Ukraine War

Read it and weep libs.

In 2014, Senator Chris Murphy bragged about the United States successfully overthrowing Ukraine's government:

"I think it was our role, including sanctions and threats of sanctions, that forced, in part, Yanukovych from office."

"We have not sat on the sidelines. We have been very much involved. Members of the Senate have been there. Members of the State Department have been on the Square."

"The Obama administration passed sanctions. The Senate was prepared to pass its own set of sanctions, and as I've said, I think that the clear position of the United States has, in part, been what has helped lead to this change in regime."

"If, ultimately, this is a peaceful transition to a new government in Ukraine, it will be the U.S. on the streets of Ukraine who will be seen as a great friend in helping make that transition happen."

"There is a U.S. interest here. We are in the middle of negotiating a new trade agreement with Europe. To my state, it's enormously important. We do 40% of our trade in Connecticut with Europe."

"If Ukraine is part of the EU and thus is part of this new trade agreement with the United States, that could result in billions of dollars in new economic opportunities for the U.S."

"So, we do have an economic interest in Ukraine being a part of the EU, and we shouldn't be shy about making that interest clear."

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