I find this fascinating. A soft viral season in 2019 preserved the life of the feeble who would have otherwise died. This lead to a double spike in deaths in Sweden in 2020. Short video <4min.
But my career politician told me to wear my mask! They never lie!!!
Not sure the source of this but the CDC itself say +12% mortality above expected. The chart below from the CDC report is interesting. I didn't know deaths spiked a bit in flu season January 2018.
Where in the love of Facebook did you get that made up bullshit?
Whatever the number turns out to be, THIS is the most accurate way to assess the number of COVID deaths, which is the delta between what the normal death rate trend was expected to be and what it actually is. This helps to account for deaths that would most likely have happened anyway. There may be some lag and/or some amount of spike that may have happened even without COVID, but it is still going to be the best number.Not sure the source of this but the CDC itself say +12% mortality above expected. The chart below from the CDC report is interesting. I didn't know deaths spiked a bit in flu season January 2018.
Can someone produce the total US death count in 2020 thus far (or through September)? It’s interesting the CDC can provide such a detailed analysis concluding an “excess death rate” yet I haven’t seen a reliable figure for total deaths in 2020. I’m not advocating for either side, but I think that’s an important data point for Americans to draw their own conclusions.CDC contradicts your meme's napkin math.
Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19, by Age and ...
This report describes the estimated excess deaths reported in the United States from late January through October 3, 2020, with 66% excess deaths attributed to COVID-19.www.cdc.gov
Can someone produce the total US death count in 2020 thus far (or through September)? It’s interesting the CDC can provide such a detailed analysis concluding an “excess death rate” yet I haven’t seen a reliable figure for total deaths in 2020. I’m not advocating for either side, but I think that’s an important data point for Americans to draw their own conclusions.
Sure. You can download the CDC data yourself here: Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2019-2020
It's updated weekly and you can nerd out and do whatever you want with it. Through the week ending 10/17, the total US deaths All Causes is 2,551,781.
If their 'excess death rate' is 299,000, that's 1% of the Total Population in the USCan someone produce the total US death count in 2020 thus far (or through September)? It’s interesting the CDC can provide such a detailed analysis concluding an “excess death rate” yet I haven’t seen a reliable figure for total deaths in 2020. I’m not advocating for either side, but I think that’s an important data point for Americans to draw their own conclusions.
If their 'excess death rate' is 299,000, that's 1% of the Total Population in the US
Destroy the economy for that?
If their 'excess death rate' is 299,000, that's 1% of the Total Population in the US
Destroy the economy for that?
Your 2017, 2018 and 2019 data matches the CDC website data. Your 2020 data appears to be garbage.
No doubt.Not trying to be baited into an argument, but if your wife/son/daughter were part of that 1% would it be any more or less important to you?
I would say thousands of small business owners that were mandated to not make a living for months had their personal economies destroyed."Destroy" is hyperbolic. Our economy is not "destroyed". Damaged/Suppressed/Reduced/Diminished - all valid adjectives here, but not destroyed.
And what price would you put on a human life? Let's do that math.
wouldn't one expect a lower death rate in 2019 if the virus was weak that year? seems oddGotta be careful with misinformation, folks.
Here is a hint - don't trust data that looks like someone wrote it in Notepad, and then posted on social media.
The Our World in Data and the Tableau links above - now these appear to be legitimate sources of data and not misinformation.
Also, the original OP's topic - highly presumptive hypothesis to state the death rate in 2020 is higher primarily because the "feeble" didn't die off the year before. Really reaching to attempt to fit a narrative.
fair enough on the word, policeman"Destroy" is hyperbolic. Our economy is not "destroyed". Damaged/Suppressed/Reduced/Diminished - all valid adjectives here, but not destroyed.
And what price would you put on a human life? Let's do that math.
Sure. You can download the CDC data yourself here: Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2019-2020
It's updated weekly and you can nerd out and do whatever you want with it. Through the week ending 10/17, the total US deaths All Causes is 2,551,781.
We can do an accurate version of "Fake News" Notepad meme above, if you want. As far as I can tell the 2017-2019 numbers are fairly accurate. Meme shows 2.855mil died in 2019, actual was 2.853mil...very close. But for 2020:
Since its weekly data and the end of September fell mid-week. I'm going to take the week of 9/27 to 10/3 and divide the deaths in half and add to the 2020 total through week ended 9/26.
