Trump - Immigrants Who Graduate Get Automatic Green Card.


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
Trump has proposed that any immigrant that graduates a 2year or 4year college will get an automatic green card.

This is a great step on the path to remaking our illegal immigration system to be great again, it’s a total shit show under Biden.

Graduates are likely to contribute to the economy and stay out of trouble. Great move Trump! Almost as good as not taxing tips!

No taxes on Tips
Path to citizenship for illegals

not a bad idea from the orange one … though … I would like to see a complete overhaul of our student visa system. American kids SHOULD NOT be wait listed or denied in favor of foreign kids, especially at public Universities. Don’t care … as long as there are applications from qualified American kids and school should NOT take a foreign kid over them.

Also no student visas should be issued to students from China
not a bad idea from the orange one … though … I would like to see a complete overhaul of our student visa system. American kids SHOULD NOT be wait listed or denied in favor of foreign kids, especially at public Universities. Don’t care … as long as there are applications from qualified American kids and school should NOT take a foreign kid over them.

Also no student visas should be issued to students from China
Student visas should be issued to Chinese students especially.
Trump has proposed that any immigrant that graduates a 2year or 4year college will get an automatic green card.

This is a great step on the path to remaking our illegal immigration system to be great again, it’s a total shit show under Biden.

Graduates are likely to contribute to the economy and stay out of trouble. Great move Trump! Almost as good as not taxing tips!

No taxes on Tips
Path to citizenship for illegals

Under this policy, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad would have been given a green card and allowed to stay in the US.
Trump has proposed that any immigrant that graduates a 2year or 4year college will get an automatic green card.

This is a great step on the path to remaking our illegal immigration system to be great again, it’s a total shit show under Biden.

Graduates are likely to contribute to the economy and stay out of trouble. Great move Trump! Almost as good as not taxing tips!

No taxes on Tips
Path to citizenship for illegals

I don’t know enough to say whether or not this is good policy, but it could make sense. Of course, 2 year diploma mills will likely pop up if this is put into effect…

I would rather see this get you a guaranteed path to a green card. Finish a degree, hold a job for 3-5 years, receive zero taxpayer assistance, don’t commit crimes, pay taxes, etc etc. The qualifications need to be more than a degree.

I still don’t understand why you think not taxing tips is good policy other than buying votes. These people hardly pay income taxes as it is.
I don’t know enough to say whether or not this is good policy, but it could make sense. Of course, 2 year diploma mills will likely pop up if this is put into effect…

I would rather see this get you a guaranteed path to a green card. Finish a degree, hold a job for 3-5 years, receive zero taxpayer assistance, don’t commit crimes, pay taxes, etc etc. The qualifications need to be more than a degree.

I still don’t understand why you think not taxing tips is good policy other than buying votes. These people hardly pay income taxes as it is.
I feel like we are splitting hairs on the degree to green card pathway. Sure maybe a little more than a degree, but the general principle that you work hard and contribute to our economy and you can obtain citizenship, I think most people are ok with.

As far as not taxing tips, I don’t think it’s a good policy. However, it is an appeal to the younger vote and is still incentive based and not a handout.

If Joe Biden can forgive student loans to court votes why can’t Trump not tax tips? I agree that neither would be the best option, but that must be balance by the need to win in the first place. I personally wish the government was smaller by orders of magnitude, but realize you don’t get everything you want in politics and I put this in the necessary evil column of things I’m willing to tolerate.
I don’t know enough to say whether or not this is good policy, but it could make sense. Of course, 2 year diploma mills will likely pop up if this is put into effect…

I would rather see this get you a guaranteed path to a green card. Finish a degree, hold a job for 3-5 years, receive zero taxpayer assistance, don’t commit crimes, pay taxes, etc etc. The qualifications need to be more than a degree.

I still don’t understand why you think not taxing tips is good policy other than buying votes. These people hardly pay income taxes as it is.
"I still don’t understand why you think not taxing tips is good policy other than buying votes. These people hardly pay income taxes as it is."

I think it's alot better than paying off student loans to buy votes. I may be wrong about this, but I believe the people who mostly work off "tips" are not even required to earn the federal minimum wage.

