Trump 2024

Perhaps a better approach would have been to work with Mexico to enhance the safety of the migrants who have to remain there. Per your stats, 85% of asylum seekers are denied anyways, and go back regardless. It makes no sense for them to get a US vacay during the wait.

When you consider that these people have been granted asylum, meaning that they are fleeing some sort of violence or other terrible shit. Then yea, the should be allowed to stay here. Remain in Mexico was a horrible policy. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and supports it is a horrible human being and a fraud.

As I have said before, republicans in congress have had plenty of opportunities to change our immigration laws. They don’t want to do that though, because they love convincing mouth breathers like @dual_tiger that we have open borders under a dem president.
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When you consider that these people have been granted asylum, meaning that they are fleeing some sort of violence or other terrible shit. Then yea, the should be allowed to stay here. Remain in Mexico was a horrible policy. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and supports it is a horrible human being and a fraud.

As I have said before, republicans in congress have had plenty of opportunities to change our immigration laws. They don’t want to do that though, because they love convincing mouth breathers like @dual_tiger that we have open borders under a dem president.
Not as cut and dry as you make it out to be
Which part?
To start, these people haven't been "granted aslyum" prior to them attempting to come here. They show up and ask for it.

As for my opinion, any sovereign country ought to have the right to control who enters. The US should encourage immigration, but it needs to happen on our terms. Allowing hundreds of thousands (or millions, idk what the number is) to enter the country while we sort asylum claims that the bulk of them can't properly support doesn't make sense. Poverty isn't a basis in and of itself for an asylum claim, and I think we have to be careful to not moralize to such an extent as to build up a straw-man of the other side. The cruelty is the point for a lot on the right, but not all of them
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When you consider that these people have been granted asylum, meaning that they are fleeing some sort of violence or other terrible shit.

They haven’t been granted asylum. That’s the point. They are asking for it. I believe it was you that posted 15% have it granted. That means 85% are getting a vacation in the US only to be returned to Mexico anyways. It’s dumb.
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Disagree with your biased assessment.

Oh man. It wasn't an assessment. It's just reality. He endorsed Brian Kemp the week of the election after actively trying to beat him. His endorsement argument is Iraqi Minister of Information stuff. You can like and support Trump without being a drone for whatever he tells you. You're better than that. The FACT is that in known tight races, his candidates performed horribly. The guy you're fighting for isn't the same one from 2016. He's lost his focus and become even more self obsessed than he used to be. It's so important that people like you see that so you can at least hold the situation accountable. So disheartening to see this stuff.
Disagree with your biased assessment.
Kari Lake, Loss. Oz, Loss. Laxalt, Loss. Walker, probably a loss. So that's the governor's office and 3 Senate seats in battleground states. But by all means, brag about Trump endorsements winning in districts that you would have won had you been the candidate.
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My "evidence" is logic and basic level psychology. I am pretty sure your IQ is such that you have some understanding of those ideas. Dems have been and continue to encourage illegal crossings by establishing sanctuary cities, the refusal to and in some cases forbidding of reporting people here criminally to immigration for deportation, and other actions that convey that no matter what their official policy may be, there likely may be no consequences for criminal behavior even if you are caught. Though some of those items are not national level decisions, they are in fact policy decisions on state and local levels.

When there are often little or no consequences for bad behavior, that behavior will increase. This is about as as elementary as psychological behavior gets. If we were to stop punishing people for robbing banks even though we did not change the laws making it illegal, I promise you bank robberies would go up.

Here is a national level policy change quote from another post in this thread:

“The Biden administration formally ended the Trump-era policy of returning asylum seekers to Mexico until their court dates in the United States, according to a memo issued by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.”

There is more than enough evidence for anyone that looks as the situation objectively to know that illegal immigration has increased. Simple statistics would tell you that means we are letting more murders, rapists, sex traffickers, drugs, etc into the country.

