Verdict is in

Thats an updated story in 2018 when was it first put out? I remember hearing about it for years before he even ran...
No you didn't. The wall street journal was the first to break the story, and it was in that article in 2018. You are such a shameless liar, just like every other maga.
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Full on denial of reality it is
The SOL has long passed and you cant get around that fact. You also cant get around the fact the FED's found no crime and didnt charge him. Congrats you got him this time. But now the shoe falls the other way and dont cry when it happens to your side. Until now I always wanted my side to play by the rules and not use lawfair to go after political enemies. The left has marched over the Rubicon and there is no turning back. People on the right will return the favors in spades in areas they control...
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No you didn't. The wall street journal was the first to break the story, and it was in that article in 2018. You are such a shameless liar, just like every other maga.
Can you read? The story says updated in 2018 and yes people talked about it for years before he ever ran...FYI She did an interview in 2011 talking about it in "In Touch Magazine"...
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The SOL has long passed and you cant get around that fact. You also cant get around the fact the FED's found no crime and didnt charge him. Congrats you got him this time. But now the shoe falls the other way and dont cry when it happens to your side. Until now I always wanted my side to play by the rules and not use lawfair to go after political enemies. The left has marched over the Rubicon and there is no turning back. People on the right will return the favors in spades in areas they control...
Burn it all to the ground and start over, there are no other options at this point. Whether it’s Trump, Kennedy, or fvking Big Bird, It’s time for this shit to stop. They’ve gone too far
Burn it all to the ground and start over, there are no other options at this point. Whether it’s Trump, Kennedy, or fvking Big Bird, It’s time for this shit to stop. They’ve gone too far
Yeah there just isnt a good answer to fix it at this point. They just have gone too far at this point. There are good people on both the left and right, but the intel community has control over DC and both party's...
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Burn it all to the ground and start over, there are no other options at this point. Whether it’s Trump, Kennedy, or fvking Big Bird, It’s time for this shit to stop. They’ve gone too far
Nah, we're all just gonna kind of move on with our lives. Nothing is getting burned down and nothing is starting over. You just lose. Over and over and over.
Nah, we're all just gonna kind of move on with our lives. Nothing is getting burned down and nothing is starting over. You just lose. Over and over and over.

I mean they tried to tear the government apart under cheeto, it's what they have always wanted. They don't give a shit about America until it fits their rhetoric. "Oh no don't kneel" but let's instead create replicas of the flag of the United States for causes I support by changing the color of the flag or the stripes on the flag. They shoved in Supreme Court justices to tear apart the things that improved lives of Americans. They have no plans to stop either. To have the audacity to call themselves patriots is beyond disgusting.
Can you read? The story says updated in 2018 and yes people talked about it for years before he ever ran...FYI She did an interview in 2011 talking about it in "In Touch Magazine"...
Dude...the story broke about Cohen paying the hush money in 2018. There were updates to the article that happened after it was posted in 2018, hence the "updated on xyz date" tag at the beginning of the article. It was known that Trump had an affair before that, yes, but there was no story about hush money payments before 2018.
The Stormy stuff and grab them by the pussy stuff was out before the election. Its not like he got 51 high level intel people to come out and say it was Russian disinformation or anything like that to influence the election. I mean had he did that then I might agree with you, but Trump didnt do that and there was no proof of that presented at trial.
No one was aware that he had paid off Stormy or MacDougal until after the election because if they were, he would have had no reason to pay them off.

The 51 agents also did not say it WAS Russian disinfomation, they said it "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation". Why did that story matter anyway since it didn't reveal that Biden had committed a crime?
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I mean they tried to tear the government apart under cheeto, it's what they have always wanted. They don't give a shit about America until it fits their rhetoric. "Oh no don't kneel" but let's instead create replicas of the flag of the United States for causes I support by changing the color of the flag or the stripes on the flag. They shoved in Supreme Court justices to tear apart the things that improved lives of Americans. They have no plans to stop either. To have the audacity to call themselves patriots is beyond disgusting.
Pot meet kettle. You commie fuks have denied every election since 2000 . You went to court just like he did and have been moving to destroy this country since the 50's. Everything you accuse us of you have already done it and are projecting. Say all you want about cheeto, but he is 1000 times better than pedohitler. Either way we need a national divorce before things get out of hand. This just shows us that we just cant live together anymore...
No one was aware that he had paid off Stormy or MacDougal until after the election because if they were, he would have had no reason to pay them off.

