UVA protests - not good look for the school

Look at these losers

If you attend a "protest" chances are you're complete trash. Confirmed
No link or image isn't working but I think I know what you're talking about. I tend to disagree, won't affect UVA much if at all since the statue is off campus (I think.) But......this is why there will soon be nothing to honor Confederate soldiers, which is a shame and I'm a guy from Illinois saying that. The Klan and these other White Nationalist groups have done far more damage to the image of Southern soldiers than Grant and Sherman could ever have dreamed.

That said, UVA expelled one of my favorite Civil War commanders: JS Mosby, so screw 'em.
As much as I loathe Donald Trump, it is something to watch the CBS 'Fake News' try and say this is because of Trump becoming president, and these are Trump supporters. This is a continuation of the backlash of removing Civil War monuments, and clashes would happen regardless of who is in office. The other thing I notice that the 'Fake News' was trying to imply, is that the violence is coming from the 'right' side, where I noticed most of the things being thrown are coming from the other side (Black Lives Matter group, etc.).
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As much as I loathe Donald Trump, it is something to watch the CBS 'Fake News' try and say this is because of Trump becoming president, and these are Trump supporters. This is a continuation of the backlash of removing Civil War monuments, and clashes would happen regardless of who is in office. The other thing I notice that the 'Fake News' was trying to imply, is that the violence is coming from the 'right' side, where I noticed most of the things being thrown are coming from the other side (Black Lives Matter group, etc.).

Your right the violence has nothing to do with these groups being outright white nationalist ones dressed like toy soldiers...
Can you imagine going through life thinking you need to dress like that to make a point? How about the tens of thousands of dollars some of those kits cost. Those dudes are the ultimate snowflakes.
Wow. Has not seen the militia. Troopers trying to break up the has been deemed "unlawful".....its a mess
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As much as I loathe Donald Trump, it is something to watch the CBS 'Fake News' try and say this is because of Trump becoming president, and these are Trump supporters. This is a continuation of the backlash of removing Civil War monuments, and clashes would happen regardless of who is in office. The other thing I notice that the 'Fake News' was trying to imply, is that the violence is coming from the 'right' side, where I noticed most of the things being thrown are coming from the other side (Black Lives Matter group, etc.).

Our previous President wanted nothing to do with confronting groups like BLM, especially when he was on his way out. He did everything he could to ensure that his soft legacy remained intact and that this mess would be the next presidents to clean up (Hillary who he can stand or a conservative).

You know its bad when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are still the only leaders within the african american communities and all they do is use their own people as pawns to drive racial divide and legitimize their positions.
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Our previous President wanted nothing to do with confronting groups like BLM, especially when he was on his way out. He did everything he could to ensure that his soft legacy remained intact and that this mess would be the next presidents to clean up (Hillary who he can stand or a conservative).

You know its bad when Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are still the only leaders within the african american communities and all they do is use their own people as pawns to drive racial divide and legitimize their positions.

Honestly man. Take your head out of your ass. Nobody gives a **** about Jesse jackson or Al shaprton. The only people who bring him up these days are right wing crazies.

Your information is about 20 years old. And there are literally dozens of strong young black leaders across the country doing amazing and positive things for their communities and ours.
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I guess you had nothing to say a few months ago when the left attacked a university campus where a person on the right was to give a speech? Do you remember them wearing hoods and masks will burning university property and damaging public buildings? You need to take your head out of your ass!
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^^^ You are a stupid ass! You want to call out other people and make racist assumptions. Who is the racist here? I believe you may have confirmed it as you by your rhetoric! Only someone like you could turn a civil discussion in to racial banter.
^^^ You are a stupid ass! You want to call out other people and make racist assumptions. Who is the racist here? I believe you may have confirmed it as you by your rhetoric! Only someone like you could turn a civil discussion in to racial banter.

The entire thread is about racism. Like the protest today.

