Not interested in fighting the mob and responding to every allegation or insult slung my way, especially when there's a nasty perjorative like SOL ended his post with. Rather than allowing the whole thread to descend into a bunch of juvenile, ad hominem attacks, I'll just step away but that doesn't mean I think I was wrong about the point I was making, which I will try to clarify.
- Republicans control both houses of Congress, the WH and the Supreme Court. If they want to remove the USAID agency the legal way, they could introduce a bill, pass it and have the President sign it and there's not a thing the Democrats could do about it. They might not like it but at least they aren't doing it the Un-Constitutional way by overriding Congress and allowing an unelected billionaire to unilaterally and abruptly destroy it because he found some programs he personally dislikes. Otherwise, what's the point of having a Congress?
- He's been given this wide illegal license because he contributed 290 million dollars to the campaign and now he's rooting around in all government digital systems, picking and choosing which programs and departments he wants to destroy. The President himself doesn't even have the authority to do that but now we're allowing an unelected private citizen to do it at his whim? If you can't recognize how wrong this is, what are we even doing?
- It is not ok, no matter what he finds, to allow this non-governmental person and his band of random college dudes to summarily dismiss long-time civil servants and breach and compromise our national security systems, which should now be considered insecure. Nobody knows what he's doing because he's not being monitored, so what will happen to all this information when he and Trump inevitably fall out?
- The only way he can sell half the population on this illegal coup is to make outrageous claims about fraud and abuse so they'll all believe he's doing something noble when the real reason he's doing this is so that he can reward himself, his billionaire buddies and corporate America with a massive tax cut. So stan all you want about the money he's saving when it will all be a wash when he gets his windfall tax break.
My number one interest in participating on this board is to address misinformation because I believe it's destroying this country and for many on this board, they would never hear the truth if me and a few others didn't jump into this lion's den to set the record straight. Does that mean I'm salty at times, sure it does, but be honest and look at how nasty the majority of people on this board can be. There's not a lot of pleasantries floating around, that I can assure you so the only way to survive is to fight fire with fire to send the signal that I won't be bullied. Which brings me to address a couple of the lies about me personally in this thread last night. I hate stooping to this level but I'm not going to allow others to falsely define me.
Tigerragrob's allegation that I mocked and made fun of his BIL's death is an obnoxious mis-interpretation of what happened in that conversation. He was one of the many Trumpers who were pummeling the board with hysterical mis-information about the vaccine and me and quite a few others were challenging him, when he then claimed his BIL died of the mRNA vaccine but he had no proof that was the reason. I asked him if that was listed on the death certificate and he wouldn't answer. Of course I felt bad that his BIL died but I wasn't going to allow him to falsely portray the mRNA vaccine as deathly when there is no scientific evidence that supports it. I searched the board for the thread but the below is all I could find so people can make up their own minds about what was said. I challenge anyone to find a post where I mocked his BIL because it's a lie.
Biden/Harris did not do it - I never said that - it is the Democrat party establishment, Deep State actors, and the corrupt main stream media that did it. That is your election interference. Should also note Zuckerberg‘s letter mentions suppressing the Burisma story not necessarily hunters’s...
SGTiger says I admitted that multiple people posted on my account and that's another lie. After accusing me of it over and over, I made a joke about it. Ridiculous allegation and here's the proof 👇.
It seems like many of the libs on this board have fallen by the waist side. Some due to bet bans, but most tails tucked and lurking. We still have a few outspoken who took in all the lies from the previous administration, but hopefully now they will see what our true enemies are trying to do to...
FTR, this guy is obsessed with chasing me around the board and makes it a point to add a laugh emoji to every post I make no matter how innocuous it is. He'll jump into every thread and ignore all the other left of center posters just so he can attack me personally and he's even doxxed me before, got in trouble for it and now feeds my info to others on the board so they can doxx me so he can have plausible deniability. Can we all agree here that when you try to harm people on the board by doxxing them, you're taking it too far? Is it too much to ask that you address the subject instead of trying to destroy a poster you don't like?
Anywho, I've made my points, I don't think I'm wrong but I'm not willing to get into the mud with people who want to attack me personally because they don't like what I say. I care that what I say is true and I'm serious about not adding to the cloud of misinformation, so when I do say something, it's because I educated myself on the subject. Calling me wrong or a liar doesn't change the facts.