Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police

No I don't think it would change what I saw as excessive force in the video.
What would change my mind is if Tyreek was threatened or being combative, I did not see that.

But I'm still trying to find anything that points to 50+mph, I just went through about 20 published articles and none of them indicate that.

You won't. If that were available it would get in the way of the narrative being put forward. That would be nice information to have given the situation.
You don’t have to specifically threaten cops in order for them to give you lawful commands. Not sure what your point is.
You asked me about changing my mind if he was going 50+.
I said no, what would change my mind is if he was being threatening to the cops or being combative. I saw none of that in the video.
It was stated well above that his behavior, regardless of whether you think was assholish, should result only in a ticket. None of his behavior require the force shown in that video. He was not threatening and was well within his rights to act the way he did.
They only hurt his feelings. He was able to play the football game and score and 80 yard td. I can see both sides. Its easy for us to sit home and watch these videos and get pissed at cops but think about them. They put their life on the line. Cops get shot and killed on traffic stops every year and they have to deal with drug addled meatballs all the time. so creating safety parameters is a must. If his windows were heavily tinted I could see them getting very nervous. The policemen were hispanic btw. Traffic stops are not on country club rules. I thought they could have handled it a bit better but it shouldnt be a firing offense imo. With that said would not surprise me if they fire them just for public relations purposes.
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You asked me about changing my mind if he was going 50+.
I said no, what would change my mind is if he was being threatening to the cops or being combative. I saw none of that in the video.
So no difference to you in whether someone is going 15mph over vs 50mph over?

You don’t think going 100% over the speed limit and 100% over the qualifications for reckless driving is enough cause for the officer to be concerned about his safety?

You are going to lose that argument in front of 99% of judges.

If he was really going 50mph over then we should be asking how he got special treatment and got out of jail in time to play the game.
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This TJ Moe's guy here is being ridiculous. Seeing video allows us some additional context and we get to use our own brains and common sense. The police officer was doing his job as if any average person was speeding. Not treating him bad or acting as if Hill almost killed people. Nothing crazy. The officer seemed to get upset because Hill didn't like the way he tapped on his glass and commented repeatedly. Prob annoyed him being the authority figure. Even with that the cop takes his registration and license and is walking away. He then responds to Hill repeating his comment over again about the window tapping. For you to pretend like the request to roll his window down was anything more than a pissing match between 2 men is crazy. Zero to do with safety or his speed. If his speed was an issue there's no way the cop calmly approaches him as if it was any regular speeding situation. Nothing changed until after Hill was being insistent regarding the window tapping. Not sure how you can't see and admit that. Rolling your window down after having already given the requested info is NOT a lawful order by the way. It's really weird the lengths people will go to defend bad behavior.

Some places going as fast as Hill was would require you to be arrested immediately without question. This was not one of those situations even tho I would've arrested him on the spot for that. You can't in hindsight act as if he deserved to be treated that way because of how fast he was going.
This TJ Moe's guy here is being ridiculous. Seeing video allows us some additional context and we get to use our own brains and common sense. The police officer was doing his job as if any average person was speeding. Not treating him bad or acting as if Hill almost killed people. Nothing crazy. The officer seemed to get upset because Hill didn't like the way he tapped on his glass and commented repeatedly. Prob annoyed him being the authority figure. Even with that the cop takes his registration and license and is walking away. He then responds to Hill repeating his comment over again about the window tapping. For you to pretend like the request to roll his window down was anything more than a pissing match between 2 men is crazy. Zero to do with safety or his speed. If his speed was an issue there's no way the cop calmly approaches him as if it was any regular speeding situation. Nothing changed until after Hill was being insistent regarding the window tapping. Not sure how you can't see and admit that. Rolling your window down after having already given the requested info is NOT a lawful order by the way. It's really weird the lengths people will go to defend bad behavior.

Some places going as fast as Hill was would require you to be arrested immediately without question. This was not one of those situations even tho I would've arrested him on the spot for that. You can't in hindsight act as if he deserved to be treated that way because of how fast he was going.
You wrote that whole wall of text on the incorrect premise that the police were not in more danger with the illegally tinted windows rolled up. He can’t see through the window to see if the extremely reckless driver had a gun. The policeman could not ensure his own safety, which he is entitled to do.

Police acted 100% appropriately in this situation. Hill acted like an entitled asshole and then a huge bitch by calling for “drew”. How pathetic.

And now he is trying to say all black people act that way. What an insult to black people.
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You wrote that whole wall of text on the incorrect premise that the police were not in more danger with the illegally tinted windows rolled up. He can’t see through the window to see if the extremely reckless driver had a gun. The policeman could not ensure his own safety, which he is entitled to do.