Plus. It's pretty obvious that you don't know what racism means...
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"Plus. It's pretty obvious that you don't know what racism means..."

Oh yea of little understanding. I grew up in the 1960 during the time of integration. I was in school when my elementary school was first integrated, and one of my very first elementary school friends was James Simmons, who was black. I have never viewed race as some of those on this Virginia video, and never will. Yet I am also someone who believes that removing these monuments in the guise of racial diversity in itself is racial. That fuels the fire of some of these idiots, and then replacing these monuments on public property with an African-American monument is essentially the same issue as there was when the Civil War monument was there? And this is happening more than is being reported. Why not have "both" monuments for all to see? Erasing a part of history you a any group is outrageous and wrong.
These aren't protesters they are a mixture of Neo-nazis and white nationalists. Disgusting that what my grandfathers fought in WWII would be represented by a group like this today. Folks making nazi signs, flying nazi flags, shouting nazi slogans. If we want to be a country based on Christlike values then we need more love and charity, rather than hate.

To @treetiger I would just say--David Duke was out today saying that the rally (and I quote) "fulfills the promises of Donald Trump." Do with that information what you will...
Pretty sure talking head on foxnews just stated something to the effect of 'our history needs to be commemorated and celebrated; whether it be slavery, trail of tears, or white supremacy"

Wtf dude?!?
Exactly. Despicable these people are flipping over cop cars, looting Starbucks, continuously halting traffic, causing millions of dollars in damage. Oh wait...
99% of the looting and violence is by the left, did you complain about all those incidents?
Pretty sure talking head on foxnews just stated something to the effect of 'our history needs to be commemorated and celebrated; whether it be slavery, trail of tears, or white supremacy"

Wtf dude?!?
Celebrated? Heck no. Erased out of memory? Heck no. History, be it bad or good, is what molds us as people today. I do not agree with slavery or anything like that and I do not agree with racism BUT I agree with people being able to express themselves. Consequences do follow though. I also agree with anyone's right to protest but protest does not equal violence or simply tearing up property of others. That does nothing but cause more and more trouble. The media covers violence like Monday Night Football and that is one reason I think people continue to show violence. Also this is not a black or white, Republican or Democrat, or Religious or Atheist issue. It is a people issue and it needs to come to halt.
No link or image isn't working but I think I know what you're talking about. I tend to disagree, won't affect UVA much if at all since the statue is off campus (I think.) But......this is why there will soon be nothing to honor Confederate soldiers, which is a shame and I'm a guy from Illinois saying that. The Klan and these other White Nationalist groups have done far more damage to the image of Southern soldiers than Grant and Sherman could ever have dreamed.

That said, UVA expelled one of my favorite Civil War commanders: JS Mosby, so screw 'em.
All extreme groups need to be exterminated
"Plus. It's pretty obvious that you don't know what racism means..."

Oh yea of little understanding. I grew up in the 1960 during the time of integration. I was in school when my elementary school was first integrated, and one of my very first elementary school friends was James Simmons, who was black. I have never viewed race as some of those on this Virginia video, and never will. Yet I am also someone who believes that removing these monuments in the guise of racial diversity in itself is racial. That fuels the fire of some of these idiots, and then replacing these monuments on public property with an African-American monument is essentially the same issue as there was when the Civil War monument was there? And this is happening more than is being reported. Why not have "both" monuments for all to see? Erasing a part of history you a any group is outrageous and wrong.

See you'd have fit in perfectly today! Shoulda been there!

Removing a monument is not the same as erasing history. Carry on alt-righter.
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99% of the looting and violence is by the left, did you complain about all those incidents?
99%. Wow. That is a lot. I had no idea that liberals and moderates were so crime prone. I learn something new on this board every day. Geez, if we could get these liberal thugs off the street, we could virtually wipe out looting and violence. Then all we would have left are the peace loving members of the Klan, Neo-Nazies and nut job militia.
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