trump now accusing republicans of cheating...

YIKES at Ted Cruz. What a spineless jellyfish. That guy flip flops more than any politician alive.
I mean ... they all do that, dont they? I mean ... youre head dude was once in favor of segregation, busing, and feared the racial jungle while idolizing Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd. And now .... if you arent for Biden, you aint black? That is a pretty significant flip ... more recently ... he said he wouldnt mandate CV19 Vaccines .... and then he did ....

I hate hate hate hate "whataboutism" so I'll stop there ....

I just like Cruz as a SCOTUS Justice versus a Presidential Candidate
I just like Cruz as a SCOTUS Justice versus a Presidential Candidate

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"DeSantis is a smarter and crueler version of Trump and Cruz is just a raging POS."

I mean ... were just going to have to agree to disagree on the "crueler" and "raging POS", and that is fine. Outside of not doing his homework on the Reedy Creek Improvement area, I think Desantis has been solid ... what you consider "cruel" is what I would imagine I would consider "personal accountability". You and I defer most when it comes to social justice initiatives and identity politics.

and for Cruz ... Im a fan of Constitutionalists on the bench. The Constitution should be the basis for all decisions ... its Congresses job to Legislate not the Judicial branch, and we should elect representatives capable of working togethers ..... but we dont.

any ways ... Hogan is very even keel and a very no nonsense type of person. Unfortunately, politics today? Demands nonsense and hyperbole. The ultra MAGArs while derp and call him a Rhino and the leftists will REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE because he has white skin.
Yes, we totally diverge on the FAKE culture war issues that he creates to own the libs and get his far right bonafides. That dude is literally vomit inducing. And just LOL on anything Cruz related.

"Let’s just call it what it is: Gov. DeSantis is Trump lite. He is maybe even worse. Why? Because, unlike Trump, he doesn’t really engage in the hyperbolic insults, offensive racial talk and animus that Trump does. He is smarter. Smoother. Slicker. He makes jokes. He positions himself as a champion of freedom and individual liberties, while all the while he’s suppressing them.

Here’s the bottom line, as we all continue to focus on “TFG,” we have a much more dangerous problem brewing. His name is Gov. Ron DeSantis. We had all better make sure that in 2024, this man and the other guy get nowhere near the White House. Or Democracy may just end."

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Yes, we totally diverge on the FAKE social justice issues that he creates to own the libs and get his far right bonafides. That dude is literally vomit inducing. And just LOL on anything Cruz related.

"Let’s just call it what it is: Gov. DeSantis is Trump lite. He is maybe even worse. Why? Because, unlike Trump, he doesn’t really engage in the hyperbolic insults, offensive racial talk and animus that Trump does. He is smarter. Smoother. Slicker. He makes jokes. He positions himself as a champion of freedom and individual liberties, while all the while he’s suppressing them.

Here’s the bottom line, as we all continue to focus on “TFG,” we have a much more dangerous problem brewing. His name is Gov. Ron DeSantis. We had all better make sure that in 2024, this man and the other guy get nowhere near the White House. Or Democracy may just end."

maybe we dont disagree .... youre right .... Social Justice issues are FAKE.

maybe we dont disagree .... youre right .... Social Justice issues are FAKE.

Especially the ones that falsely make you believe that CRT is being taught to your kids and their teachers are trying to make them transgenders. You know, the fake boogeymen that keep the right up at night LMAO.
Especially the ones that falsely make you believe that CRT is being taught to your kids and their teachers are trying to make them transgenders. You know, the fake boogeymen that keep the right up at night LMAO.
You are either knowingly telling lies and spreading disinformation or simply just believe the lies you are spoon fed bc you refuse to actually think for yourself. Either one is bad.

You are either knowingly telling lies and spreading disinformation or simply just believe the lies you are spoon fed bc you refuse to actually think for yourself. Either one is bad.


"On Nov. 15, Chalkbeat Detroit published a story quoting Detroit school district Superintendent Nikolai Vitti at a school board meeting. He said, “Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines.”

After Vitti's comments were reported in some media, the Detroit superintendent retracted his comments at the next board meeting. In a statement, Vitti said that critical race theory is not part of the curriculum but "does inform anti-racist efforts in the district."

"On Nov. 15, Chalkbeat Detroit published a story quoting Detroit school district Superintendent Nikolai Vitti at a school board meeting. He said, “Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines.”

After Vitti's comments were reported in some media, the Detroit superintendent retracted his comments at the next board meeting. In a statement, Vitti said that critical race theory is not part of the curriculum but "does inform anti-racist efforts in the district."
Dude, if you believe that then you are dumber than I thought you were. We both know he was forced to go back out there and backtrack. Also, that is not the only instance of teachers and admin admitting it. You are comical.😂
Dude, if you believe that then you are dumber than I thought you were. We both know he was forced to go back out there and backtrack. Also, that is not the only instance of teachers and admin admitting it. You are comical.😂
I don't need your noxious spaghetti logic to splain me what's true or not. We all know that the right thinks any black history being taught is critical race theory. But even if it was being taught, it's an invention of the right that it creates hatred and teaches white people to be ashamed. So again STFU
I don't need your noxious spaghetti logic to splain me what's true or not. We all know that the right thinks any black history being taught is critical race theory. But even if it was being taught, it's an invention of the right that it creates hatred and teaches white people to be ashamed. So again STFU
When you admit you are wrong without admitting you are wrong ,lol! Priceless!

