Unified Reich


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 9, 2004
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Trump campaign claimed this was a mistake. I really want a journalist to ask Trump about it bc we know he can’t admit to making a mistake.
Foiled again. Sorry guys.

Wow - it is nice to have X to be able to expose their hoaxes in real time.

For those that didn't watch the video
1) The video was not produced by the Trump campaign
2) The video does not mention the words unified reich audibly
3) The term unified reich comes from a stock footage of "vintage news" photo purchased for copyright. It is barely visible in the video, you can't even notice it without looking for it.

This is why the MSM has absolutely zero credibility.
Wow - it is nice to have X to be able to expose their hoaxes in real time.

For those that didn't watch the video
1) The video was not produced by the Trump campaign
2) The video does not mention the words unified reich audibly
3) The term unified reich comes from a stock footage of "vintage news" photo purchased for copyright. It is barely visible in the video, you can't even notice it without looking for it.

This is why the MSM has absolutely zero credibility.

For those that did not watch the video.

- Trump himself retruthed the video.
- the video had the terms Unified reich visible in the ad.
- the Trump campaign swiftly removed the video after they realized the term unified recon was visible.

In other words, this story happened exactly the way that the mainstream media reported it. If it did not happen, why did the trump campaign themselves claim it was a low level staffer who did it?

In a statement to the Associated Press, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt claimed the video, including its apparent signalling to neo-Nazis, was the result of a "staffer" posting it after seeing it shared by "a random account online."

And not surprisingly, the Trump bootlickers, subhuman worshippers of the orange god, are here claiming the mainstream media lied. When in fact they reported the story exactly as it happened.

Seriously guys , if Trump came into your house and boned one of your wives, how would you spin it to convince yourself it did not happen? That is a trick question of course. I know of each of you cucks would happily let Trump dog your wife.

@moradatiger70 @fatpiggy @TigerGrowls
The Trump playbook every time he does something abhorrent:

1) I didn’t do it, they’re lying
2) if I did it was an accident
3) if I meant to do it then it was just a joke
4) even if it wasn’t a joke, there’s nothing wrong with it
5) I did it, on purpose; it wasn’t a joke, and there’s nothing wrong with it
The Trump playbook every time he does something abhorrent:

1) I didn’t do it, they’re lying
2) if I did it was an accident
3) if I meant to do it then it was just a joke
4) even if it wasn’t a joke, there’s nothing wrong with it
5) I did it, on purpose; it wasn’t a joke, and there’s nothing wrong with it

Yep. Trump always playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Just like when he used a sharpie to draw on a weather map before a press conference.
Foiled again. Sorry guys.

MSM proves every single day that they are the enemy of the people of this country. They will lie, cheat, and steal to reach their desired ends--which is (more) money/ratings, or making sure their desired goals are reached.

These people make their living by lying to all of us every day.

EVIL people we are dealing with.
For those that did not watch the video.

- Trump himself retruthed the video.
- the video had the terms Unified reich visible in the ad.
- the Trump campaign swiftly removed the video after they realized the term unified recon was visible.

In other words, this story happened exactly the way that the mainstream media reported it. If it did not happen, why did the trump campaign themselves claim it was a low level staffer who did it?

In a statement to the Associated Press, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt claimed the video, including its apparent signalling to neo-Nazis, was the result of a "staffer" posting it after seeing it shared by "a random account online."

And not surprisingly, the Trump bootlickers, subhuman worshippers of the orange god, are here claiming the mainstream media lied. When in fact they reported the story exactly as it happened.

Seriously guys , if Trump came into your house and boned one of your wives, how would you spin it to convince yourself it did not happen? That is a trick question of course. I know of each of you cucks would happily let Trump dog your wife.

