Trump 2024

THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENT: Trump Will Make Interest Payments on Car Loans FULLY Tax Deductible​

He’s playing fast and loose with these tax handouts…

Making it a deduction drastically limits who can benefit. Around 90% of Americans take the standard deduction now. So this won’t apply to the vast majority of people.
He’s playing fast and loose with these tax handouts…

Making it a deduction drastically limits who can benefit. Around 90% of Americans take the standard deduction now. So this won’t apply to the vast majority of people.
Would have to see how the bill is written. Coupled with his other proposals it should spur economic growth imo.
This’ll do wonders for the price of groceries.

We are now known, all throughout the world, as OCCUPIED AMERICA...But to everyone here in Colorado and all across our nation, I make you this vow: November 5th, 2024 will be LIBERATION DAY in America. I will rescue Aurora and every town that has been invaded and conquered—and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail or kick them the hell OUT OF OUR COUNTRY.

In honor of Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and all of the others that are dead and mortally wounded at the hands of migrants who should never have been allowed into our Country, I am announcing today that upon taking office, we will have an OPERATION AURORA at the Federal Level. To expedite removals of this savage gang, I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American Soil.

No person who has inflicted the violence and terror that Kamala Harris has inflicted on this community can EVER be allowed to become President of the United States!

You are not voting for a pastor.

You are not voting for prom king.

You don’t have to be Donald Trump’s best friend.

You’re not choosing him to be your husband.

This is not a popularity contest, you are voting for the leader of the free world.

You don’t have to like him. You just have to realize that he is the only one of the two candidates that is going to stand up to our adversaries, and his policies will make you and your family safer, wealthier and more free.
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The Dems are panicking because men are overwhelmingly refusing to vote for Kamala.

As it turns out, men are a not thrilled about dying in WW3.

We are angry that our country has been destroyed, and our quality of life diminished.

We are tired of being told our masculinity is “toxic”, and tired of the 2SLGBTQIA+ bullshit being pushed upon us and our children. We are tired of engaging in this psychotic clown show that the Left has adopted. We are tired of being mocked. We are done pretending this is normal.

We are fed up with the psychological operations. The Left have turned the majority of the women into insufferable Democrat cultists, who have been brainwashed to hate masculine men. They have also brainwashed our children and convinced them that they must mutilate their genitalia, and that gender is fluid.

We are tired of the corrupt government stealing all the tax dollars from our labor, and using it to wage wars across the globe, while the American people suffer. We are done being slaves.

We are tired of being told what we are seeing is not real. We are tired of being lied to on a global scale. We are tired of being poisoned and deceived.

We are tired of pretending. The entire Left-wing machine has been waging war on men for years, and now they are surprised that we have had enough.

They need to be worried about a lot more than just losing the election. The men of this nation want heads to roll for what they have done to us, and many of us will not rest until that task is accomplished.

The chickens have come home to roost.

The Dems are panicking because men are overwhelmingly refusing to vote for Kamala.

As it turns out, men are a not thrilled about dying in WW3.

We are angry that our country has been destroyed, and our quality of life diminished.

We are tired of being told our masculinity is “toxic”, and tired of the 2SLGBTQIA+ bullshit being pushed upon us and our children. We are tired of engaging in this psychotic clown show that the Left has adopted. We are tired of being mocked. We are done pretending this is normal.

We are fed up with the psychological operations. The Left have turned the majority of the women into insufferable Democrat cultists, who have been brainwashed to hate masculine men. They have also brainwashed our children and convinced them that they must mutilate their genitalia, and that gender is fluid.

We are tired of the corrupt government stealing all the tax dollars from our labor, and using it to wage wars across the globe, while the American people suffer. We are done being slaves.

We are tired of being told what we are seeing is not real. We are tired of being lied to on a global scale. We are tired of being poisoned and deceived.

We are tired of pretending. The entire Left-wing machine has been waging war on men for years, and now they are surprised that we have had enough.

They need to be worried about a lot more than just losing the election. The men of this nation want heads to roll for what they have done to us, and many of us will not rest until that task is accomplished.

The chickens have come home to roost.
So what exactly should be done with the tens of millions of illegals in here using billions of taxpayer dollars?
The border bill that Trump killed significantly sped up asylum hearings which would have led to millions being returned so that bill needs to be approved by Congress first.

Sudden, mass deportations will be an extremely expensive catastrophe that we can only imagine but it won't be pretty. Expect violence and maybe even another impeachment. When our tv screens are filled with images of families being ripped apart, there will be a public outcry and it will be loud. It might sound good now but the reality will be much, much different.
The border bill that Trump killed significantly sped up asylum hearings which would have led to millions being returned so that bill needs to be approved by Congress first.

Sudden, mass deportations will be an extremely expensive catastrophe that we can only imagine but it won't be pretty. Expect violence and maybe even another impeachment. When our tv screens are filled with images of families being ripped apart, there will be a public outcry and it will be loud. It might sound good now but the reality will be much, much different.
Dpic..honestly your response is a huge load of sh1t and I suspect you realize that. Please answer the question...what are we going to do with the ones already here?
Dpic..honestly your response is a huge load of sh1t and I suspect you realize that. Please answer the question...what are we going to do with the ones already here?
The ones who don't qualify for asylum need to be returned to their countries of origin. We need to speed that up but it needs to be in a
humane, orderly fashion. Trump using his storm troopers is not the answer, but we know he's evil enough to do it and he will pay for it. IF he gets the chance, which he won't.
The ones who don't qualify for asylum need to be returned to their countries of origin. We need to speed that up but it needs to be in a
humane, orderly fashion. Trump using his storm troopers is not the answer, but we know he's evil enough to do it and he will pay for it. IF he gets the chance, which he won't.
What you just said is deportation also. We are in agreement.
What you just said is deportation also. We are in agreement.
Of course and I'll even admit that Biden did a really poor job with the border. If he had a good reason for letting it get to that point, he should have spoken up and explained it and that's what angered me more than anything else. He didn't say shit and that's unacceptable. He's late in addressing it but he has finally started taking it seriously and has proposed new rules to speed up asylum. We'll see where it goes.

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