.... you do understand that "Chinese" isnt a race, right? Its a Nationality. Either your attempting to bait OR youre being baited by leftist propaganda. No one, at least on this forum, is promoting racism towards Asian people. No one is advocating for violence or hate against the Chinese people. If you can show me specific cases of that happening, I will join you in calling those individuals out.
What people are saying, is that the Chinese government knew about this virus MONTHS before the globe did. They actively suppressed information which wouldve been beneficial and saved lives. They are now threatening to shut supply chains for much needed goods.
China is NOT our friend and they are 100% to blame for this outbreak. This is in no way a racist statement.
I completely agree with THAT statement. If you are a world leader and you are the only one calling it the "Chinese Virus" or the "Kung Flu" instead of SOLELY focusing on helping the public, then you're doing it for some other reason. I am judging based on FOUR YEARS of coded messages, race-baiting, exploding growth of white nationalism across the globe, and the personal track record of Donald Trump.
If Breitbart, message boards, 4Chan, or whatever want to discuss these toy economic repercussions and get their communities fired up, then whatever. However, when the leader of the country that until just a few years back LED the entire world intentionally uses race/nationality to continually build metaphorical walls and continually divide people, I have a problem with it. He is a racist - full stop.
Saying we condemn the Chinese government's behavior and expect them to step up and contribute right now and we will work with the world community to seek some sort of compensation in the future is a Presidential statement. Say it, move on, and actually work to help our citizens. That's above this current POS.
Asians have been beaten up ON MY STREET because they are Asian - this stuff isn't just Twitter humor for the MAGA base.