Thru 9/26 total deaths: 2,409,688
Week ended 10/3: 52,460(divide by 2 = 26,230)
Total deaths for Jan-Sept: 2,409,688 + 26,230 = 2,435,918
2,435,918 / 9(months) = 270,657.55
270,657.55 * 12months = 3,247,891 total estimated deaths for 2020.
Which is roughly 400,000 more deaths than the last 3 years.
I think it's fair to argue that monthly average is skewed by the very high death rate from the initial Spring wave of Covid and given our better treatment options now and better understanding of the disease by our healthcare professionals, we won't likely see an average death rate quite as high for the remainder of the year and perhaps the true total will be lower.
However, it's also fair to look at that Tableau link above and note the normal seasonal death rate for these colder months we are just beginning is higher than the average, and if you add Covid to it and look at the rapidly increasing numbers of cases and hospitalizations occurring right now, perhaps the true total ends up even higher than this estimate.
Many have been destroyed, especially small businesses and unemployed and underemployed."Destroy" is hyperbolic. Our economy is not "destroyed". Damaged/Suppressed/Reduced/Diminished - all valid adjectives here, but not destroyed.
And what price would you put on a human life? Let's do that math.
If their 'excess death rate' is 299,000, that's 1% of the Total Population in the US
Destroy the economy for that?
No doubt.
I thought about adding that.
The closer the tradgedy to you the more devastating it is. Without question.
My heart goes out to any and all who lost family members. Some multiple.
I hate it. But, it's life.
How many people do you know, dead or alive, that NEVER got the normal Flu?
And some still hang their hats on a vaccine that has been available for years.
How many people do you know, dead or alive, that NEVER got the normal cold virus?
How many people will eventually get/be exposed to with opportunity to get Covid?
You cannot hide from it. Not "2 weeks", not 2 months, not 2 years.
If your genome is such that Covid wrecks it, you'll likely have a tough time and/or die.
Waiting to get exposed, wearing all these masks, staying away from people just postpones the inevitable.
Nice try and all, but really, in the end game it's to no avail.
We need to get back to living and try to save what's left of our economy.
I'm not heartless. I don'w wish harm, sickness or death on anyone.
Genetics you were born predict that. Not me.
AIER Hosts Top Epidemiologists, Authors of the Great Barrington...
The crisis of the policy response to Covid-19 drew AIER’s close attention from late January 2020 and following. The hosting of this crucial meeting was in the interest of backing the best science, promoting essential human rights, and reviving a focus on the common good.www.aier.org
It's fascinating that the party that always asks this question is the one that gets off on killing unborn babiesAnd what price would you put on a human life? Let's do that math.
Umm....no. This isn’t saying COVID didn’t cause the death. It’s saying that COVID triggered the other symptoms that caused the death. The odds of testing positive for COVID and just dropping dead with no explanation are pretty low. What happens is you develop respiratory or heart issues as shown above and die. The basic question is would they be alive if they did not catch COVID? In the vast majority of cases, yes they would be.
Again, see my post above. I’m not for a shut down, just a common sense approach. Posting data like this without context completely misses the point and doesn’t help.
Lol. So if you get Sepsis from an infected splinter is it the tree's fault?
Don‘t shoot the messenger, Scott.
That has always been the question of society? When someone says one death is too much. Does that make you anti-Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, name any military conflict?Not trying to be baited into an argument, but if your wife/son/daughter were part of that 1% would it be any more or less important to you?
Why don't you tell us what price YOU put on a human life? We already put a price on human life. Otherwise, we would mandate public transportation, limit speed limits @ 20mph elsewhere, not allow high school sports, recreational vehicles such as boats/atv/utv/dirt bikes, have mandatory diet and exercise requirements, just to name a few things. If you do the things I just mentioned, you would save many more lives every year than the number of deaths we have from covid."Destroy" is hyperbolic. Our economy is not "destroyed". Damaged/Suppressed/Reduced/Diminished - all valid adjectives here, but not destroyed.
And what price would you put on a human life? Let's do that math.