Oh, you mean the pastors that just two weeks ago said we needed to reject Trump’s call to reopen the churches across the country bc it was too soon? The ones that said we needed to use wisdom & caution & continue to social distance & remaining closed was the best way to go? Those pastors??Then he should not have quoted Jeremiah 29:11 if that's the case. Considering he falsely paraphrase MLK Jr 4 years ago he may want to take MLK Jr advice to heart and get off the sidelines.
I am assume as you've but considering a number of former players that are pastor's reach out to Coach Swinney I hope he has a better understanding now.
The same pastors that immediately after that led the protests in the streets? No social distancing, no caution, no nothing..,those pastors??
It makes one wonder where those pastors allegiance truly is & if they’re in the ministry to spread the word or just to play politics....