Time to ban children from churches?

Republican Councilman Riley Carter

Raped his 11 year old step daughter, while getting elected as a republican while campaigning on cracking down on pedos.
Great stuff here.

why is it always projection, I think we should take a closer look at all the crazy transphobes on this board. Might need a wellness check.
Kill them all. Now start posting all the teachers. You only post about churches. Who hurt you?
This thread is specifically about the significant danger that our children face every time they step into a church. If you’d like to start a thread about schools, go ahead, but that’s not what this thread is about.
Check out Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston. You're talking scum!!!
So, why is this allowed to happen? If this is true, why is it allowed to happen? I'm not disagreeing because these things have happened many times over my lifetime.

How does this happen? How is it allowed to go on? Why is it allowed to go on?
He’s not into places where kids are regularly fondled. Are you cool with places like that?
he loves public schools where this happens way way more often. Lets call a spade a spade shall we? He's a Christophobe and a bigot...
So, why is this allowed to happen? If this is true, why is it allowed to happen? I'm not disagreeing because these things have happened many times over my lifetime.

How does this happen? How is it allowed to go on? Why is it allowed to go on?
Maybe it has something to do with the separation of church and state. The Catholic Church is a pretty secretive organization. I agree that it went on for too long so, at least, they finally started to expose it and it appears that more cases keep cropping up. And FWIW, they got Law out of Boston and made him some big wig in the Vatican. The Catholic Church sucks!!!