Ukraine War

How does that delegitimize the quotes from the European leaders they're quoting? Just because you don't like what they write doesn't mean they're wrong. We already know that you don't trust any outlet to the left of the Attila the Hun Gazette so what's new?

I’m just not waisting my time clicking on known propaganda outlets.

Feel free to quote what the European leaders say directly and I’ll read it, but I don’t read the post or economist anymore. I give them exactly zero credence.

But all that is beside the fact. Joe Biden has made America the laughing stock of the world. They are laughing at how they duped the populace into letting a demented man be President.
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I’m just not waisting my time clicking on known propaganda outlets.

Feel free to quote what the European leaders say directly and I’ll read it, but I don’t read the post or economist anymore. I give them exactly zero credence.

But all that is beside the fact. Joe Biden has made America the laughing stock of the world. They are laughing at how they duped the populace into letting a demented man be President.
I've been to Europe four times in the last few years and I can guarantee you they don't think Biden is a laughing stock. They actually like him and think he's good for our alliance and they LOVE Obama, especially in Spain.

But they think we are insane for electing Trump and simply don't understand how it could happen here. I assure you they don't respect him and most of them literally hate him.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
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I've been to Europe four times in the last few years and I can guarantee you they don't think Biden is a laughing stock. They actually like him and think he's good for our alliance and they LOVE Obama, especially in Spain.

But they think we are insane for electing Trump and simply don't understand how it could happen here. I assure you they don't respect him and most of them literally hate him.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
You should consider staying the next time you go.
How does that delegitimize the quotes from the European leaders they're quoting? Just because you don't like what they write doesn't mean they're wrong. We already know that you don't trust any outlet to the left of the Attila the Hun Gazette so what's new?
Its just deep state counterparts overseas in their circle jerk echo chamber. Yall are not living in objective reality at all. Please come back from fairyland.
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Its just deep state counterparts overseas in their circle jerk echo chamber. Yall are not living in objective reality at all. Please come back from fairyland.
Have you been to Europe since 2016 Growls? Do you really believe there's a bunch of magats there after the way Trump treated them?
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I've been to Europe four times in the last few years and I can guarantee you they don't think Biden is a laughing stock. They actually like him and think he's good for our alliance and they LOVE Obama, especially in Spain.

But they think we are insane for electing Trump and simply don't understand how it could happen here. I assure you they don't respect him and most of them literally hate him.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
The what, 10 people that YOU talked to in Europe is good enough for the sentiment of the world? Get over yourself.
Oh, you mean he held them to account and made them pay their fair share?
He constantly mocked their leaders and also pulled out of the Paris Climate agreement. They don't like authoritarian assholes like him.

I do not agree with all of this but there is some truth here. We do not want war with Russia. Both sides would suffer horribly. Would like to get some comment from our military experts on the board related to this post.

Bad news for the West:

Russia will spend $160 billion on defense and security in 2024 and the Russian Finance Minister calls it the victory budget. Russia pays 75% less for similar or better weapon systems compared to the US / NATO because Russia doesn’t allow its defense industry to rip them off.

So any plane, missile, tank or artillery ammunition costs Russia only 25% of what the US is paying. This means that a $160 billion Russian military budget is comparable to $640 billion in the United States.

It’s also worth noting that Russia doesn’t waste trillions on fancy Navy ships and fighter jets that don’t work. Instead it has focused on building the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world, long range hypersonic missiles that can sink airplane carriers and autonomous nuclear powered torpedoes that travers the oceans without ever needing to refuel. They carry the largest nuclear warheads known to men and are nearly undetectable.

Imagine the most powerful nuclear explosion on the shores of New York City generating a hundred meter tall tsunami of radioactive water destroying the entire city and turning it into an uninhabitable wasteland for centuries.

In addition Russia has a fleet of Super EMP satellites in a high orbit above Earth with nuclear payloads. When detonated they can destroy the entire power grid and all civilian telecommunication systems in the US in an instant.

The US military is used to fighting the least sophisticated enemies. It’s easy to bully any nation that doesn’t have peer capabilities. The US Govt killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2 but it never bullied anyone who could destroy the United States, until now.

