Tish: "I will DESTROY you DJT..........even if I have to make up a charge. I will get this done. She campaigned on it.Love it!
New York AG Leticia James campaigned on bankrupting Trump and putting him in jail — she nearly succeeded
Yet tonight, Leticia James bulls**t charges against Trump are being eviscerated by the NY Supreme Court right as she is forced to stand for Trump & applaud him
My how God works in mysterious ways
Andrew Weisman is a POS. Just like many of the libs on this board and the people that came before him.
Merchan. You've been a bad, bad BOY.
We all know this is what happened. If I see one more strongly worded letter, I might tell the truth about all of it. sarc
We all know this is what happened. If I see one more strongly worded letter, I might tell the truth about all of it. sarc
People need to go to jail/prison.
Everything you believe is based on right-wing propaganda, specifically produced to fool you into believing things that aren't true and you gullibly fall for every one of them