Police acted 100% appropriately in this situation. Hill acted like an entitled asshole and then a huge bitch by calling for “drew”. How pathetic.

And now he is trying to say all black people act that way. What an insult to black people.
You're right. I'm going on the premise that the officer didn’t feel like he was in danger. I also don't agree that the reason he asked him to roll his window down was to make sure he didn't have a gun. I'm assuming that the officers aren't chicken shit and are smart enough at threat assessment. They deal with more danger than a guy acting like an entitled asshole. I'm sure they don't get cautious with every reckless driving situation. Prob takes a lil more than that tonrattle them. Doesn't mean that this wasn't a threat situation in some one in a million shot. Just saying them knowing Hill was on his way to the game just up ahead wasn't a scenario where they think they may get shot. Context matters.

The cop was literally ok with how everything was going and doing a good job. Seems Hill annoyed the hell out of the cop and all of us listening going on about his window. Just wish the officer did a better job of ignoring entitled assholes. Just give him a huge ticket.

As for the wall of text....respond or don't. You don't have to be an ass about it. And people of color also profile people including other people of color. Black and brown people aren't innocent because they are black and brown.
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It’s standard protocol for officers to see the suspects hands during a traffic stop. That is a legal command.

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Why hasn’t one “official” news report said how fast he was going? It’s almost like they are letting a narrative fester.
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It’s standard protocol for officers to see the suspects hands during a traffic stop. That is a legal command.

Again. You're ignoring context and I think everyone sees it. Once he gives his info to the cop and he's starting to walk away he can roll up his window legally. That's not a i need to see your hands situation. He's walking away with his documentation. I do that all the time. I'm sure others do. He's upset because Hill's being an ass.
Again. You're ignoring context and I think everyone sees it. Once he gives his info to the cop and he's starting to walk away he can roll up his window legally. That's not a i need to see your hands situation. He's walking away with his documentation. I do that all the time. I'm sure others do. He's upset because Hill's being an ass.
Unfortunately for Tyreek, he doesnt get to decide what is needed or not. He gave up that right by going 50mph over the speed limit. He is lucky the cops didn't haul his off to jail for reckless driving. Can you imagine if cops had to go off of what the suspect needs while trying to keep the community safe? They could never police effectively. That is a non-starter (and not the current law either)

And why did he NOT go to jail? A lot of people going 50mph would have gone to jail.

Tyreek should apologize to the officers and take a safety driving class.

Everyone is treated the same under the law right? unless you are tyreek hill. If you are tyreek, you get to tell the police when THEY are threatened.
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Unfortunately for Tyreek, he doesnt get to decide what is needed or not. He gave up that right by going 50mph over the speed limit. He is lucky the cops didn't haul his off to jail for reckless driving. Can you imagine if cops had to go off of what the suspect needs while trying to keep the community safe? They could never police effectively. That is a non-starter (and not the current law either)

And why did he NOT go to jail? A lot of people going 50mph would have gone to jail.

Tyreek should apologize to the officers and take a safety driving class.

Everyone is treated the same under the law right? unless you are tyreek hill. If you are tyreek, you get to tell the police when THEY are threatened.
So take him to jail immediately. Stop pretending like what law he broke or how fast he was going mattered. If that stuff mattered the cop would've responded differently from the start. It was a routine speeding stop before Hill started acting like an ass about his window.
Unfortunately for Tyreek, he doesnt get to decide what is needed or not. He gave up that right by going 50mph over the speed limit. He is lucky the cops didn't haul his off to jail for reckless driving. Can you imagine if cops had to go off of what the suspect needs while trying to keep the community safe? They could never police effectively. That is a non-starter (and not the current law either)

And why did he NOT go to jail? A lot of people going 50mph would have gone to jail.

Tyreek should apologize to the officers and take a safety driving class.

Everyone is treated the same under the law right? unless you are tyreek hill. If you are tyreek, you get to tell the police when THEY are threatened.
You keep repeating this “50mph over the limit” claim and there is zero verifiable evidence to support it. All that has been released was it was a reckless driving charge - which could account for anything.
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When you get pulled over you're potentially in a no win situation. At some point, as much as it might hurts, you should swallow your pride an play along with their demands to a point. If you act like an asshole then the cops will treat you like an asshole.
So take him to jail immediately. Stop pretending like what law he broke or how fast he was going mattered. If that stuff mattered the cop would've responded differently from the start. It was a routine speeding stop before Hill started acting like an ass about his window.
Was it a routine stop? We only have the video starting when he is pulled over. That i know of at least.

