Trump is to blame for inflation

The list of people to blame is getting long. Always nice to have a leader that takes zero responsibility or accountability.
I can understand people not liking Trump, but to defend Biden??? You have to be deaf dumb and blind.
IMHO, the housing market NEEDS to bust.

I can't speak to the million dollar homes, but I've a friend who bought a small home 6 or 7 years ago for just over $80K. It's absolutely average in every way. About 1100 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Fairly decent neighborhood and a pretty good backyard. She then got married and soon after they upsized, but kept that house as rental property. They just sold it last month for $245K on the first day it was listed (10K over the asking price). While I'm happy for them, there's NO WAY that house is worth even close to that amount. It's a $100K house MAXIMUM.

But that's how capitalism works. Supply and demand. There are shortages and surpluses and those things drive the market. Right now, there's a shortage of housing and the market is WAY over valued. That's going to correct itself at some point.
Bought my house in Seneca last April- 1,150 sq ft in a nice older neighborhood on.5 acres for 158,000. Real Estate sites saying it’s worth 211,000 now, crazy. With the housing shortage I don’t know how much the bubble will burst though. I can see it in areas people are leaving or where the prices are higher but here in the Upstate I just don’t see it. I think we might be there, where houses are over the budget of your average middle class couple. Average home sale price nationally is around 370,000, ridiculous iyam. But rent is equally ridiculous. Something has to give.
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Bought my house in Seneca last April- 1,150 sq ft in a nice older neighborhood on.5 acres for 158,000. Real Estate sites saying it’s worth 211,000 now, crazy. With the housing shortage I don’t know how much the bubble will burst though. I can see it in areas people are leaving or where the prices are higher but here in the Upstate I just don’t see it. I think we might be there, where houses are over the budget of your average middle class couple. Average home sale price nationally is around 370,000, ridiculous iyam. But rent is equally ridiculous. Something has to give.
And it will. It hasn't really been that long ago since the last one even. There was a big housing bubble that burst in 2008. The source of that one was people using arms in their mortgages to pay really low rates up front and assuming that they could ditch the property at a profit when the arm kicked in OR they'd be making enough money when it did. We are in unsustainable territory already IMHO and we will get to a point where middle class folks won't (or can't) buy. When that point happens, home sales will simply stop. And when real estate won't sell at the current price, the price will drop. Depending on how bad things are when that happens, it could drop a modest amount, or simply crash.
IMHO, the housing market NEEDS to bust.

I can't speak to the million dollar homes, but I've a friend who bought a small home 6 or 7 years ago for just over $80K. It's absolutely average in every way. About 1100 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Fairly decent neighborhood and a pretty good backyard. She then got married and soon after they upsized, but kept that house as rental property. They just sold it last month for $245K on the first day it was listed (10K over the asking price). While I'm happy for them, there's NO WAY that house is worth even close to that amount. It's a $100K house MAXIMUM.

But that's how capitalism works. Supply and demand. There are shortages and surpluses and those things drive the market. Right now, there's a shortage of housing and the market is WAY over valued. That's going to correct itself at some point.

Bought my house in Seneca last April- 1,150 sq ft in a nice older neighborhood on.5 acres for 158,000. Real Estate sites saying it’s worth 211,000 now, crazy. With the housing shortage I don’t know how much the bubble will burst though. I can see it in areas people are leaving or where the prices are higher but here in the Upstate I just don’t see it. I think we might be there, where houses are over the budget of your average middle class couple. Average home sale price nationally is around 370,000, ridiculous iyam. But rent is equally ridiculous. Something has to give.

Fascinating reading about prices in other areas and your perspective. Here in Mount Pleasant, we're still in SC, we still have somewhat limited economic opportunities relative to the big metro areas of the country, but very normal houses are selling for $1M+.

Down the street from me, a house that was probably $750K just a few years ago just sold for $1,450,000. Nice house, partial marsh view, but nothing crazy.

Now, my guess is it is virtually impossible to find a SFR in inner Mt. Pleasant for $750K. People are spending that on houses that they then tear down to build something else that costs $3M.