Americans and citizens of NATO countries need to understand that the West cannot win against Russia on the battlefield. Every day without diplomacy and peace negotiations is bringing humanity closer to self-destruction. You already know that the Biden administration is the most inept and embarrassing Government America has ever had.

Don’t let those arrogant, corrupt and incompetent fools destroy the world. Demand peace. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
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Give us your current assessment please.
Ukrainian counteroffensive a failure. Ukrainians and Russians unable to make any sizeable gains. Severe casualties on both sides.

I think the merits of our support are unchanged. We stop the Russians in Ukraine, and we're not quite as worried about them picking a fight with NATO itself. The cost of that would be much higher than what we've paid so far.

Cutting a deal with Putin before the war started would have been capitulation. If the Russians want land, fine, they can pay for it in hundreds of thousands of lives. They don't get to make threats for free and then move on to the next target after a "peace deal" gives them what they want for nothing.

That being said, there needs to be an exit strategy. Wear Russia down to the point where we're not worried about them picking a fight with NATO, and we move on. I don't think that they were at the point before the war.

Arestovich drops another napalm bomb... 🔥🔥🔥

"The Ukraine has nothing to offer the people of Donbass and Crimea except second-class status. The problem is that they have nothing to offer their own people except second-class status. Look at the curious situation that's developed. It's been going on for quite a while, but now we see it clearly. The poor have no real reason to fight because they're fighting for the rich. The rich pay their bribes and the poor go and die in the trenches. For a system that for 32 years refused to recognize them as human, crushed them, mocked them, ran them over in their cars and never did jail time, raped them at police stations and never did time, robbed them, kept them hungry and poor...

– But Alexey, surely you're describing Russia...

– No, it's the Ukraine. It's the Ukraine, Julia. It's our mother, the Ukraine. You understand? So the rich have no incentive...

– But it's a reflection of...

– The people with resources have no incentive to go to the front and invest in a future victory for the simple reason that the system is always milking them and the meter is always ticking in the most shameless way. They know full well that if the Ukraine is victorious or has any success on the front lines, the current system will paradoxically be preserved in the shape of the current government for even longer. You know what that means? It means that more annd more Ukrainians, paradoxically, have no interest in any Ukrainian victories on the battlefield. They're just not interested, and they're showing it by fleeing the country and fighting off the military recruiters every single day. If this goes on, after a while, when all the passive forms of self-defense run out and they start clamping down on people and dragging them out from under their beds, people are going to start shooting the recruiters..."
The American commies running the white house are desperate and think a war will save them in November. This is insanity.


Today, Ukraine launched a missile strike, with NATO weapons (Czech), onto civilian locations, in Belgorod city center, killing 14 civilians, 2 children, and injuring over 100.

Russia have called an emergency UN Security Council meeting, and Russian officials are blaming the US for being the main culprits behind the strikes.

Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov just spoke to the media and said the US are “waging a hybrid war against Russia and throwing modern Western weapons to the front against the Russian Armed Forces”.

It appears that the West are DESPERATELY trying to instigate Russia to retaliate and escalate so they can justify bringing NATO in and initiating all-out WW3. Ukraine’s military is down to nothing and cannot hold on much longer. Their only hope is to get the US MIL to intervene and take over for them.

Russia have been warning that if NATO weaponry are used to strike Russian territory, that would be a red line. We are one or two bad decisions away from full-scale kinetic war with Russia, and thus WW3.

Buckle up.
Russia oes not want to take on NATO. It would go badly for them.
Do you think Russia will let NATO throw continuous unanswered attacks on their sovereign territory? That's my point.
Russia has pursued a deliberate campaign of hitting Ukrainian power stations to demoralize and hurt civilians in cold weather. They know Ukraine is going to respond in kind.

NATO doesn’t equal “NATO weapons.” Russia being mad at the West is a given. It’s far from implying they want or would fight a war with NATO.
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Once again the US has no strategic national security interest anywhere near worth doing what is occurring.
There hasn't been even one NATO attack on Rusdia or Russian forces.
Ukraine firing US weapons with US munitions using US guidance systems. Get real man. I am referring to them using US weaponry to attack inside Russian territory and not the contested area.
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Ukraine firing US weapons with US munitions using US guidance systems. Get real man. I am referring to them using US weaponry to attack inside Russian territory and not the contested area.
You didn't say that, man. Get real.