Except stocks don’t care about if it’s political or not. Market has been kept up through fed policy and strong consumer markets. The virus has hurt consumer markets and we are stuck with fed reserve policy. They were cutting rates every time the market had any type of downward correct.last update
111,351 total cases worldwide
3,8882 deaths
62,661 recovered
38,829 active cases
5,979 in serious or critical condition
3,120 of the deaths have taken place in China out of 80,739 cases and 5,111 of the 5,979 in serious condition are in China.
The US has had 554 cases w/ 517 active. Just 22 deaths with 10 being in one hospice facility...coronavirus did not kill them. Their diagnosis did. Only 8 currently reported in serious condition.'
It is amazing in every election year, some sort of illness that cannot be cured pops up, media scares the shit out of everyone and then it fades away into the darkness.
From SARS, to swine, to ebola, to zika, to noravirus, to cornoavirus, etc etc.
If the market is strong we don’t need low fed rates... people need to take their medication. A couple years of red will be good long term.