How are normal, or even very good earning younger families going to be able to sustain that? I think it will be interesting to watch family trends in our area. Because I don't really see prices going down, but rather resident mix changing.
He let the economy run too hot. He was begging the fed for negative interest rates in 2018. He okayed the lockdowns and money printing in 2020. Biden sucks too but he isnt to blame.
The NWO politicians & that includes The FED, who answers to no one, used Covid, which they created, to get the inflation train rolling. By the way, we’re in the 3rd Seal of The Tribulation, which is the Rider on The Black Horse, which is Hyper-Inflation. Next up is the dreaded Fourth Seal, which is the Pale Rider, who was given authority over 1/4 part of the earth to kill with the sword, Famine, Death (Pestilence) & wild beasts of the earth.

like I’ve said till I’m blue in the face, our NWO Government Will fleece our funds out of our banking & investment accounts. They will hit us with a EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse), the shuttle full of enriched plutonium was launched by the Obama Administration on December 13, 2012. A handful of our cities will be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C.

Martial Law will be enacted & NWO Authorities Will go door to door. Citizens Will be told we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ they are transported to the FEMA Camp (There are 800 of them in America)…. Failure to comply will result in execution.

Once @ The FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, You have two choices, Agree To be Re-Educated, Agree to have a RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) inserted in their hand or forehead & Worship The Beast/Antichrist, who I believe is Pope Francis. Those who refuse to receive the RFID Chip will NOT be able to buy or sell once they leave the Camp. Those who refuse to Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be BEHEADED by Guillotine. (Revelation 6, The 5Th Seal) (Revelation 13)

This who receive the Chip & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgements starting with the 6th Seal In Revelation 6.

This is “The Great Reset” we’ve heard our NWO Politicians speak of!

Receiving JESUS as our Savior & LORD is One’s ONLY Hope.

The Bible says in John 3:3 “Unless a man is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom of Heaven.”

JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.”

Revelation 20:15 says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lamb’s Book Of Life Was Cast In The Lake Of Fire.”

God wants EVERYONE to be Saved & that’s why JESUS died on the Cross for our sins.

If One has never asked JESUS To Be Their LORD & Savior, say this prayer!

Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In JESUS Name, I Ask YOU To Forgive Me for All Of My Sins. I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins. I Believe JESUS Is The MESSIAH. I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You Come & Live Inside Of My Heart. Thank You For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!!!!

If you said that prayer, Your Name Was Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! If Something Were To Happen To You, You Would Spend Eternity In Heaven!

Tell Someone You Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord! JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels. But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels.

Start Reading Your Bible, Daily & Praying Daily.

GOD said, I’m a Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek ME!

It’s Late In The Game, Folks! The NWO Is Going To Make Us Make A Decision, Choose GOD or Satan!

Choosing GOD Leads To Eternal Life & Blessings, Choosing Satan Leads To Eternal Torment In The Lake Of Fire!
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The NWO politicians & that includes The FED, who answers to no one, used Covid, which they created, to get the inflation train rolling. By the way, we’re in the 3rd Seal of The Tribulation, which is the Rider on The Black Horse, which is Hyper-Inflation. Next up is the dreaded Fourth Seal, which is the Pale Rider, who was given authority over 1/4 part of the earth to kill with the sword, Famine, Death (Pestilence) & wild beasts of the earth.

like I’ve said till I’m blue in the face, our NWO Government Will fleece our funds out of our banking & investment accounts. They will hit us with a EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse), the shuttle full of enriched plutonium was launched by the Obama Administration on December 13, 2012. A handful of our cities will be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C.

Martial Law will be enacted & NWO Authorities Will go door to door. Citizens Will be told we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ they are transported to the FEMA Camp (There are 800 of them in America)…. Failure to comply will result in execution.

Once @ The FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, You have two choices, Agree To be Re-Educated, Agree to have a RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) inserted in their hand or forehead & Worship The Beast/Antichrist, who I believe is Pope Francis. Those who refuse to receive the RFID Chip will NOT be able to buy or sell once they leave the Camp. Those who refuse to Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be BEHEADED by Guillotine. (Revelation 6, The 5Th Seal) (Revelation 13)

This who receive the Chip & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgements starting with the 6th Seal In Revelation 6.

This is “The Great Reset” we’ve heard our NWO Politicians speak of!

Receiving JESUS as our Savior & LORD is One’s ONLY Hope.

The Bible says in John 3:3 “Unless a man is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom of Heaven.”

JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.”

Revelation 20:15 says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lamb’s Book Of Life Was Cast In The Lake Of Fire.”

God wants EVERYONE to be Saved & that’s why JESUS died on the Cross for our sins.

If One has never asked JESUS To Be Their LORD & Savior, say this prayer!

Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In JESUS Name, I Ask YOU To Forgive Me for All Of My Sins. I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins. I Believe JESUS Is The MESSIAH. I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You Come & Live Inside Of My Heart. Thank You For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!!!!