@moradatiger70 @fatpiggy @TigerGrowls

1) Retweets are not an endorsement
2) The unified reich was from a stock "vintage news" photo in a copyright store. Barely visible.
3) who cares if they removed it

Hoax debunked in real time. Win for citizen journalism
The Trump playbook every time he does something abhorrent:

1) I didn’t do it, they’re lying
2) if I did it was an accident
3) if I meant to do it then it was just a joke
4) even if it wasn’t a joke, there’s nothing wrong with it
5) I did it, on purpose; it wasn’t a joke, and there’s nothing wrong with it
1) Most of the time they are lying. Russian Collusion says hello.
Thanks Flo. Coming from you and your degenerates I take that as a sincere compliment.

MSM proves every single day that they are the enemy of the people of this country. They will lie, cheat, and steal to reach their desired ends--which is (more) money/ratings, or making sure their desired goals are reached.

These people make their living by lying to all of us every day.

EVIL people we are dealing with.
Goodness. The depth of your delusions is remarkable.
1) Retweets are not an endorsement
2) The unified reich was from a stock "vintage news" photo in a copyright store. Barely visible.
3) who cares if they removed it

Hoax debunked in real time. Win for citizen journalism

Oh right, right, right, right.... retweets are not an endorsement. That statement sums up maga better than any other.

Maga can dance around racism, authoritarianism, and many other disgusting themes by retweeting shit and then saying, "i just retweeted it, I didn't say I endorsed with it."

If the Biden campaign retweeted a meme of trump with sniper crosshairs on his head, you would be fine with them removing it quickly and then saying, "we just retweeted it; that does not mean we endorsed it. This whole thing is a right-wing media hoax."

I can only assume that in your deranged world, that excuse applies to both sides, right?
Oh right, right, right, right.... retweets are not an endorsement. That statement sums up maga better than any other.

Maga can dance around racism, authoritarianism, and many other disgusting themes by retweeting shit and then saying, "i just retweeted it, I didn't say I endorsed with it."

If the Biden campaign retweeted a meme of trump with sniper crosshairs on his head, you would be fine with them removing it quickly and then saying, "we just retweeted it; that does not mean we endorsed it. This whole thing is a right-wing media hoax."

I can only assume that in your deranged world, that excuse applies to both sides, right?
Your desperation continues to escalate.
1) Retweets are not an endorsement
2) The unified reich was from a stock "vintage news" photo in a copyright store. Barely visible.
3) who cares if they removed it

Hoax debunked in real time. Win for citizen journalism

Can I just point out that I directly called three of you cucks out by saying that you would gladly let Trump **** your wife, and not one of you has pushed back on that.
Correct side? I guess if we define correct as the destruction of democracy, ethics, and all that the country stood for as an example to the world.....then yeah, I guess so.
So you are completely on board with what Bidumb is doing to the country?

You're OK with that?
1) Retweets are not an endorsement
2) The unified reich was from a stock "vintage news" photo in a copyright store. Barely visible.
3) who cares if they removed it

Hoax debunked in real time. Win for citizen journalism
Yes, because retweeting things we disagree with is how that typically works.

Also I don’t think you know what the word hoax means. This happened. You just disagree on what, if anything, that portrays about his mindset. Which is fine, but in no way a hoax.
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Yes, because retweeting things we disagree with is how that typically works.

Also I don’t think you know what the word hoax means. This happened. You just disagree on what, if anything, that portrays about his mindset. Which is fine, but in no way a hoax.
Oh look. Another NUT to add to the fruitcake.
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What exactly has “Bidumb” done to the country that you hate so much? Do you have data that supports your stance or is it gonna just be based on vibes like usual?
I hate my country so much that I've been all around the globe defending it for the last 30 years. You'll need to find another tree p**sy.

We can start with inflation.

Why do you act so dumb? It's affecting you as well as me.
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So you are completely on board with what Bidumb is doing to the country?

You're OK with that?
In general, yes. I would ask what you think he's doing wrong, but you're going to repeat lies and misinformation that you've heard, so I won't. If you're a one topic voter and couldn't care less about anything other than that one issue, e.g. abortion or taxes on upper classes, and would vote for whoever will give you what you want no matter other consequences, then ok, that I understand. I wouldn't agree, but I can understand it. We can debate polices. With actual facts.

