I wonder if any of the pro-vaccine people are also anti-flu shot? I always got a laugh from the people who said "the only time I ever got the flu was the year I got the flu shot". LOL you didn't get the flu, you just had a reaction to the shot (just like the vaccine), and that is a sign that the shot was working.
I did get the flu shot most years, but only because it helped my wife, and I didn't mind because the flu shot has a long history of success. I'm not interested in turning myself into a guinea pig, so no vaccine for me.
I also find it funny that the people on TI who hated Trump the most are the same ones who want everyone to get the Trump shot the most. Trump was a great President, the best in a very long time, and I supported and agreed with just about everything he did in office, but I'm still not getting the Trump shot.