If you said that prayer, Your Name Was Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! If Something Were To Happen To You, You Would Spend Eternity In Heaven!

Tell Someone You Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord! JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels. But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels.

Start Reading Your Bible, Daily & Praying Daily.

GOD said, I’m a Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek ME!

It’s Late In The Game, Folks! The NWO Is Going To Make Us Make A Decision, Choose GOD or Satan!

Choosing GOD Leads To Eternal Life & Blessings, Choosing Satan Leads To Eternal Torment In The Lake Of Fire!
The brown acid is bad!!!
The NWO politicians & that includes The FED, who answers to no one, used Covid, which they created, to get the inflation train rolling. By the way, we’re in the 3rd Seal of The Tribulation, which is the Rider on The Black Horse, which is Hyper-Inflation. Next up is the dreaded Fourth Seal, which is the Pale Rider, who was given authority over 1/4 part of the earth to kill with the sword, Famine, Death (Pestilence) & wild beasts of the earth.

like I’ve said till I’m blue in the face, our NWO Government Will fleece our funds out of our banking & investment accounts. They will hit us with a EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse), the shuttle full of enriched plutonium was launched by the Obama Administration on December 13, 2012. A handful of our cities will be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C.

Martial Law will be enacted & NWO Authorities Will go door to door. Citizens Will be told we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ they are transported to the FEMA Camp (There are 800 of them in America)…. Failure to comply will result in execution.

Once @ The FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, You have two choices, Agree To be Re-Educated, Agree to have a RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) inserted in their hand or forehead & Worship The Beast/Antichrist, who I believe is Pope Francis. Those who refuse to receive the RFID Chip will NOT be able to buy or sell once they leave the Camp. Those who refuse to Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be BEHEADED by Guillotine. (Revelation 6, The 5Th Seal) (Revelation 13)

This who receive the Chip & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgements starting with the 6th Seal In Revelation 6.

This is “The Great Reset” we’ve heard our NWO Politicians speak of!

Receiving JESUS as our Savior & LORD is One’s ONLY Hope.

The Bible says in John 3:3 “Unless a man is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom of Heaven.”

JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.”

Revelation 20:15 says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lamb’s Book Of Life Was Cast In The Lake Of Fire.”

God wants EVERYONE to be Saved & that’s why JESUS died on the Cross for our sins.

If One has never asked JESUS To Be Their LORD & Savior, say this prayer!

Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In JESUS Name, I Ask YOU To Forgive Me for All Of My Sins. I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins. I Believe JESUS Is The MESSIAH. I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You Come & Live Inside Of My Heart. Thank You For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!!!!

If you said that prayer, Your Name Was Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! If Something Were To Happen To You, You Would Spend Eternity In Heaven!

Tell Someone You Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord! JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels. But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels.

Start Reading Your Bible, Daily & Praying Daily.

GOD said, I’m a Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek ME!

It’s Late In The Game, Folks! The NWO Is Going To Make Us Make A Decision, Choose GOD or Satan!

Choosing GOD Leads To Eternal Life & Blessings, Choosing Satan Leads To Eternal Torment In The Lake Of Fire!
This is all spot on. Trump was tricked by the globalists. I would still vote for him over any other candidate not named Desantis.
The NWO politicians & that includes The FED, who answers to no one, used Covid, which they created, to get the inflation train rolling. By the way, we’re in the 3rd Seal of The Tribulation, which is the Rider on The Black Horse, which is Hyper-Inflation. Next up is the dreaded Fourth Seal, which is the Pale Rider, who was given authority over 1/4 part of the earth to kill with the sword, Famine, Death (Pestilence) & wild beasts of the earth.

like I’ve said till I’m blue in the face, our NWO Government Will fleece our funds out of our banking & investment accounts. They will hit us with a EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse), the shuttle full of enriched plutonium was launched by the Obama Administration on December 13, 2012. A handful of our cities will be hit with tactical nukes, including Washington D.C.

Martial Law will be enacted & NWO Authorities Will go door to door. Citizens Will be told we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be promised food, water, protection & other provisions once @ they are transported to the FEMA Camp (There are 800 of them in America)…. Failure to comply will result in execution.

Once @ The FEMA Camps, Citizens Will be told, You have two choices, Agree To be Re-Educated, Agree to have a RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) inserted in their hand or forehead & Worship The Beast/Antichrist, who I believe is Pope Francis. Those who refuse to receive the RFID Chip will NOT be able to buy or sell once they leave the Camp. Those who refuse to Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be BEHEADED by Guillotine. (Revelation 6, The 5Th Seal) (Revelation 13)

This who receive the Chip & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist will be the recipient of one or more of 16 judgements starting with the 6th Seal In Revelation 6.

