Vance VP Pick

The love of my life for VP was Tim Scott

Vance however is a great choice
I was on the same plane as Tim Scott from Charleston to Atlanta Monday morning (this after sitting RIGHT BESIDE him on a trip from DC to Charleston two weeks prior!). I totally thought he was on his way to Milwaukie to accept the nod and intended to tell him so when I walked past him on the plane--but he was already engrossed in his iPad with Headphones on when I walked past him, so I let him be. As an aside, it's crazy how few people on the plane recognized him. Same for the trip back from DC a few weeks ago.

FWIW, of course I did talk to him some on the trip back from DC--him sitting right beside me and all. He's a really likeable guy.
The leftwards are happy and in full spin mode. Gotta love the enthusiasm though right before getting run over by the Trump Train.
The leftwards are happy and in full spin mode. Gotta love the enthusiasm though right before getting run over by the Trump Train.
I don't know Growls, I've been listening to that train and the whistle sounds like it's getting further from the station. Can you hear it?
Take the election bet.

TI would miss your videos.
The world is full of morons. Why would I bet anything on a group of 350M people, many of whom are morons?

The fact that this godless carpetbagger trust fund baby insurrectionist with 5 children by 3 women who bangs pornstars and steals confidential documents while babbling about sharks, batteries, and Hannibal Lecter with 40 of his former 44 cabinet members refusing to endorse him including the VP he tried to get killed is still the head of your party speaks to the abject stupidity of the general population.
"Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Trump's running mate, stood at 28% favorable and 31% unfavorable, with just over 4 in 10 unfamiliar with the senator or unsure how to rate him."

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"I truly can’t believe this is coming from a potential VP of the United States," she wrote.

Aniston, who has been open about her own fertility struggles, also addressed the Republican party's efforts to block access to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

"All I can say is... Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she will not need to turn to IVF as a second option. Because you are trying to take that away from her, too," Aniston continued.

Aniston has previously shared thoughts about trying to have children, and "the pressure" she faced.

“I don’t like (the pressure) that people put on me, on women—that you’ve failed yourself as a female because you haven’t procreated,” she told Allure in 2015. “I don’t think it’s fair. You may not have a child come out of your vagina, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t mothering — dogs, friends, friends’ children.”

She opened up to the same publication in 2022 about trying to have a child.

"It was a challenging road for me, the baby-making road,” she said, ultimately concluding, "The ship has sailed."
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Vance is an interesting pick. He's a very bright mind and he has not been afraid to evolve his views. I am sure we'll see all the old clips of him decrying Trump as ill suited to be president ad nauseum. He's clearly changed his thinking there.
LoL nailed it
How many Scaramuccis can this guy last before Trump brings out the hook? You know Trump feels that ratings are everything 🤣

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I'm really enjoying thinking about how livid Trump is at Don jr. for this. He'll probably disown him.

Eric has already been promoted to favored son.
I'm really enjoying thinking about how livid Trump is at Don jr. for this. He'll probably disown him.

Eric has already been promoted to favored son.
Just another example of how atrocious Trump is at picking people for his administration. After he kicks Vance to the curb, Don Jr might just have to be his running mate. I mean who the hell else would want that gig?
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Just another example of how atrocious Trump is at picking people for his administration. After he kicks Vance to the curb, Don Jr might just have to be his running mate. I mean who the hell else would want that gig?
I hear you but if he kicks Vance to the curb I have a feeling Junior's going with him. 😅

I wouldn't be surprised if he makes a change though. And then Vance will be ruined politically (thankfully). But yeah, it'll be another terrible candidate, because there are no good ones. The whole party is just a bunch of sleazy, disgusting, crooked, weirdo perverts.

Before y'all have another hissy fit, I'm not talking about all Trump voters. I'm talking about the official party apparatus and those within it. Just utterly obscene people.
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I hear you but if he kicks Vance to the curb I have a feeling Junior's going with him. 😅

I wouldn't be surprised if he makes a change though. And then Vance will be ruined politically (thankfully). But yeah, it'll be another terrible candidate, because there are no good ones. The whole party is just a bunch of sleazy, disgusting, crooked, weirdo perverts.

Before y'all have another hissy fit, I'm not talking about all Trump voters. I'm talking about the official party apparatus and those within it. Just utterly obscene people.
Not many people would want to ruin their good name by being on his ticket and as we know, it might even put their life at risk lol. I could see him making another monumental miscalculation and picking someone like Vivek though because it's got to be someone fiercely loyal like him most likely.
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Not many people would want to ruin their good name by being on his ticket and as we know, it might even put their life at risk lol. I could see him making another monumental miscalculation and picking someone like Vivek though because it's got to be someone fiercely loyal like him most likely.
Yeah, my only thing with vivek is a con artist knows a con artist when he sees one. He needs someone with the conviction to do what Pence wouldn't do on J6, but not someone who will outshine him.