Trump Boat Parade


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2005
Mount Pleasant, SC
Tons of boats and flags out in Charleston. Passed the gathering spot near drum island on my way from the house to breach inlet. Picked up some friends in Shem creek. Boats everywhere. Flags everywhere.

Pretty crazy boat numbers, especially since it’s really rough out for smaller boats.

If you’re at breach, look for the freeman with the American flag (no Trump flag) and say hello. Even if you aren’t a Trump supporter, this is good clean American living.
How did the parade turn out? Unfortunately, I could not make it.
How did the parade turn out? Unfortunately, I could not make it.

Not sure. I didn’t participate. We just passed the gathering spot and saw tons of boats on the water. We pulled up on breach inlet sandbar for most of the day and everything was over by the time we headed back to the dock.

I will say the classy F bomb Trump flags are a real treat now that I have a kid who can read. 🙄
Tons of boats and flags out in Charleston. Passed the gathering spot near drum island on my way from the house to breach inlet. Picked up some friends in Shem creek. Boats everywhere. Flags everywhere.

Pretty crazy boat numbers, especially since it’s really rough out for smaller boats.

If you’re at breach, look for the freeman with the American flag (no Trump flag) and say hello. Even if you aren’t a Trump supporter, this is good clean American living.
I remember the amount of boats on Lake Oconee back in 2020 with all the Trump flags flying. It just never made sense to me to be THAT proud/loud about who you were gonna vote for whether thats Dem/Repub.

Feels more culty than waving a Clemson flag or whatever sports team.
Tons of boats and flags out in Charleston. Passed the gathering spot near drum island on my way from the house to breach inlet. Picked up some friends in Shem creek. Boats everywhere. Flags everywhere.

Pretty crazy boat numbers, especially since it’s really rough out for smaller boats.

If you’re at breach, look for the freeman with the American flag (no Trump flag) and say hello. Even if you aren’t a Trump supporter, this is good clean American living.

Boat parades for political candidates are weird.

People who participate in boat parades for political candidates are really weird.

People who brag about participating in boat parades for political candidates are beyond ****ing weird.
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Boat parades for political candidates are weird.

People who participate in boat parades for political candidates are really weird.

People who brag about participating in boat parades for political candidates are beyond ****ing weird.

We all agree. Boats are horrible. Libs should stay away from all boats. Maybe it will be the last bastion of things the left can’t Fvck up.
I remember the amount of boats on Lake Oconee back in 2020 with all the Trump flags flying. It just never made sense to me to be THAT proud/loud about who you were gonna vote for whether thats Dem/Repub.

Feels more culty than waving a Clemson flag or whatever sports team.
Waving a Clemson flag is culty (as you call it)
Boat parades for political candidates are weird.

People who participate in boat parades for political candidates are really weird.

People who brag about participating in boat parades for political candidates are beyond ****ing weird
So having a political rally for a US presidential candidate is "weird" now?
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So having a political rally for a US presidential candidate is "weird" now?

Boat parades for political candidates are weird.

People who participate in boat parades for political candidates are really weird.

People who brag about participating in boat parades for political candidates are beyond ****ing weird
Boat parades for political candidates are weird.

People who participate in boat parades for political candidates are really weird.

People who brag about participating in boat parades for political candidates are beyond ****ing weird
Not answering my question, Nice.
Why does it matter where it takes place? Maybe you can't afford a boat. That shouldn't allow us who can not enjoy a boat parade without being weird. That said, I could care less what you think, just putting it into perspective for a narrow mind.

This shit is the definition of Weird!!
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Not answering my question, Nice.
Why does it matter where it takes place? Maybe you can't afford a boat. That shouldn't allow us who can not enjoy a boat parade without being weird. That said, I could care less what you think, just putting it into perspective for a narrow mind.

clearly, you do care what I think.
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Clearly, I do care about people who talk out of both sides of their mouths. Caring about what you think of me, not so much.

This shit here is the definition of Weird!!

No, that's a team who you pull for.

Now cheering for Politicians so much that you wear their jersey and hang their banners? Yeah, that's weird.
Well, what @TheValley91 said was, "Feels more culty than waving a Clemson flag or whatever sports team".

They have Trump Jersey's??? Please link!

