this country has become.
There is no greater power for the usurpation of freedom than the political left in the United States today. I'm sorry you feel the way you do but it doesn't mean that what you're saying is reality. It doesn't exist anywhere but in the minds of people like you and for that I pity you. Especially when you consider the most free states in this country are the ones that tend to lean harder to the modern Republican party absent of Trump which is very much like the Democrats used to be back in the JFK era.
- They’re chipping away your freedom to choose when, how, and with whom you start a family by passing
ever more restrictive abortion bans.
- They’re chipping away the freedom to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom.
- Many are chipping away students’ freedom to learn about America’s history of racism and discrimination.
- They're chipping away at your right to read what you want
- They’re also chipping away at the most fundamental freedom of all - the right to vote –
restricting everything from mail-in voting to ballot dropboxes.
As long as people like you insist on forcing this form of freedom down our throats, we'll never truly be free.
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Basically you're saying the President is responsible for the safety of the American people, right? So that means he should see that the laws of our nation are followed? And as Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces, he should see to our foreign policy with the advise and consent of the Senate? And he also should see to the protection of our people by defending our borders perhaps?
Yeah, we're not doing too well there, are we? In fact, when is the last President that did these things? Been a while I would say.
The things you mentioned above aren't really freedoms in the sense you stated them. Look, Roe v. Wade has been known to be a poorly decided case for decades. Even liberal justices would concur with that sentiment and have on many occasions. There was ample time and opportunity to codify abortion into law but it was never taken. Let's not act like this is some sudden development. Also, the technology and science available to us now brings into question so many things the were foundational to the original decision in the first place.
Secondly, it's not like babies just randomly spawn in women. You have to make a series of decisions to get pregnant. The right to choose is present through 100% of those steps for 99.999999% of the instances in question.
As for the gender stuff, there's no freedom to discuss those things with my kids in any classroom. I can handle that. The schools have no role whatsoever in that and the whole process of sexual education has been a poorly conceived and executed debacle from the outset. Not the job of the government.
You can read anything you like. And also, let's not ignore that both sides have made determinations as to what is OK to read and what isn't. This isn't a one-way thing. I'm sure you know that but you seem to have forgotten about that. Also, why don't you list the books at the center of the controversy and we can talk about them. I doubt you'll like to debate the merits of those books. Nevertheless, I am not for them being censored. I am 100% against them being taught to my kids without my consent.
Voting is one of our most fundamental rights. You are 100% correct there. And as such, great care should be taken to protect the integrity of the vote. After all, an illegally cast ballot cancels out your vote or my vote. Each vote that is not cast legally cancels out a legitimate vote. So we should make sure that our elections are secure and safe. After all, since 2000, we've questioned every election held and undermined the integrity of the vote over and over again. This isn't a partisan thing. Both sides have participated and not really equally if you actually want to review the history. Given that you are so absolutely correct, we should be doing everything imaginable to make sure voting is secure and the integrity of elections is as high as possible.
I don't want to force anything on you. You're welcome to have children when you want, read what you want, marry who you want, live with who you want and vote legally. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Except when you twist everything to serve an agenda you think is best for everyone and force kids to learn things that just aren't reality or are against the wishes of their parents. We do pay for the schools you know?
I’m hoping you have loved ones to enjoy today with.
Hahaha, I'm in Charlotte with them nowI’m hoping you have loved ones to enjoy today with.
Happy Thanksgiving
It's honestly beyond ridiculous. I hunt. I have guns. Please though someone tell me how we are going to fix this without restrictions to ARs. I simply don't see a way. People are going to keep doing this if we don't change the access.Bump for the 39 mass shootings we’ve had in America so far in January!
Republicans argue that we need to address mental health.It's honestly beyond ridiculous. I hunt. I have guns. Please though someone tell me how we are going to fix this without restrictions to ARs. I simply don't see a way. People are going to keep doing this if we don't change the access.
Yah. The current republican platform is to just obstruct government in whatever way is possible. I don't want to paint with too broad a brush but I've seen a lot of our quality of life go down in this country due to straight up defrauding the citizens with bad faith governance on their part.Republicans argue that we need to address mental health.
GOP: Let's render the government dysfunctional and then point and say I told you so.Yah. The current republican platform is to just obstruct government in whatever way is possible. I don't want to paint with too broad a brush but I've seen a lot of our quality of life go down in this country due to straight up defrauding the citizens with bad faith governance on their part.
Education for example is known to be completely underfunded. The great republican plan was no child left behind which defunds poor performing schools.... they revealed their true intentions with Betsy Devos. They plan to underfund Education and get people to hate it so they can privatize it for profit and propaganda. Weirdos also want to indoctrinate the youth and can't do so directly with government money as it's against the constitution
It's effectively stealing our tax dollars.
Anyway the mental health issues in this country are related to our health care, education and social services which are brutally under funded. Obviously republicans are not going to fund programs properly. They want to privatize them.