This is “The Great Reset” we’ve heard our NWO Politicians speak of!

Receiving JESUS as our Savior & LORD is One’s ONLY Hope.

The Bible says in John 3:3 “Unless a man is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom of Heaven.”

JESUS said, “I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father But Through Me.”

Revelation 20:15 says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lamb’s Book Of Life Was Cast In The Lake Of Fire.”

God wants EVERYONE to be Saved & that’s why JESUS died on the Cross for our sins.

If One has never asked JESUS To Be Their LORD & Savior, say this prayer!

Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In JESUS Name, I Ask YOU To Forgive Me for All Of My Sins. I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins. I Believe JESUS Is The MESSIAH. I Believe YOU Raised HIM From The Dead On The Third Day. I Ask You Come & Live Inside Of My Heart. Thank You For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name! Amen!!!!

If you said that prayer, Your Name Was Written In The Lambs Book Of Life! If Something Were To Happen To You, You Would Spend Eternity In Heaven!

Tell Someone You Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord! JESUS said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels. But, If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed of You When You Stand Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels.

Start Reading Your Bible, Daily & Praying Daily.

GOD said, I’m a Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek ME!

It’s Late In The Game, Folks! The NWO Is Going To Make Us Make A Decision, Choose GOD or Satan!

Choosing GOD Leads To Eternal Life & Blessings, Choosing Satan Leads To Eternal Torment In The Lake Of Fire!
Christianity has had a 2000 year run of claiming that the impending doom predicted in the book of Revelations is right around the corner.
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He let the economy run too hot. He was begging the fed for negative interest rates in 2018. He okayed the lockdowns and money printing in 2020. Biden sucks too but he isnt to blame.
So inflation rose 7.8% during Trump's Presidency, has already risen 10.5% in the 16 months under Biden (source The CARES act of $2 trillion was passed 3/27/20, in which CPI only rose 3.5 points from the date of passage until January 2021. In fact, following passage of this legislation, CPI actually lower the following two months. The average MTM increase in CPI under Trump was only 0.39, contrast that with Biden's average of 1.84, which is 371.8% higher than under Trump's Presidency.

The American Rescue Plan signed 3/11/21 by Biden pumped another $1.9 trillion, some of which was needed, but note that the previous economic bill was passed by President Trump on 12/27/20, a full 9 months since the CARES act was signed, whereas ARP was signed just 3 months after this second bill; therefore the timing of this signed into law really drove inflation up following spending under the Trump admin. Several of the elements of the ARP have been largely criticized as being unnecessary, such as extended unemployment relief which has led to labor shortages, "community development' of $362 billion (only $17 billion under Trump), $176 billion for schools (a large amount which has yet to be spent, which some lawmakers have referenced this week in wake of the Uvalde massacre as a potential source of funding to protect schools), rent assistance/moratorium (again, more reason for people not to go back to work), etc.

So while Trump should deserve some blame, I think we really have to look at these stats and when we really start to see prices increase, which has been entirely under Biden's Presidency. And his additional spending to reduce the deficit, the infrastructure package, the climate change package that is coming, its all going to drive this higher and higher, and I don't see an ending in sight.
3 and 3/4 years into Bidens administration. Dont think we can blame Trump for BIDENOMICS inflation.

Pulling every string in the book to get inflation lower and they just can't do it. Inflation coming in hot on CPI and PPI.

Inflation is theft! Buy BTC
Oh so we are followers now?

I got news for you, The United States economy is leading the world.

There are times when the markets move overnight because European markets move and lead the way, but that is not the case now. Markets move in the US and the world follows.

We have king dollar right now, the US is leading the way. We are the dog, not the tail.
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Oh so we are followers now?

I got news for you, The United States economy is leading the world.

There are times when the markets move overnight because European markets move and lead the way, but that is not the case now. Markets move in the US and the world follows.

We have king dollar right now, the US is leading the way. We are the dog, not the tail.
You are correct, we do lead the world. Biden has led the best post covid recovery of any country. There was a lot of work to be done after trump shut down the country in 2020.
You are correct, we do lead the world. Biden has led the best post covid recovery of any country. There was a lot of work to be done after trump shut down the country in 2020.
Bizarre to me that you can position the US economy ahead of every single one of its “peers,” and the other side will nevertheless find a way to denigrate you.

