I'm not a leftist but ok. I know what I think about Trump and my opinion won't be changed, as is my right. Calling it the Wuhan virus would be technically correct and the Chinese government absolutely tried to cover things up, early on. That's what authoritarian governments do, as we all know. It's why the U.S. has traditionally stood as a polar opposite to all of them.
My sole point about the racially charged terminology being thrown around *only* by those of a certain political leaning is that a true leader would be laser-focused on prevention and solutions, by any means necessary. The only leaders I see making any difference in this country are a handful of governors. Thankfully mine (Cuomo) seems to be doing a great job - which honestly is surprising to most in NY. DeBlasio is the trainwreck we all already knew he was.
My opinion: crossing out the actual medical term and replacing it with "Chinese" is, at best, just a complete troll and waste of time/energy at this critical time. I know his supporters will never be convinced - just typing and getting things off my chest in this silly forum to avoid going stir crazy.
Trump is throwing the "China Virus" back in China's face. I don't know that he's put a ton of thought into it but I would guess he wants the focus on the government of China, not the suffering people of Wuhan.
Cuomo seems to be doing well. Not sure on McMaster but I think he's trying to avoid destroying the economy (which is the engine that allows us to fight this kind of thing) so I've seen worse.