GIF by Steve Harvey TV
Rare if ever NATIONAL TV BROADCAST of Administration briefing to Biden/Harris on preparation for Milton Hurricane Florida but ended up a Biden rant about "misinformation" or better known as any thought/belief that differs from Kamala/Biden/People (pronouns to be determined) ON THEVIEW -


Rare if ever NATIONAL TV BROADCAST of Administration briefing to Biden/Harris on preparation for Milton Hurricane Florida but ended up a Biden rant about "misinformation" or better known as any thought/belief that differs from Kamala/Biden/People (pronouns to be determined) ON THEVIEW -



So you believe that the dems are controlling the weather to attack republican voters?
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I can't decide if Biden and Harris are the two most incompetent/senile people on the planet or if they are the most dastardly brilliant combo to ever head the Illuminati that controls all aspects of modern life. Just too close to call at the moment. I am currently reading my Trump bible that was printed in China for $3 and marked up to $60 here for us American rubes, so I hope to arrive at a conclusion shortly.

Personally speaking, if the Democrats have become so all powerful that they now possess space lasers and the ability to create and control hurricanes, then I got it give it to them. I mean, how does that not deserve a round of applause and our humble respect? Humans have been chasing the power to control Mother Nature since the dawn of civilization and now we’ve achieved it! What an incredible time to be alive.
Personally speaking, if the Democrats have become so all powerful that they now possess space lasers and the ability to create and control hurricanes, then I got it give it to them. I mean, how does that not deserve a round of applause and our humble respect? Humans have been chasing the power to control Mother Nature since the dawn of civilization and now we’ve achieved it! What an incredible time to be alive.
I mean can a cure for baldness be far behind this ability to create and control hurricanes?

About to get my Charlie Whitehurst flow back. Feels good man!
I’m watching the Federal Government stage show - put together - very apparently - by a science fiction novelist - to convince a nation comprised only of complete uninformed idiots that this Administration has met their pledge to protect the citizens of the USA NOW, JUST ENDED == with no recognition to the author of this fantasy - no apology to the people of America for assuming ALL OF US are Morons - with no common sense, memories or reasoning -

My apologies for this outburst - Been over 25 years since I graduated from Clemson = I've enjoyed being a fan and supporter of Clemson Athletics and Administration - and my life in the greatest Country on earth -But, for the first time - s - I'M AFRAID for our way of life, basic freedoms and the future for you and yours. I really can't explain what happened to cause the sudden magnification of my fears - but as I watched the blatantly obvious scripted, rehearsed, insulting presentation on national TV - the sickening mockery of all of us by "our" administration - Biden/HARRIS/Walz ARE the cause of my fear for all of our future -

'NOW - Cade is confident, WR's are showing out - Haynes is bout to bust loose - and, feel the defense is beginning to believe - Tigers will suprise I believe! God Bless them and God Bless the USA!!!!
I highly suggest you unplug the TV or at least change the channel.
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So you believe that the dems are controlling the weather to attack republican voters?
No one said the dems are controlling the weather. It would be the controllers of the ufo technology and scalar technology that would be doing it if at all. The technology is real though and that's a fact.

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When Trump loses its gonna be the end of maga. That has some people really upset. What do you do when the cult ends suddenly? Where will you go? No more lock her up chants to look forward to. Sad.

Judging by all of the empty seats at trump rallies and all of the people leaving early, I think maga is already over.
No one said the dems are controlling the weather. It would be the controllers of the ufo technology and scalar technology that would be doing it if at all. The technology is real though and that's a fact.

You do realize that there is a difference between shooting lasers at rain clouds to create rain and creating hurricane and directing its path to republican voters?
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I can't decide if Biden and Harris are the two most incompetent/senile people on the planet or if they are the most dastardly brilliant combo to ever head the Illuminati that controls all aspects of modern life. Just too close to call at the moment. I am currently reading my Trump bible that was printed in China for $3 and marked up to $60 here for us American rubes, so I hope to arrive at a conclusion shortly.
I'm sure CNN, MSNBC and the network news will tell you what to conclude as soon as the DNC gives them their talking points.
I love people bitching about CNN/MSNBC/etc still when 4 of the top 5 biggest podcasts are all rightwing and they absolutely DWARF televised news participation. No one watches televised news except for old people who don't know how to work the input on their television.
I can't decide if Biden and Harris are the two most incompetent/senile people on the planet or if they are the most dastardly brilliant combo to ever head the Illuminati that controls all aspects of modern life. Just too close to call at the moment. I am currently reading my Trump bible that was printed in China for $3 and marked up to $60 here for us American rubes, so I hope to arrive at a conclusion shortly.
It's BOTH man. Depending on the situation.

Because that's what it takes to buy into Trump's viewpoints on a day to day basis. Remember you've got all these diabolical plans to undermine/defeat Trump by destroying America on one day. THEN you've got Trump telling us how Biden can't speak a sentence, lives in a basement and that Harris was born mentally deficient.

Now even a total moron, knows that being a diabolical mastermind AND a drooling idiot are mutually exclusive and neither MAGA folks nor Trump are morons. So what's going on there? Well, you have to realize that Trump says and does whatever springs to mind at the moment. So sometimes he wants to talk about how dumb the current administration is, and he does. And sometimes he wants to talk about how he's being persecuted by evil criminals, and he does. To Trump's supporters, Biden and Harris are whatever Trump says at the moment. Period. It doesn't matter what they were yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago. It's WHATEVER Trumps says right now.

Case in point is some of the Good Liars comic "interviews" with folks outside Trump rallies. Some of these folks FULLY BELIEVE that Trump is actually in charge and Biden is the fake President until Trump comes back. BUT at the same time, Trump has no blame for problems with the economy, immigration, or the withdrawal from Afghanistan... THAT'S all Biden's fault even though Trump is actually the President and Biden is just a placeholder until Trump returns. They don't even see the problem with these opposing views, which is the actual funny part.
I love people bitching about CNN/MSNBC/etc still when 4 of the top 5 biggest podcasts are all rightwing and they absolutely DWARF televised news participation. No one watches televised news except for old people who don't know how to work the input on their television.

maga has infected the right and the GOP with a weak, victim mentality. It is sad to see grown men act like such pussies.
I'm sure CNN, MSNBC and the network news will tell you what to conclude as soon as the DNC gives them their talking points.
I don't really need them to conclude that MAGA morons who think Jewish space lasers are creating targeted hurricanes are dumb af. Some things are pretty self-evident.
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