The 51 agents also did not say it WAS Russian disinfomation, they said it "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation". Why did that story matter anyway since it didn't reveal that Biden had committed a crime?
That was a crime. The fact he told them to sign the letter to influence the election is election interference and used the Gov to do it. He also used the power of the Gov to go after his political oppoinet..
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That was a crime. The fact he told them to sign the letter to influence the election is election interference and used the Gov to do it...
Joe was not the president at that time and he also wasn't directly responsible for the letter, but even if he was, how is it a crime when the only result was Twitter not allowing the NY Post story from being shared for a couple days? We all heard about it from many other sources before the election.
It's not a crime, and them signing the letter is not election interference. These are facts.
It was fraud on the American people mr lawyer. You wasted your education if you can't understand that. Joe denied the story and was backed defacto by the US govt.
It was fraud on the American people mr lawyer. You wasted your education if you can't understand that. Joe denied the story and was backed defacto by the US govt.
No, it wasn't fraud on the American people. It was the opinion of 51 agents that the laptop fiasco had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation operation. The fact it didn't end up being Russian disinformation is moot, since they only claimed it bared similar qualities to historical Russian disinformation operations. Did lib media/twitter misinterpret it? Absolutely, but that's not illegal - just stupid.
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Nah, we're all just gonna kind of move on with our lives. Nothing is getting burned down and nothing is starting over. You just lose. Over and over and over.
If you think we’re all just going to “move on with our lives” you are one dumb mfer
I mean they tried to tear the government apart under cheeto, it's what they have always wanted. They don't give a shit about America until it fits their rhetoric. "Oh no don't kneel" but let's instead create replicas of the flag of the United States for causes I support by changing the color of the flag or the stripes on the flag. They shoved in Supreme Court justices to tear apart the things that improved lives of Americans. They have no plans to stop either. To have the audacity to call themselves patriots is beyond disgusting.
You’re right, no plans to stop at this point

Remember, one side just wanted to be left alone, and that wasn’t your side. You zealots wanted radical change, well you got it
You’re right, no plans to stop at this point

Remember, one side just wanted to be left alone, and that wasn’t your side. You zealots wanted radical change, well you got it
What in the world are you yammering about? What radical change?

Also, LOL at MAGA side wanting to be "left alone." Imagine having this kind of delusion.
What in the world are you yammering about? What radical change?

Also, LOL at MAGA side wanting to be "left alone." Imagine having this kind of delusion.
We just wanted to destroy the Capitol building in peace! We just wanted to kill those cops by ourselves and they came and arrested us! I don't understand!!😭😭😭
You’re right, no plans to stop at this point

Remember, one side just wanted to be left alone, and that wasn’t your side. You zealots wanted radical change, well you got it
Yes, we did want radical change and 81 million of us made our voices loud and clear to drive that point home, yet you and your orange convict wouldn't leave it alone. You reap what you sow...
What in the world are you yammering about? What radical change?

Also, LOL at MAGA side wanting to be "left alone." Imagine having this kind of delusion.

I imagine moderate republicans like me are about the only ones who wanted to be left alone. Dems want to raise taxes on hardworking people, increase entitlements, push DEI initiatives, have boys play girls sports, etc. Far right wants to eliminate abortion access, limit contraception access, etc.

Just leave me the f alone. The federal government should play an extraordinarily small part in everyone’s lives.
I imagine moderate republicans like me are about the only ones who wanted to be left alone. Dems want to raise taxes on hardworking people, increase entitlements, push DEI initiatives, have boys play girls sports, etc. Far right wants to eliminate abortion access, limit contraception access, etc.