Like I said in another post, Pelosi and her family may very well have just become an example of the consequences of her policies.
think about what you just quoted. 'returning asylum seekers' back to the place where they're seeking asylum from. but abortion is too much for you pro lifers to bear? how do conservatives constantly get to take hypocritical positions and call out democrats. hmmm.
think about what you just quoted. 'returning asylum seekers' back to the place where they're seeking asylum from. but abortion is too much for you pro lifers to bear? how do conservatives constantly get to take hypocritical positions and call out democrats. hmmm.
I do not support banning abortion, so as usual you have no idea what you are talking about. As for asylum seekers, we have system in place for that and as I have stated, I think we need a massive increase in personnel that handle legitimate immigration requests. Also, I think we should clarify/narrow what is considered acceptable grounds for asylum. If you are in danger from your govt bc of your public political beliefs as a reporter/politician/etc., that is one thing. Living in a terrible area of a country and being scared of gangs/crime/etc or just looking of a better life is not a reason for asylum, imo. I am not saying we should accept only people seeking asylum, but those in other categories should definitely not be rewarded for criminal behavior. Just out of curiosity, how many people d o you think we should just let come across the border every year? 10M 20M 150M? what is your number?
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give me open borders because i want a taco truck on every corner like trump promised
They haven’t been granted asylum. That’s the point. They are asking for it. I believe it was you that posted 15% have it granted. That means 85% are getting a vacation in the US only to be returned to Mexico anyways. It’s dumb.

Granted asylum was not the right wording. They can ask for asylum, and about 15% are allowed to remain until their hearing to be officially granted asylum. The rest are expelled. Under Trump, it would take up to four years for that hearing to take place. Biden has gotten that down to a few months.

But I go back to my original statement. Saying that we have open borders is an asinine statement that only a complete rube would make.

Here is a good analysis from the very conservative Cato Institute.

Love this article and she is of course hot! Happy Thanksgiving fellow Tigers!

The Titanic Fox News Finally Hits The Trump Iceberg!​

The Murdochs can't sink Donald Trump but they can certainly sink their media empire​

Emerald Robinson

Nov 17
Rupert Murdoch, the ancient Australian media mogul, recently took time off from dumping his fourth wife — by email no less! — to sternly warn the American public that his media empire would not support another run for president by Donald Trump.
A News Corp source leaked Murdoch’s position to other media outlets with great fanfare: “We have been clear with Donald. There have been conversations. Rupert made it clear to Donald we cannot back another run for the White House.”
To hammer home the point, the New York Post — owned by Murdoch of course — ran with a cover depicting Trump as Humpty Dumpty.

Meanwhile, another Murdoch media property — the Wall Street Journal — ran six op-eds targeting Trump on the same day.

The problem for the 91 year-old Murdoch is that, outside the halls of News Corp, most Americans were unaware that he was still alive and eating solid food. He still fancies himself to be the dominant force in conservative media, but is that really true? It’s not the 1980s anymore. The credibility of Fox News was fatally damaged by its early Arizona call for Biden in the 2020 election — damage which Murdoch has apparently acknowledged. Some of Murdoch’s kids are Clinton staff-level shitlibs pretending to be “disinformation commissars” at the Aspen Institute. The elder Murdoch chose Tony Blair as the godfather to one of his own kids by an alleged Chinese communist spy— and what makes that absurd decision even more embarrassing is that Tony Blair was doing the business with Murdoch’s wife.
Does any of this sound conservative to you?
It does not — because Murdoch and his family line have become cosmopolitan neoliberal grifters. Their political opinions are quoted with approval by woke outlets like Vanity Fair — but that’s not exactly the GOP’s key demographic. Their executives in New York have pronouns (“them/their!”) in their bios. They place uniparty swamp creatures like Paul Ryan on the board of directors for Fox News — even though he’s now working part-time for the Clintons at Teneo! They hire famous male athletes dressed in drag, and then stick them on Sean Hannity’s show to queer up Fox News. They even celebrate chemically castrating children during “LBGT Pride Month.”
The Murdochs are playing a game of high-stakes chicken with their media empire’s audience.
The dwindling politicial influence of the Murdochs is part and parcel of the GOP establishment’s own crisis. They both stand against Trump — but they don’t stand for anything else. What’s worse is that everybody knows that neither of them really speaks for GOP voters anymore. They don’t represent them. They don’t understand them. They certainly don’t control them.
The GOP is Trump’s party now.
That’s why the Murdochs have to do six op-eds targeting Trump on one day. That’s why they need to coordinate the pot shots aimed at the 45th President across their various media platforms.
They’re shouting is proof that no one’s listening anymore.
President Trump’s connection with GOP voters was not created by the Murdochs, and so it cannot be shattered by the Murdochs. In fact, Trump’s appeal is based upon publicly taking the side of working class Americans against neoliberal globalists like the Murdochs. That’s why the attacks by the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post and Fox News are ultimately doomed to failure. They merely confirm that Trump has earned the genuine animosity of our corporate media elites, which elevates Trump with his audience.
The whining of the Murdoch media empire is, in other words, the wind beneath Trump’s wings.
That’s why the comedian Dave Chappelle understands American politics much better than Rupert Murdoch does. Chappelle has grasped why Donald Trump is adored by working class American people in a way that frustrates the conventional tactics of our corrupt political and media elites.