As to your other point, "
I would rather see this get you a guaranteed path to a green card. Finish a degree, hold a job for 3-5 years, receive zero taxpayer assistance, don’t commit crimes, pay taxes, etc etc. The qualifications need to be more than a degree." I agree. What was wrong with the policies that are already in place?
"I still don’t understand why you think not taxing tips is good policy other than buying votes. These people hardly pay income taxes as it is."

I think it's alot better than paying off student loans to buy votes. I may be wrong about this, but I believe the people who mostly work off "tips" are not even required to earn the federal minimum wage.

Yea, I’m against both of those things. Tip earners are already paying low effective tax rates. Forgiving student loans is stupid, pandering bullshit.
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I don’t know enough to say whether or not this is good policy, but it could make sense. Of course, 2 year diploma mills will likely pop up if this is put into effect…

I could get behind this policy if it’s executed in a way that makes sense and doesn’t just become a way for private universities to sell green cards to the highest bidders. I imagine a lot of these for-profit online schools would be frothing at the mouth to charge an exorbitant tuition cost to someone just wanting a green card.

And my point from my previous post still stands, there have been literal terrorists that have gotten degrees in the United States, so we’d have to be careful about just going around and handing out green cards.

I could get behind this policy if it’s executed in a way that makes sense and doesn’t just become a way for private universities to sell green cards to the highest bidders. I imagine a lot of these for-profit online schools would be frothing at the mouth to charge an exorbitant tuition cost to someone just wanting a green card.

And my point from my previous post still stands, there have been literal terrorists that have gotten degrees in the United States, so we’d have to be careful about just going around and handing out green cards.
You worry about this now though, after the person you support for POTUS has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into this country without any vetting whatsoever.

It's a damn disgrace to this country, and YOU helped make it happen.
You worry about this now though, after the person you support for POTUS has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into this country without any vetting whatsoever.

It's a damn disgrace to this country, and YOU helped make it happen.
I know right! If only there was a bi-partisan bill that the President has openly stated he would sign if congress passes it that would start fixing these issues. But there can’t be because of course Republicans would absolutely push that bill through and not hold it up for purely political reasons.
I know right! If only there was a bi-partisan bill that the President has openly stated he would sign if congress passes it that would start fixing these issues. But there can’t be because of course Republicans would absolutely push that bill through and not hold it up for purely political reasons.
There was not a "bi-partisan bill" when Trump was POTUS? What is the difference?
Disagree with Trump on this completely. No way should we do that as a matter of course.

I do admit that people lamenting him promising things to people to get votes is pretty rich considering what Democrats do. All of it is insane. It's not their money to spend. It's not their power to give. We've gone so horribly wrong in this country by allowing the idea that government should have power over disbursing funds is an OK thing. It's horrendous, it's evil and it's ruining us as a nation.

I could get behind this policy if it’s executed in a way that makes sense and doesn’t just become a way for private universities to sell green cards to the highest bidders. I imagine a lot of these for-profit online schools would be frothing at the mouth to charge an exorbitant tuition cost to someone just wanting a green card.

And my point from my previous post still stands, there have been literal terrorists that have gotten degrees in the United States, so we’d have to be careful about just going around and handing out green cards.
You are worried about terrorists coming through the educational system but not over the wide open border?
You are worried about terrorists coming through the educational system but not over the wide open border?
I absolutely believe we need to fix the issues on our border, and there’s a bill in congress right now that would be a major step in the right direction and Republicans are refusing to support it.

I would also suggest to you that this is not an apples to apples comparison, as people crossing over the border aren’t given a green card, which is what is being suggested here regarding college graduation.
Few things hurt the CCP's image more than talented Chinese students going to America and staying there.

The FBI and intelligence community can do their jobs.
The only Chinese students that are allowed to come here are already fully indoctrinated children of CCP officials, for the most part.

The risk isn’t worth it. The Chinese are nothing but thieves and liars.
I don’t know enough to say whether or not this is good policy, but it could make sense. Of course, 2 year diploma mills will likely pop up if this is put into effect…

I would rather see this get you a guaranteed path to a green card. Finish a degree, hold a job for 3-5 years, receive zero taxpayer assistance, don’t commit crimes, pay taxes, etc etc. The qualifications need to be more than a degree.

