It's like a free month of rent/mortgage & bills, courtesy ofthe federal government. I think you meant to say "courtesy of people who work hard." The Federal Government doesn't earn a living. They have no way to "give" you money unless they take it from me and others like me. And I don't approve of you suckling at the government teat.
No comprende. Can someone translate this into reality?
No comprende. Can someone translate this into reality?
Scotch provided a nice translation, but I'll simplify for you:No comprende. Can someone translate this into reality?
Scotch provided a nice translation, but I'll simplify for you:
Get a damn job and pay your own way in life. And thanks for the assist, @scotchtiger
He’s trolling y’all. It’s his thing. Pretty decent at it but foolish none the less to troll people who have a lot to lose if this country goes to
Ok then scratch the Get a damn job part. Let’s just go with take care of yourself and don’t expect the government to take care of you. Is that better? Comprende?Oh I have a job. What made you think I didn't? That's a strange assumption.
Ok then scratch the Get a damn job part. Let’s just go with take care of yourself and don’t expect the government to take care of you. Is that better? Comprende?
If your fine I hope you walked the money to the grocery store and bought a bunch of food for the local homeless shelter, you know the poor people that have zero way to get a check or zero income to prove they exist for a check.I take care of myself. I'm doing fine. Independent of all that it's pretty nice getting a month's worth of rent/utilities courtesy of the federal government, so I think it should be an annual thing.
If your fine I hope you walked the money to the grocery store and bought a bunch of food for the local homeless shelter, you know the poor people that have zero way to get a check or zero income to prove they exist for a check.
You should be ashamed spending that money on yourself.
I didn’t get one, nor do I need one.What are you gonna do with your government handout?
I didn’t get one, nor do I need one.