True the Vote Brings the EVIDENCE!!

Hey man. If they did something wrong, charge them, put them on trial and lock them up. You won't here any complaining from me. Just a quick question though... Isn't this thread about the True the Vote issues in Ga? We've certainly moved far afield for "examples" of election fraud.

Kind of like when Growlz tells us all with a random tweet how easy it is go get a Driver's License with just a SSN card. When challenged with his obvious BS information, he responds with a Musk tweet about open borders. Typical.

So my observation is this... Donald Trump was President leading up to the 2020 election. And even though he was in charge and was telling us all about how the election could be a fraud, he wasn't able to stop it. Right? I mean he hired people to MAKE SURE it was legit. Then Joe Biden wins and apparently opened the border to allow all these illegals to vote and bring in one party rule. Right? So how is it that Trump won this election? I mean you are bringing in millions of voters and you are cheating all over the country. And you lose? REALLY?

IMHO, it's FAR more likely that Trump lost the election in 2020 and won in 2024. Was there some fraud here and there? Sure. I don't doubt that. Was there some sort of nation wide conspiracy? I doubt it. My reasoning is that if somehow the Democrats were doing this kind of thing they would be a LOT more competent than they are. As folks on here point out how Dems are all idiots on here every day, that's something to actually think about. You can't be a bunch of idiots AND a bunch of evil geniuses. Those things are mutually exclusive.
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My posts have detailed info thank you.
No they don't. That statement is as crazy as the statements themselves. On the contrary, your posts almost always make some huge assumption (usually that the 2020 election was stolen) based on a random tweet from someone that no one's ever heard of. No source, just some random person saying whatever... the only thing we know FOR SURE is that this will never make it to court and just like the 100s of other similar posts, will just vanish or be debunked. Just take the last example that I brought up... Namely the getting a driver's license with a Social Security Card. Here's what you posted:
It is now clear that voter fraud existed extensively in the 2020 election. If you are in illegally in possession of a social security card, you can usually get a driver’s license, and then it’s just an easy step to voter registration. Each is a crime if you’re an illegal alien.

Yep, that's some details right there. Apparently having a social security card illegally proves that there was fraud in the 2020 election AND that somehow you get a driver's license with said illegal card. Help us out... where's the "detailed info" in that post?
No they don't. That statement is as crazy as the statements themselves. On the contrary, your posts almost always make some huge assumption (usually that the 2020 election was stolen) based on a random tweet from someone that no one's ever heard of. No source, just some random person saying whatever... the only thing we know FOR SURE is that this will never make it to court and just like the 100s of other similar posts, will just vanish or be debunked. Just take the last example that I brought up... Namely the getting a driver's license with a Social Security Card. Here's what you posted:
It is now clear that voter fraud existed extensively in the 2020 election. If you are in illegally in possession of a social security card, you can usually get a driver’s license, and then it’s just an easy step to voter registration. Each is a crime if you’re an illegal alien.

Yep, that's some details right there. Apparently having a social security card illegally proves that there was fraud in the 2020 election AND that somehow you get a driver's license with said illegal card. Help us out... where's the "detailed info" in that post?
You have not read my posts over the last 4 years obviously.
You have not read my posts over the last 4 years obviously.
LMAO... Yep we all have. That's why I said what I did. Again, help us out. You've posted HUNDREDS of Silver Bullets, BOMBSHELLS, Smoking Guns... All telling us how the election was stolen. Show us where ANY OF THIS actually stood up in court or even amounted to a fart in a whirlwind. Now can a case or two be swept under the rug? Sure, I can buy that. Can hundreds of potential cases in courts around the country? Often overseen by Republican judges? Not so much.

And save us the spill about how each and every one of these cases were tossed because of <insert BS reason here>. That sounds like a guy that's been married 9 or 10 times telling us all what's wrong with each and every one of his wives. After a while, everyone knows that the problem isn't with the wives but the guy complaining. Likewise, all these BS tweets you've been posting that never amount to anything are the same tired shit... It's just a bunch of sore losers blaming any and everyone but themselves on why they lost.

Trump lost. Plain and simple. Then he won in 2024. Plain and simple. It's not that hard.