Just leave me the f alone. The federal government should play an extraordinarily small part in everyone’s lives.

Hard working people? Anyone over 400k? Like I get taxes suck but cmon hard working people fighting for every dime they can get. The Republican party convincing it's following that the wealthy are somehow marginalized is the biggest scam in this country.

You probably also believe inflation is a real thing and not just pure corporate greed
Hard working people? Anyone over 400k? Like I get taxes suck but cmon hard working people fighting for every dime they can get. The Republican party convincing it's following that the wealthy are somehow marginalized is the biggest scam in this country.

You probably also believe inflation is a real thing and not just pure corporate greed

I can tell you first hand that my wife and I both bust our ass at work. And your party wants to raise our taxes. Why on earth would a higher level of income or success somehow infer less hard work? If anything, it takes a ton of hard work to get there. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Corporate greed is A factor, but not the only factor in inflation. If you think it’s the only factor, there’s no point in even discussing the topic because you are hopeless.
I can tell you first hand that my wife and I both bust our ass at work. And your party wants to raise our taxes. Why on earth would a higher level of income or success somehow infer less hard work? If anything, it takes a ton of hard work to get there. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Ok cool. But you are cool with people struggling to make it to be taxed more because that's exactly what happens when the right creates a "tax cut".

Trump's tax cuts were an absolute scam and made millionaires and billionairs even wealthier.
Ok cool. But you are cool with people struggling to make it to be taxed more because that's exactly what happens when the right creates a "tax cut".

Trump's tax cuts were an absolute scam and made millionaires and billionairs even wealthier.

I’ve posted a bunch on this topic and actually think that if we can truly identify those not paying their fair share, and implement moderate tax policy adjustments to level that, then I could get on board.

But this idea that people making >$400 fit the “not paying their fair share” category is completely false. And the dems use absurd arguments like, “The average billionaire only pays 8%, so we need to raise taxes on everyone making $400K!!!!” It’s incredibly stupid and assume the public doesn’t understand taxes (which may be correct).

My family will pay about a 31.5% effective federal rate for 2023. Most families pay <10%. Please explain how I’m not paying my fair share and why I should pay more? Because that is the policy you support.
I’ve posted a bunch on this topic and actually think that if we can truly identify those not paying their fair share, and implement moderate tax policy adjustments to level that, then I could get on board.

But this idea that people making >$400 fit the “not paying their fair share” category is completely false. And the dems use absurd arguments like, “The average billionaire only pays 8%, so we need to raise taxes on everyone making $400K!!!!” It’s incredibly stupid and assume the public doesn’t understand taxes (which may be correct).

My family will pay about a 31.5% effective federal rate for 2023. Most families pay <10%. Please explain how I’m not paying my fair share and why I should pay more? Because that is the policy you support.
Decided to vote for Trump yet? Any closer after yesterday?
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I'm thinking about voting for the libertarian candidate. I know we would appreciate your vote for Haley.
Do the Libertarians actually want to win an election? I think they’re like a dog chasing a car - they wouldn’t know what to do with it if they caught it.

Their choice in candidates indicates they are aware of this and are actively trying NOT to win.
Do the Libertarians actually want to win an election? I think they’re like a dog chasing a car - they wouldn’t know what to do with it if they caught it.

Their choice in candidates indicates they are aware of this and are actively trying NOT to win.
I have no idea who the candidate even is, but I can't imagine they believe they ever have a chance. I'm just saying I'll vote for him because I despise the choice we have between Biden & Trump, plus I live in South Carolina so no matter what anybody says my vote does not matter.
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Neither can paying off your side piece be then...

You conveniently forgot where he fraudulently falsified business documents to hide this side piece. If he'd have just paid her off himself out of his "fictional billions of $$" none of this would have happened.

One thing you MAGAs are gonna realize one day is DJT is a massive pussy. He never does anything himself or accepts any responsibility. I have never once seen a single quote where he admitted he shouldn't have done something. He said he didn't ever ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness because he didn't need it.