..and btw, I was not splaining anything to you. I was simply posting a couple of examples of where libs are freely admitting what you said was not happening. There was no explanation needed.
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I would vote for Larry Hogan before Biden for sure... The only person I can think of that I'd vote for Trump before them is Ted Cruz MAYBE Lindsey.
lol you'd vote for the guy who left his state during a crisis over the in the closet homosexual who's repressed enough to vote away his rights to have the sex he wants?
lol you'd vote for the guy who left his state during a crisis over the in the closet homosexual who's repressed enough to vote away his rights to have the sex he wants?
Uh. No. Cruz (and MAYBE Lindsey) are the only people that would make me vote Trump.
trump is gonna call Desantis Rino Ron or something else a first grader would come up with and completely destroy desantis' political future
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Trump is going to run.

Hogan will never ever make it out of a republican primary.
I'd take a thousand Trump's instead of 1 Sleepy Joe or Crooked Hilary
So you would align with a pathological liar who lies worse than a little child? A racist prick who would not rent to POC, the same bastard who pushed that birther conspiracy? The same person whose pappy money brought his degree and brought him out of serving in the military? The same who had wife 1… but had concubine 1/wife2… then wife 2/concubine 2 who becomes wife 3…but she bigly mad cause Donald got into it with Stormi…. But this who you would rather have? The same one who has stiffed people for millions of dollars over the years? The same Donald who believed it was ok to sexually assault a woman because he could? If you wish you had a thousand more of those… well that speaks highly of your character or the lack thereof.
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I just hope we get another polished politician who puts China and Russia first and runs on social issues. I want a guy/woman who speaks well and makes us feel good. I want a guy that that Washington loves and both sides drool over!

Whoever it is, we need to get back to establishment politicians!

I'm tired of being divided as a country.
Are you familiar with quotes?

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said. “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”
I’ve got some news for y’all, All Global Leaders Are Working Together. That includes Putin, Biden, Zelensky (Yes,
Leadership In China, NATO, The UN. They’re ALL Working Together!!

One Cannot Be A Global Leader Today, Without Being In The NWO.

Who’s Being Affected By Putin Invading Ukraine, NOT Zelensky, His People Are.

Who’s Being Affected By The Sanctions Levied Against Russia, Do You Think Putin Is? No, His People Are!

I Told Back In 2020, Many Times Over, The Fleecing Of Our Funds Out Of Our Accounts (Putin/Russia or China or A Combination Of The Two Will Shoulder The Blame….. An EMP Attack (Putin Was Quoted As Saying He Has A Weapon That Will Kill 90% Of Americans. He Was Referring To An EMP. I Told Y’all The Obama Administration Launched A Shuttle Full Of Enriched Plutonium On December 13th, 2012. I Met The Special Ops Guy Two After The Shuttle Was Launched, Who Told Me About It. This Is The Shuttle That Will Be Used In The Attack… Tactical Nukes Will Be Used On A Handful Of Our Cities, Including Washington D.C…. Martial Law Will Be Enacted….. NWO Authorities Will Go Door To Door Telling Citizens, “We Were Attacked By Russia/China Or A Combination Of The Two. You & Your Family Need To Come With Us, We Will Provide Food, Water, Shelter, Protection & Other Provisions For You & Your Family Once @ The FEMA Camps. When Things Are Safe, You May Return Home.

This Is A Bald Faced Lie!!!!!

Once @ The FEMA Camps, Citizens Will Be Given A Choice.

Either Agree To Be Re-Educated, Agree To Have The RFID Chip Inserted In Your Hand Or Forehead (Mark Of The Beast) & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist (Pope Francis) Those Who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip Won’t Be Able To Buy Or Sell. Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Beheaded By Guillotine. (Revelation 13)

Those Who Receive The RFID Chip & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Of 16 Judgements From GOD. Once One Perishes Who Have Received “The Mark” & Or Worshiped The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.

Wake Up People!!!!!

We Are Currently In The Third Seal Of The Tribulation, Which Is The Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse, Which Is The Rider On The Black Horse, Which Is Hyper Inflation.

Next Up Is What I Described Above!!!

Some Of You Reading This Have Never Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord!!!

JESUS Said In John 3:3…. “Unless A Man Is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven.”

JESUS Said, “If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of ME & MY Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels.”

JESUS Said, I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.”

Revelation 20:15 Says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life, Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”

For One To Be Saved & Have Their Name Written In The Lambs Book Of Life, Say This Prayer….

Dear Heavenly Father, I Come To You In JESUS’s Name, I Believe JESUS Died For Me On The Cross & I Believe YOU Raised HIM On The Third Day. I Believe JESUS Is The Messiah. I Ask You To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins & Cleanse Me From All Unrighteousness. I Ask You To Come Into My Heart! Thank You For Saving Me! In JESUS’s Name, Amen!!!

When We Say That Prayer, Our Name Is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life!

Tell Someone You Trusted JESUS To Be Your Savior & Lord. This Is Confessing JESUS Before Men!

Start Praying Daily & Reading The Bible Daily!

GOD Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek HIM!

Time Is Short, Folks!!!!

GOD Bless, Y’all
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That's the grift that keeps on grifting the whole year long.

I Apologize, I Said In My Last Post In This Thread, “We Are In The Fourth Seal, We Are In The Third Seal.

I Also Tried To Point Out, Zelensky Is Involved With The NWO & He Is But I Didn’t Finish My Thought. So Yes, Zelensky Is A Part Of The NWO, As Is Chinese Brass & All Other Global Leaders.
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