Trump Witch Hunt

In 6-3 decision issued today, the Supreme Court ruled that 1) a jury must be unanimous in its findings on criminal convictions, and 2) sentencing enhancements cannot be arbitrarily implemented by judicial fiat.

The ruling and the rhetoric in the opinion have obvious implications for both the illegal Bragg witch trial against Trump in New York City and the bogus J6 1512(c) charges and sentencing enhancements that corrupt federal judges have announced they will implement if the Supreme Court nukes 1512(c).

Justice Dept. plans to pursue Trump cases past Election Day, even if he wins​

Justice Department officials plan to pursue the criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day even if he wins, under the belief that department rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Justice Dept. plans to pursue Trump cases past Election Day, even if he wins​

Justice Department officials plan to pursue the criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day even if he wins, under the belief that department rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, according to people familiar with the discussions.
They won’t stop until our country is in full melt down mode. Scary times ahead. Why are they so afraid?????

Continued prayers for President Trump’s safety 🙏🙏🙏
FYI lib squad before you respond with some Trump messiah stuff. DJT is not my savior and never will be. Jesus Christ is and He is always in control.
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Remember when the DOJ said there was no evidence to prove their #3 Matthew Colangelo coordinated with Biden’s team to get a job with the Manhattan DA’s office to prosecute Trump?

Turns out that was a LIE

Colangelo listed Biden’s now Chief of Staff as a job reference and the DNC Chair

2 of the most powerful Democrats in the US, but don’t worry this was just a “normal” job switch

Yeah right

This was coordinated from the top and now they’ve been caught

BREAKING: The D.C. Circuit Court has ruled that Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign violated federal election law in spending that totaled close to $6 million for illegally using the "Correct The Record" PAC to conduct her personal campaign activities

SOUND FAMILIAR? Well, Trump was charged with 34 counts for "campaign" related expenses. Unlike Trump, Hillary actually violated federal law which prohibits Super PACs from donating to candidates or coordinating their efforts with the campaigns, Hillary was coordinating the funds to benefit herself directly and crafted a convenient lie to not get caught.

“But it characterized all of the committee’s myriad expenditures — from staff salaries and travel expenses to the cost of commissioning polls and renting offices — as ‘inputs’ to unpaid communications over the internet. For that reason, neither Correct the Record nor the Clinton campaign designated any of Correct the Record’s expenditures as contributions to the campaign,” the ruling said.
Boom!! They are not getting away with it.

BREAKING NEWS! Just heard that today, during our amazing Rally in the Great State of Michigan, esteemed Florida Circuit Court Judge, Robert L. Pegg, issued a Powerful Decision totally and completely DENYING the Pulitzer Prize Board’s desperate attempt to dismiss my ironclad Defamation Lawsuit against them for awarding the once respected Pulitzer Prizes to Fake News Stories about the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax by The Failing New York Times and The Washington Compost. The Judge specifically stated that the Fake Stories, and the Prizes awarded them, have been debunked by several Government Investigations. He did not allow Pulitzer to hide behind the deeply outdated Times v. Sullivan case, which is from a bygone Era, before the Media went Radical and Woke, as they suffer from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome…

@realDonaldTrump Donald Trump Truth Social 08:05 PM EST 07/20/24
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We are under attack from Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE United States, and a Weak and Pathetic man who uses the “Justice” Department to harass and intimidate his Political Opponents because he is in no way capable of winning by himself. He has created a horrible precedent for the future. Democrat appointed Judges and Prosecutors, together with local D.A.’s and Attorney Generals, have played the game with them. Based on the opinion of legal scholars and experts, they had no good case out of the many against me, but of all the cases, their best shot was the documents case, a complete HOAX, in Florida. They illegally RAIDED MY HOUSE, Mar-a-Lago, in that one. Well, that case was just THROWN OUT IN FULL IN THAT IT WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. THE OTHERS ARE ON WEAK GROUNDS, including those where we have Crooked Judges and Prosecutors. It is all a Political Witch Hunt, and Biden should insist that EVERYTHING NOW BE DROPPED. RUN A FAIR AND OPEN CAMPAIGN!!!

@realDonaldTrump Donald Trump Email 08:38 AM EST 07/20/24
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This is a sick joke. Dems and the establishment goons are real communists and thats a fact.

Andrew McCarthy: Prepare for Judge Juan Merchan to Sentence Trump to Prison on Sept. 18 – Two Months Before Election​

by Jim Hoft Aug. 14, 2024 7:00 pm

Earlier this week, crooked New York Judge Juan Merchan rejected a recusal request for the third time in Trump’s “hush money” case.

The dirty judge’s decision was released to the public on Wednesday.

Judge Merchan’s daughter’s platform made tens of millions of dollars from her father’s case against Trump.

President Trump is STILL under a partial gag order in the case. Can someone please explain how this is legal? And why are Republicans not outraged by this criminal lawfare against the party’s presidential candidate?

In May, Trump was convicted on all 34 felony counts after he was accused of paying porn star Stormy Daniels, AKA Stephanie Clifford, ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer. For some reason, Trump was charged 34 times for the accounting errors. The misdemeanors were changed to felonies in order to stick it to the former president. The far-left kangaroo court swiftly found him guilty of fake crimes.

President Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies but no one knows what crime he committed… It wasn’t disclosed!
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleged Trump committed fraud because the payment was labeled “legal fees.” This was complete nonsense. No one has ever in history been indicted or convicted for such bogus charges. But we are talking about the cesspool New York and we are talking the communist left.