But I don't think you're that voter. You've bought into bullshit about the border, wokeness, the economy, or the endangered white lifestyle, or whatever nonsense and propoganda makes you want to be on that cult team .... but nothing grounded in any reality. You're that voter that needs to have someone to hate. And the magas give you that. At the expense of the future of this country. And yes I'm probably being a little dramatic but I honestly think we're in deep shit when or if he wins.
I hate my country so much that I've been all around the globe defending it for the last 30 years. You'll need to find another tree p**sy.

We can start with inflation.

Why do you act so dumb? It's affecting you as well as me.
Just because you joined the military doesn't make you understand the cause and effect of issues. You're likely woefully uninformed. But most of the magas are. Inflation and our economy is a propaganda tool at the moment. And what you think about it and what Biden did or didn't do about it is probably 100% wrong and just bullshit that you've heard from basically liars.
I hate my country so much that I've been all around the globe defending it for the last 30 years. You'll need to find another tree p**sy.

We can start with inflation.

Why do you act so dumb? It's affecting you as well as me.
I guess I should’ve phrased my question differently. I wasn’t implying you hate the country; just asking what you had Biden done that you hate so much. I didn’t think I needed to explain that, but then again you aren’t very bright.

What about inflation? Is the fact we’re leading the every other peer country in inflation recovery not good enough?

Maybe you’re pissed that even being the leading producer of oil in the world, we’re also leading the way in renewables as well?

Or maybe you’re just mad because you’re simple. It’s probably that.
I guess I should’ve phrased my question differently. I wasn’t implying you hate the country; just asking what you had Biden done that you hate so much. I didn’t think I needed to explain that, but then again you aren’t very bright.

What about inflation? Is the fact we’re leading the every other peer country in inflation recovery not good enough?

Maybe you’re pissed that even being the leading producer of oil in the world, we’re also leading the way in renewables as well?

Or maybe you’re just mad because you’re simple. It’s probably that.
Nice try.
In general, yes. I would ask what you think he's doing wrong, but you're going to repeat lies and misinformation that you've heard, so I won't. If you're a one topic voter and couldn't care less about anything other than that one issue, e.g. abortion or taxes on upper classes, and would vote for whoever will give you what you want no matter other consequences, then ok, that I understand. I wouldn't agree, but I can understand it. We can debate polices. With actual facts.

But I don't think you're that voter. You've bought into bullshit about the border, wokeness, the economy, or the endangered white lifestyle, or whatever nonsense and propoganda makes you want to be on that cult team .... but nothing grounded in any reality. You're that voter that needs to have someone to hate. And the magas give you that. At the expense of the future of this country. And yes I'm probably being a little dramatic but I honestly think we're in deep shit when or if he wins.
OK. I am genuinely interested to hear this. You are bidens campaign manager. Give us a few paragraphs to justify another 4 years for Joe. Keep it real and go for it.
Nice try.

Yes. It is global bidenflation. Biden was the one who dumped all of the covid stimulus into the US of America economy which is the reason we have inflation all over the world. Biden is responsible for all three covid stimulus bills, including the two that Trump signed and even signed the checks.

Biden has also kneecapped domestic oil production which is why we are now producing more oil than ever before.

Also woke is causing inflation.

I do my own research so I know the truth. Muh and @Allornothing are smarts so we know theengs.
Yes. It is global bidenflation. Biden was the one who dumped all of the covid stimulus into the US of America economy which is the reason we have inflation all over the world. Biden is responsible for all three covid stimulus bills, including the two that Trump signed and even signed the checks.

Biden has also kneecapped domestic oil production which is why we are now producing more oil than ever before.

Also woke is causing inflation.

I do my own research so I know the truth. Muh and @Allornothing are smarts so we know theengs.
Since you are so smart, do you truly think net worth has gone up under Biden?