I still don’t understand why you think not taxing tips is good policy other than buying votes. These people hardly pay income taxes as it is.
Not taxing tips would help the poorest people that are actually working and they would spend that money. Better than straight out welfare imo.
Not taxing tips would help the poorest people that are actually working and they would spend that money. Better than straight out welfare imo.

How about neither? None of these people are contributing to the tax base. Honestly everyone paying <10% effective federal rate should profess daily appreciation for those of us who carry the country.
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How about neither? None of these people are contributing to the tax base. Honestly everyone paying <10% effective federal rate should profess daily appreciation for those of us who carry the country.
You do have a strong argument but I think it's better than straight welfare.
How about neither? None of these people are contributing to the tax base. Honestly everyone paying <10% effective federal rate should profess daily appreciation for those of us who carry the country.
Dear God thank you so, so, so much. Thank you Jesus for all the scotchtiger super producers out there who carry the load for us all. Like Atlas, you are, holding us all up on your back, while simultaneously opening up a vein for us leeches, that we may drain your lifeblood like the parasites that we are, as you toil your bones to dust for the betterment of mankind.

May I please kiss your actual ass?

🤣🤣 ****ing. Idiot.
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I know right! If only there was a bi-partisan bill that the President has openly stated he would sign if congress passes it that would start fixing these issues. But there can’t be because of course Republicans would absolutely push that bill through and not hold it up for purely political reasons.
Why is that you libs will not give credit where credit is due. We didn't have this massive problem until Biden repealed all of the executive orders that were in place under Trump 1 and basically told foreigners that the border is open which clearly it is. Massage that all you want but the border is open. What in the new proposed bi-partisan bill makes you think that it would be the road to solving the issue.
Why is that you libs will not give credit where credit is due. We didn't have this massive problem until Biden repealed all of the executive orders that were in place under Trump 1 and basically told foreigners that the border is open which clearly it is. Massage that all you want but the border is open. What in the new proposed bi-partisan bill makes you think that it would be the road to solving the issue.
For me it's the fact that dozens of border patrol and leadership from various federal agencies associated with border patrol said it would really help us get on the road to solving the issue.
Trump has proposed that any immigrant that graduates a 2year or 4year college will get an automatic green card.

This is a great step on the path to remaking our illegal immigration system to be great again, it’s a total shit show under Biden.

Graduates are likely to contribute to the economy and stay out of trouble. Great move Trump! Almost as good as not taxing tips!

No taxes on Tips
Path to citizenship for illegals

This is nothing more than a parlor trick and a sign that trump sees the polls moving in Biden’s favor.
. What in the new proposed bi-partisan bill makes you think that it would be the road to solving the issue.
Are you serious? Off the top of my head, it would have allowed Biden to shut down the border immediately, it would have given the border patrol the resources they have been begging for to process, detain and remove the increasing number of migrants, it ends catch and release and accelerates the asylum process that would quickly identify asylum seekers who don't qualify so they can be returned to their home country.
Seems like a good step in the right direction - it will undoubtedly be a cluster**** if ever implemented.
Are you serious? Off the top of my head, it would have allowed Biden to shut down the border immediately, it would have given the border patrol the resources they have been begging for to process, detain and remove the increasing number of migrants, it ends catch and release and accelerates the asylum process that would quickly identify asylum seekers who don't qualify so they can be returned to their home country.
The same thing could happen without the bill. The border was not "open" during the Trump presidency so why did Biden immediately reject all of the things that Trump was doing to manage the border? The answer - Biden wanted any good things happening at the border to have his name associated with solving the problem. Democrat solution - throw money at it and if that doesn't work then throw more money at it!!
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For me it's the fact that dozens of border patrol and leadership from various federal agencies associated with border patrol said it would really help us get on the road to solving the issue.
Why did the Biden administration start selling off the border wall material which was to help secure the border but yet wanted a new bill with massive spending to help control the flow of illegals. Trump policies were working!
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