Andrew McCarthy, a former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, predicted on Wednesday that crooked Judge Merchan will jail Trump on his court date on September 18th.

That is two days after early voting begins in Pennsylvania.

Andrew McCarthy wrote an opinion piece on FOX News today.

To the surprise of no one, Judge Juan Merchan has yet again denied former President Trump’s motion for the judge to recuse himself. I am speaking, of course, about the case in which Manhattan’s elected progressive Democratic District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, is prosecuting Trump. In early June, a jury found the former president and current GOP presidential nominee guilty of 34 counts of business records falsification.
It is not just that Judge Merchan had previously denied the recusal motion. The judge has signaled that, come hell or high water, he intends to sentence Trump on Sept. 18.
If you’re keeping score, that would be two days after early voting in the 2024 election begins in Pennsylvania.
The Trump defense team has been trying to stave off sentencing. And the lawyers have what, in a normal case, would be real ammunition.
On July 1, the U.S. Supreme Court held that presidents (including former presidents) are (a) presumptively immune from criminal prosecution for any official acts taken as president, and (b) absolutely immune if the official acts are core constitutional duties of the chief executive. The court instructed that this immunity extends not only to charges but to evidence. That means prosecutors are not just barred from alleging official presidential acts as crimes; they are further prohibited from even using such acts as proof offered to establish other crimes.
There is no denying that Bragg’s prosecutors used some of Trump’s official acts to prove their case. Indeed, they called as witnesses two of Trump’s White House staffers.
Unsurprisingly then, Trump’s lawyers moved post-trial to have the guilty verdicts thrown out based on the high court’s immunity ruling. Further, they again argued that Merchan should recuse himself. On that score, they claimed the lucrative political work Merchan’s daughter has done for Vice President Kamala Harris should be seen as more significant now that Harris has replaced President Biden as Trump’s Democratic opponent in the upcoming election.
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So now a former food blogger is a constitutional law expert? My God you guys love to get your opinions from people who have literally no idea what they are talking about about.

Why in the world should anyone care what she thinks? That's like asking Donald Trump for marriage counseling.
I keep up and am interested in what she has to say.
I keep up and am interested in what she has to say.

But why? She has no expertise,her opinion isn't valuable at all.

Would you go ask a Chef their opinion on how to fix your car?

The only reason you like her is that she tells you what you want to hear. That's really dangerous, they are using you and hurting discourse in America.
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What? An Ohio housewife is angry about the reactions of a judge who was trying a man who tried to subvert an election he lost by 7 million popular votes? Karen needs to get back where she belongs in front of that EZ Bake oven!
Wow...a new thing called a sexist lib.
But why? She has no expertise,her opinion isn't valuable at all.

Would you go ask a Chef their opinion on how to fix your car?

The only reason you like her is that she tells you what you want to hear. That's really dangerous, they are using you and hurting discourse in America.
Disagree with your lame opinion.
Tell me why you disagree? Why do you give her opinion any credence at all? Why does her opinion merit any attention?

She literally is unqualified to have an opinion.
She sits in the courtroom daily and has done so since J6. She is well educated on this topic and has an analysis that she shares on X. This is social media and she has a huge following for a reason. People trust her.
She sits in the courtroom daily and has done so since J6. She is well educated on this topic and has an analysis that she shares on X. This is social media and she has a huge following for a reason. People trust her.

She isn't well educated. She watched court TV. She has no education.

The fact that he has a huge following is a huge issue. Why in the world would you guys pay any attention to the opinions of someone unqualified to give an opinion? All it does is sow division and create chaos.

We need to let the professionals be the professionals.

Guys, it’s not a win that the J6 case against Donald Trump is not going to trial before the election.

What Chutkan did today by taking the rare—unprecedented?—step of allowing DOJ to file an “opening brief” on additional immunity questions is a way to put Trump on trial without a jury and little recourse.

Tom Windom, Smith’s prosecutor, told Chutkan the brief would be “comprehensive.” The document will include grand jury transcripts, 302s (FBI) and other cherry picked “evidence” to salvage the “Big Lie” narrative as people start to vote.

You can GUARANTEE DOJ will release new bombshells to put Trump on the defensive and create damaging headlines.

It’s a paper trial but without cross examination, defense witnesses, or other due process rights.

Nothing to celebrate.
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Guys, it’s not a win that the J6 case against Donald Trump is not going to trial before the election.

What Chutkan did today by taking the rare—unprecedented?—step of allowing DOJ to file an “opening brief” on additional immunity questions is a way to put Trump on trial without a jury and little recourse.

Tom Windom, Smith’s prosecutor, told Chutkan the brief would be “comprehensive.” The document will include grand jury transcripts, 302s (FBI) and other cherry picked “evidence” to salvage the “Big Lie” narrative as people start to vote.

You can GUARANTEE DOJ will release new bombshells to put Trump on the defensive and create damaging headlines.

It’s a paper trial but without cross examination, defense witnesses, or other due process rights.

Nothing to celebrate.

Says the food blogger who has never been to law school. Dumb.
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The E Jean Carroll case is one of the dirtiest cases of political sabotage I’ve ever witnessed.

Her story doesn’t add up. She’s been caught lying about multiple things. She has zero evidence and doesn’t even remember the year.

Even more shocking is that the jury agreed that he didn’t r”pe her, they found him liable for defamation because he said she was crazy and he didn’t r”pe her.

In what world does that make sense to anyone?
You looney libs can just call her momma.


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