The Murdochs are not going to destroy Donald Trump — they’re going to destroy their media empire by trying to destroy Donald Trump.

I Need Your Support!​

Who’s the only reporter in the world to ask Dr. Fauci why he funded the Wuhan Lab of Virology? Who was the first reporter to confront Jen Psaki about Hunter Biden and his Chinese investments? Who asked President Trump when he would stop the NIH’s funding of the Wuhan Lab in April 2020 — a year before any other media outlet?
Independent and fearless journalists need your support like never before.
I need your support like never before.

If we are going to survive the current regime then we must stand together.
I’ve got your back. Do you have mine?
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Anyone thinking Fox is out to help Trump should think again. They will do anything they can subtly do to hurt and will not help him at all.

Anyone thinking Fox is out to help Trump should think again. They will do anything they can subtly do to hurt and will not help him at all.

You can’t really blame fox for that. Hard to claim that you are fair and balanced when you have a candidates family member on staff.
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You can’t really blame fox for that. Hard to claim that you are fair and balanced when you have a candidates family member on staff.
That's rich considering the masses of former dem operatives employed by almost every so called "mainstream media" corporation. I assume you fully agree CNN was completely and unquestionably biased during the Cuomo years right?
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Not even the favorite of republican voters. Of course, I realize it is just the deep state trying to take down trump.

Growls, if the deep state establishment manages to tank trumps run for president, you should abstain from voting in the general election. It is all rigged anyway.

That's rich considering the masses of former dem operatives employed by almost every so called "mainstream media" corporation. I assume you fully agree CNN was completely and unquestionably biased during the Cuomo years right?

1. Fox, CNN, all of them employ former political operatives.

2. lara trump would have been working for fox while also working for the trump campaign. And yes, I know hannity does this every day, but he is not being paid by the campaign.

3. The president and governor are two very different ballparks. CNN probably covers New York politics once a month. They cover national politics every day.

4. CNN actually did fire Cuomo when they discovered that he had been advising his brother on the side.
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1. Fox, CNN, all of them employ former political operatives.

2. lara trump would have been working for fox while also working for the trump campaign. And yes, I know hannity does this every day, but he is not being paid by the campaign.

3. The president and governor are two very different ballparks. CNN probably covers New York politics once a month. They cover national politics every day.

4. CNN actually did fire Cuomo when they discovered that he had been advising his brother on the side.
What a lame and completely dishonest defense.

Are you suggesting that once a political operative is "former", they somehow no longer hold their politically biased views and desire to push their narrative? Not even you are that naive, even if you refuse to admit it.
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What a lame and completely dishonest defense.

Are you suggesting that once a political operative is "former", they somehow no longer hold their politically biased views and desire to push their narrative? Not even you are that naive, even if you refuse to admit it.

Good God, man. How much clearer can I make it for you?

lara trump, like all the trumpies, are on the campaign payroll. It is another way that they fleece rubes like you. You cannot be on a campaign payroll and work for a news organization covering that campaign.

You don't like it? Write a letter to Fox News and stop wasting my ****ing time.
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That is funny as hell, but also kind of gross when you realize that @TigerGrowls, @CUT93, @Cocks are Number 1 and @jakefest are all jerkin it while watching that video.

There are going to be some sticky keyboards all over the red states tonight.
I’m in Harbour Island fly fishing the flats alone, getting a tan, and paying zero attention to news/politics.

The Landing, for dinner in a few.

DeSantis ‘24‼️