Political banners...hmmm

Like I told @nytigerfan, just because we fly our flags from our boats, makes us weird now.

You hate us cause you ain't us!
Well, what @TheValley91 said was, "Feels more culty than waving a Clemson flag or whatever sports team".

They have Trump Jersey's??? Please link!

Political banners...hmmm

Like I told @nytigerfan, just because we fly our flags from our boats, makes us weird now.

You hate us cause you ain't us!
You ok?

I didn’t delineate between which party. I stand by acting like political parties are sports team as being very strange and culty.

You have nothing you can fight me on that and will only subvert the point to go on some random nonsensical rant.

Excited to see it.
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Like I told @nytigerfan, just because we fly our flags from our boats, makes us weird now.

You hate us cause you ain't us!
Nah, we really don't wish we were like you. The other night I had a nightmare (no lie) that I was on a boat in a Trump boat parade and I was terrified that someone would recognize me lol. I woke up in a cold sweat due to the horror! 😅
You ok?

I didn’t delineate between which party. I stand by acting like political parties are sports team as being very strange and culty.

You have nothing you can fight me on that and will only subvert the point to go on some random nonsensical rant.

Excited to see it.
Not sure what gibberish you just typed, but the fact that you think waving a Clemson flag is culty in any form or fashion, says enough.
  • Haha
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Good lord that not what he said. He said acting like a political party is a team is weird. Acting like a Team is a Team is normal.
Dude. Get over yourself. It's what he said, go back and read the damn post. I for one am done talking about it.
The point is waiving a political flag whether walking down a sidewalk, flying it in your yard, or on your boat during a presidential election year is part of being an American who is interested in the system and takes pride in voting!
To say otherwise is just weird STUPID!
Not sure what gibberish you just typed, but the fact that you think waving a Clemson flag is culty in any form or fashion, says enough.
My point was proven again. I knew your lack of simple reading comprehension would show up.

I'll repeat what I said previously; I stand by acting like political parties are sports team as being very strange and culty.

Now lets break that down so you can try and understand because I know its difficult for you.

Being a fan and showing your pride for sports teams like waving a flag on your house, boat, car, tailgating etc is normal.

Treating politics like its a sports team by doing the same activities is very strange and culty.

Its a clear sign to me that you are someone that is not open to ideas from the opposing side and will lack the ability of nuance. Frankly, I don't need to have conversations with people like that.
Nah, we really don't wish we were like you. The other night I had a nightmare (no lie) that I was on a boat in a Trump boat parade and I was terrified that someone would recognize me lol. I woke up in a cold sweat due to the horror! 😅

I had a similar dream.

I was in the trump boat parade in my electric boat. I was rammed by @moradatiger70 in his 1972 bayliner because he cant drive it for shit.

As the electric boat was going down, I was terrified that the battery would electrocute me.

Then I saw the shark fin.

Oh boy.

What a dilemma.

That is when I awoke, sweating.

Sweating from laughing my ass off so hard at what a deranged, senile has been Donald trump is at this point. And laughing at how ****ing sad it is that these losers hero-worship him.
I had a similar dream.

I was in the trump boat parade in my electric boat. I was rammed by @moradatiger70 in his 1972 bayliner because he cant drive it for shit.

As the electric boat was going down, I was terrified that the battery would electrocute me.

Then I saw the shark fin.

Oh boy.

What a dilemma.

That is when I awoke, sweating.

Sweating from laughing my ass off so hard at what a deranged, senile has been Donald trump is at this point. And laughing at how ****ing sad it is that these losers hero-worship him.
I'm Dead 🤣
I had a similar dream.

I was in the trump boat parade in my electric boat. I was rammed by @moradatiger70 in his 1972 bayliner because he cant drive it for shit.

As the electric boat was going down, I was terrified that the battery would electrocute me.

Then I saw the shark fin.

Oh boy.

What a dilemma.

That is when I awoke, sweating.

Sweating from laughing my ass off so hard at what a deranged, senile has been Donald trump is at this point. And laughing at how ****ing sad it is that these losers hero-worship him.
I have to admit. That was funny!

Like I have said, "Rent Free", baby!
Wasn't sure what thread to put this one in, but i think this one will do.