No one bitched about inflation when interest rates were as low as they were for as long as they were. Trump inherited a strong economy and utterly squandered it. Part of the reason the Fed had to print as much as it did was that there was no room to cut rates. That wasn’t the case in 07-09.

The nonsense will continue as long as Republicans continue to convince people that real-estate developers and business-owners know something about macroeconomic policy. It’s like asking a plant about the weather
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You are correct, we do lead the world. Biden has led the best post covid recovery of any country. There was a lot of work to be done after trump shut down the country in 2020.
Well if you inflate everything then yea, you are stealing from people to prop up a fake economy.

Thats what inflation is. The Feds long term stated goal for inflation is 2%. We havent sniffed that in the Biden Administration.
Bizarre to me that you can position the US economy ahead of every single one of its “peers,” and the other side will nevertheless find a way to denigrate you.

No one bitched about inflation when interest rates were as low as they were for as long as they were. Trump inherited a strong economy and utterly squandered it. Part of the reason the Fed had to print as much as it did was that there was no room to cut rates. That wasn’t the case in 07-09.

Trump squandered the economy? It was humming before Covid.

You can't ignore covid during Trumps term while using it as an excuse for Bidens inflation.
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Well if you inflate everything then yea, you are stealing from people to prop up a fake economy.

Thats what inflation is. The Feds long term stated goal for inflation is 2%. We havent sniffed that in the Biden Administration.

True. But dont forget that trump shut down the entire economy (except for the "illegals" whom he allowed to continue picking our food) and he dumped trillions in handouts into the economy in 2020.
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No melty, just observing the inflation from BIDENOMICS.
I'd say bumping like 14 different threads over the course of ~20min constitutes a melty.

Especially when the they're meant to be "gotchas" despite the US leading the world in inflation recovery
I'd say bumping like 14 different threads over the course of ~20min constitutes a melty.

Especially when the they're meant to be "gotchas" despite the US leading the world in inflation recovery

Inflation is out of control and Sleepy Joe can't do anything about it because his policies are inflationary.

If you want more inflation, vote Democrat.
He let the economy run too hot. He was begging the fed for negative interest rates in 2018. He okayed the lockdowns and money printing in 2020. Biden sucks too but he isnt to blame.
@DaBadass Care to re-evaluate now that we are in year 3.75 of Bidens term?
Inflation is out of control and Sleepy Joe can't do anything about it because his policies are inflationary.

If you want more inflation, vote Democrat.
The problem with all of this is you don't know what you're talking about and are just a complete shill/troll. I imagine it was the only logical next step considering the amount of L's you've been taking recently. You're completely ignoring facts/data that fly counter to your narrative and just keep repeating the same talking points with no data supporting your conclusions.

You're not a serious person, and as such should be treated/responded to like Growls.
The problem with all of this is you don't know what you're talking about and are just a complete shill/troll. I imagine it was the only logical next step considering the amount of L's you've been taking recently. You're completely ignoring facts/data that fly counter to your narrative and just keep repeating the same talking points with no data supporting your conclusions.

You're not a serious person, and as such should be treated/responded to like Growls.
ok, put me on ignore. And i'll put you on ignore. Bye Felecia
  • Haha
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Trump squandered the economy? It was humming before Covid.

You can't ignore covid during Trumps term while using it as an excuse for Bidens inflation.
he was in first place before the finish line, but when it came time to tally the actual results.........
he was in first place before the finish line, but when it came time to tally the actual results.........
Just checking

3.75 years into Bidens 4 year term and you are still blaming Trump? Yes or No?
Just checking

3.75 years into Bidens 4 year term and you are still blaming Trump? Yes or No?
the problem is printing money, agree?

just checking, who put their name on the checks that started this whole thing?


is Biden a piece of shit? yes. is trump also a piece of shit who started sending checks to people to try and buy votes? also yes. i dont know if you're a reader, but i've made it pretty clear i hate both parties and usually vote third party.
the problem is printing money, agree?

just checking, who put their name on the checks that started this whole thing?


is Biden a piece of shit? yes. is trump also a piece of shit who started sending checks to people to try and buy votes? also yes. i dont know if you're a reader, but i've made it pretty clear i hate both parties and usually vote third party.

So the answer is NO.

You can't subscribe any blame to Biden even though he has been President for 3.75 years of his 4 year term!!

So the answer is NO.

You can't subscribe any blame to Biden even though he has been President for 3.75 years of his 4 year term!!

Your reading comprehension gets worse every day.

Or you prefer to be a victim.

Bless your heart. Oh, and subscribe. lol.
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