Tucker Carlson at RNC

This is a joke, sarcasm…right?
They gave him widespread attention. Carried rallies live, allowed him to say anything he wanted without pushback.

And now in 2024 the same thing. Moderators at the first debate let him stand on stage and say doctors are murdering babies after they’re born.

The media has a responsibility and the national outlets have totally failed at keeping bullshit in check. It’s almost like they’ve accepted that you can’t keep up with the outright lies and lunacy so they expect Americans to decipher it themselves.

There’s a ton of discussion — rightfully so about whether Biden should run again — but not a word about Trump rambling about whatever madness pops up in his brain at a given time. Why aren’t journalists questioning Trump’s fitness? He routinely mistakes names and says stuff that isn’t right, but only Biden’s held to account for those gaffes.
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People just post anything and folks believe it lol

The media handed Trump the White House in 2016 and couldn't help themselves so they're doing it again in 2024
Totally handed it to him. They told their audience he was a Russian Spy for months in a coordinated effort. Of course they were all 100% wrong and they knew they were wrong at the time. That is a lie.

So yes, they handed the election to him by lying that he was A Russian Spy. For Months on end.

Makes perfect, logical, liberal sense.

I bet Jim Comeys asshole is puckered tight right now. Probably is moving his shit out of the country as we speak.
WOW! This video is just amazing.

Watch the whole video and understand that Max Boot's wife just got arrested for being a foreign spy. UNBELIEVABLE!! This is the type of stuff that forms the democrat stereotypes.

They gave him widespread attention. Carried rallies live, allowed him to say anything he wanted without pushback.

And now in 2024 the same thing. Moderators at the first debate let him stand on stage and say doctors are murdering babies after they’re born.

The media has a responsibility and the national outlets have totally failed at keeping bullshit in check.
It’s almost like they’ve accepted that you can’t keep up with the outright lies and lunacy so they expect Americans to decipher it themselves.

There’s a ton of discussion — rightfully so about whether Biden should run again — but not a word about Trump rambling about whatever madness pops up in his brain at a given time. Why aren’t journalists questioning Trump’s fitness? He routinely mistakes names and says stuff that isn’t right, but only Biden’s held to account for those gaffes.
1. He was referring to the infanticide laws passed in NY and Virginia and former Virginia Governor’s video…please fact check that one for me!

2. You mean like the way the media (CNN, MSNBC and the other disinformation media) fact checks Biden and his lies?

All you guys want to talk about is how Trump lies…but you never point out your guy! Y’all are worse than Jill Biden, at least she is in denial out of love 😂😂😂.
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They gave him widespread attention. Carried rallies live, allowed him to say anything he wanted without pushback.

And now in 2024 the same thing. Moderators at the first debate let him stand on stage and say doctors are murdering babies after they’re born.

The media has a responsibility and the national outlets have totally failed at keeping bullshit in check. It’s almost like they’ve accepted that you can’t keep up with the outright lies and lunacy so they expect Americans to decipher it themselves.

There’s a ton of discussion — rightfully so about whether Biden should run again — but not a word about Trump rambling about whatever madness pops up in his brain at a given time. Why aren’t journalists questioning Trump’s fitness? He routinely mistakes names and says stuff that isn’t right, but only Biden’s held to account for those gaffes.

The Virginia Govenor did, in fact, advocate for infanticide.
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They gave him widespread attention. Carried rallies live, allowed him to say anything he wanted without pushback.

And now in 2024 the same thing. Moderators at the first debate let him stand on stage and say doctors are murdering babies after they’re born.

The media has a responsibility and the national outlets have totally failed at keeping bullshit in check. It’s almost like they’ve accepted that you can’t keep up with the outright lies and lunacy so they expect Americans to decipher it themselves.

There’s a ton of discussion — rightfully so about whether Biden should run again — but not a word about Trump rambling about whatever madness pops up in his brain at a given time. Why aren’t journalists questioning Trump’s fitness? He routinely mistakes names and says stuff that isn’t right, but only Biden’s held to account for those gaffes.
And lets face it, allowing him to say anything he wanted with no pushback hurt him. When the debate format went to the way the Democrats wanted, with mics cut off, it helped him tremendously.

The left media has lost their minds. They incited an assasination attempt on a President by slandering him as a russian spy, racist, mysoginist, and made up lies about his policies, pesonality among several other tactics.

The media is a mess and it's all skewed to the left. But you don't have to take my word for it. Just look at the viewing numbers compared to X and other online sources. The MSM has lost their grip on the narrative, and that is really why they are lashing out.
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You are the biggest purveyor of misinformation on this board. You know better than this and you don't care.
Let's talk about it.

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that is what the mother and family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the doctor and the mother" - Democratic Virginia Govenor

Merriam Webster
Infanticide: The killing of an infant.

If the baby is born alive or resusitated, what discussion about abortion needs to take place? That is no longer an abortion, that is killing an infant. Infanticide.

Not sure how that is misinformation.

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Let's talk about it.

"The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that is what the mother and family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the doctor and the mother" - Democratic Virginia Govenor

Merriam Webster
Infanticide: The killing of an infant.

If the baby is born alive or resusitated, what discussion about abortion needs to take place? That is no longer an abortion, that is killing an infant. Infanticide.

Not sure how that is misinformation.

You know better but you're a sick purveyor of misinformation that you know is more nuanced than this.

"Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said."

"At the time, a spokesperson for Northam told Vox the “governor had ‘absolutely not’ been referring to the euthanasia of infants born after a failed abortion” and that he was talking about a “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.”

"Virginia law also states the operation needs to be done in a hospital, that three physicians have to certify the operation and that “measures for life support for the product of such abortion or miscarriage must be available and utilized if there is any clear evidence of viability.”

You know better but you're a sick purveyor of misinformation that you know is more nuanced than this.

"Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said."

"At the time, a spokesperson for Northam told Vox the “governor had ‘absolutely not’ been referring to the euthanasia of infants born after a failed abortion” and that he was talking about a “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.”

"Virginia law also states the operation needs to be done in a hospital, that three physicians have to certify the operation and that “measures for life support for the product of such abortion or miscarriage must be available and utilized if there is any clear evidence of viability.”

Doesn't pass the smell test. Deformities are known well before the third trimester.
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