It’s not about thinking critically, it’s about who they are, who they serve, (Satan) what their end game is.... etc! One of the NWO’s goals is Population Control. They believe there are too many people on Earth & we (Useless Eaters) are using up Their resources. So They put GMO’s in our food, Fluoride in our water, SprY us with Chemtrails (if you don’t believe in Chemtrails, I’ll put you on the phone with a guy who ran for Congress & is Anti-Chemtrail Activists, who’s brother IS A Chemtrail Pilot!
David Spangler with the UN was quoted in 1987 saying, “No one will be a part of the NWO without giving their allegiance to Lucifer!” If you don’t think their is a NWO, listen to JFK’s Secret Societies speech in 1961 that got hm assassinated. Listen to George Bush’s NWO speech in 1991! Research it & listen to it yourself.
I’ve offered many times to send ANYONE on this board The Hierarchy Organizational Chart & The 21 Goals of the NWO. A few have taken me up on that offer. I’ve even spelled out in great detail what they’re going to do in the not too distant future & how we’ll all be affected & what GOD will do to them during the Tribulation, which we’re in Now! I tell people this beforehand, so the scoffers will see I’ve been Truthful & my information is accurate. So hopefully, they’ll take heed, so they won’t end up in a FEMA Camp staring @ a guillotine. So they won’t be saying, “that crazy SOB areeves was right!” Too late, you’re in Check Mate!
If Biden remains as President, in the near future the buzz word will be “Climate Change Crisis!” The NWO created the Climate Change Crisis by their Chemtrail Program, which was implemented in the forties. This is so under the guise of environmental protection, they can & will confiscate homes & property. They will tell you where you can & can’t live & visit. This is called Agenda 21, which was signed into law in 1992 Committee of 300 Member, George Bush SR.