Why would I do that for you? Then you would just tell me I’m wrong. You’ll have to use a lot of Google to look at what was happening these go back to 2017 and some of what was posted in 2017 and 2018 is happening now. Gotta see it to believe it, but if you wanna know there’s the keys. Use DuckDuckGo for your search browser or compare contrast Google and DuckDuckGo and what Google drives to the top via their algos.I’d like to see a some bullet points on which “Q drops” turned out to be true. I’m genuinely curious.
qposts.online, they are all there in chronological order, have fun and don’t let cynicism keep your mind from being sharp. It’s all layed out if you care to take the time. If you are a Republican and want to understand the rest of the “crazies” you’ll need to do this.
nobody starts out without cynicism, I sure had my doubts but have followed since end of 2018 and it’s no joke.