What happened before that? How long was the chase? How fast was he going? Did he endanger anyone else? Were there any other reasons the cop felt threatened? I feel like there is a lot of more information that would be relevant.
You keep repeating this “50mph over the limit” claim and there is zero verifiable evidence to support it. All that has been released was it was a reckless driving charge - which could account for anything.
Ok - lets assume he was going 65mph in a 40mph hour zone. That is reckless driving. Do you think his behavior was appropriate?
Ok - lets assume he was going 65mph in a 40mph hour zone. That is reckless driving. Do you think his behavior was appropriate?
Technically that's not reckless driving, as just speeding doesn't account for it unless it's a drastic difference (i.e 70 in a 30). If he were to run a redlight, weave in and out of lanes without using his blinker, put other drivers at risk while simultaneously speeding, then yes it would be reckless. If he's just going 25 above, it would likely just be careless driving.

His behavior is moot. Florida law does not require him to keep his window rolled down at a traffic stop. All he needs to do is roll it down to give up his license/registration and then he can roll it back up and not speak a word. The cops were clearly on a power trip - even so far as giggling with each other about it being Tyreek when he first rolled down the window.
Technically that's not reckless driving, as just speeding doesn't account for it unless it's a drastic difference (i.e 70 in a 30). If he were to run a redlight, weave in and out of lanes without using his blinker, put other drivers at risk while simultaneously speeding, then yes it would be reckless. If he's just going 25 above, it would likely just be careless driving.

His behavior is moot. Florida law does not require him to keep his window rolled down at a traffic stop. All he needs to do is roll it down to give up his license/registration and then he can roll it back up and not speak a word. The cops were clearly on a power trip - even so far as giggling with each other about it being Tyreek when he first rolled down the window.
I'll stand corrected in that it is not technically reckless driving if you go strictly by the way the law is written. For some reason i thought that 25mph over legally consituted reckless driving. You are correct that it does not.

And im not sure why, but that does somewhat change my perception of the stop.
Was it a routine stop? We only have the video starting when he is pulled over. That i know of at least.

What happened before that? How long was the chase? How fast was he going? Did he endanger anyone else? Were there any other reasons the cop felt threatened? I feel like there is a lot of more information that would be relevant.
Routine stop was a compliment to the officer. He wasn't acting out before Hill started acting like an ass about the window. If his speed and endangering everyone was the central focus the cop would've behaved as such before Hill started acting like that. He was literally behaving as if he was simply going to give him a ticket not as if he was going to jail. Do you agree?
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I'll stand corrected in that it is not technically reckless driving if you go strictly by the way the law is written. For some reason i thought that 25mph over legally consituted reckless driving. You are correct that it does not.

And im not sure why, but that does somewhat change my perception of the stop.
Where I have lived 25mph or over is automatically categorized as reckless driving even if you weren't actually driving reckless. Not sure about Florida tho.
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Technically that's not reckless driving, as just speeding doesn't account for it unless it's a drastic difference (i.e 70 in a 30). If he were to run a redlight, weave in and out of lanes without using his blinker, put other drivers at risk while simultaneously speeding, then yes it would be reckless. If he's just going 25 above, it would likely just be careless driving.

His behavior is moot. Florida law does not require him to keep his window rolled down at a traffic stop. All he needs to do is roll it down to give up his license/registration and then he can roll it back up and not speak a word. The cops were clearly on a power trip - even so far as giggling with each other about it being Tyreek when he first rolled down the window.
People are so intent on protecting officers that they try to find reasons to justify their actions and ways that citizens should've avoided an issue. In essence if you act out at all now it gives officers the right to act outside of the law because you somehow deserve it for being disrespectful.

The "trained" officer should've allowed Hill to be an ass and just gave him a ticket. Him complaining about the officer tapping on his glass so hard while annoying isn't unreasonable. The officer and some others I've seen don't like when citizens don't give them the ultimate respect as an authority figure. Even tho I do show respect I know it's not required and shouldn't cause them to retaliate. Cops have difficult jobs and ignoring assholes is a part of it. Folks can imagine all the dangers they want but this wasn't it.
Where I have lived 25mph or over is automatically categorized as reckless driving even if you weren't actually driving reckless. Not sure about Florida tho.
This is what I thought also, but upon further inspection it appears @WapPride pride is correct. I checked in SC and Fl and neither state has a specific requirement to be reckless driving. There are some general agreements in SC that 20 over is reckless, but it does not appear to be codified into law.
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This is what I thought also, but upon further inspection it appears @WapPride pride is correct. I checked in SC and Fl and neither state has a specific requirement to be reckless driving. There are some general agreements in SC that 20 over is reckless, but it does not appear to be codified into law.

25+ over is a 6 point ticket in SC. That’s where it jumps from 4.
I just saw a report that he was going 60 in a 40 according to the police not 120. And that apparently was an estimation by the officers on the scene. Can anyone confirm? Not sure where I got 120 from but I saw it somewhere also.
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