This bit sounds rehearsed over and over but is utterly false. Over testing does not explain 130,000 deaths. Asymptomatic cases who died of "other" causes does not explain 130,000 deaths.
And what do you even mean by other causes? Do you REALLY understand what that means? Most people ultimately die from cardiac arrest or hypoxia in the majority of disease processes, including something like the flu. Are the saying that flu deaths should be 0 because they didn't die from the virus? What about those who had heart disease to begin with? Because they were at increased risk from heart disease, you can't claim that the virus killed them?
There is no conspiracy to attribute every death to coronavirus. There are smaller hospital systems that receive a higher payout for a covid related death, but that is due to a systemic problem in the way healthcare is run in this country. These are the very same hospitals that have been forced to stop their elective surgeries and thus halting the vast majority of their revenue. What other choice do they have?
This coronavirus causes blood clots in every part of the body, causes hypoxia, causes inflammation of the heart leading to heart rhythm problems, etc. It can kill you in many different ways.