What a little bitch Donny is...


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 26, 2006
Fox News: Trump plans to outshine Biden on Inauguration Day with opposing rally: report.

If this is true it's just one more example of the complete lack of class Donald Trump has.
Fox News: Trump plans to outshine Biden on Inauguration Day with opposing rally: report.

If this is true it's just one more example of the complete lack of class Donald Trump has.

Dude, this is par for the course. It shouldn't even raise an eyebrow. THIS is our President right down to the ground. He's that guy that goes to the locker room instead of shaking the other team's hand when he loses. And the folks on here LOVE him for it.
Ole one term donnie getting in his last hurrah. cant wait till he starts his tv network to splinter the right
I chuckle at the extent to which he rustles all of your jimmies.

“He who angers you, controls you.”

He doesn't really rustle my jimmies. I just think he's a bad person. I thought that before 2016, and these last 4 years have brought no surprises for me. A bad person acting like a bad person. This is just the latest unsurprising thing Trump has done. But like I said, you guys LOVE it when he does stuff like that (and that actually does surprise me and rustle my jimmies a bit). I imagine that you teach your kids to do it just like that. When you lose, head to the locker room, complain the the refs cheated and that some of the people on your team were really wanting the other team to win... And don't worry about proving that or anything, it should be enough for everyone that you think it is true. THAT'S the lesson kids need to learn! Because that's the way the Dear Leader rolls.
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He doesn't really rustle my jimmies. I just think he's a bad person. I thought that before 2016, and these last 4 years have brought no surprises for me. A bad person acting like a bad person. This is just the latest unsurprising thing Trump has done. But like I said, you guys LOVE it when he does stuff like that (and that actually does surprise me and rustle my jimmies a bit). I imagine that you teach your kids to do it just like that. When you lose, head to the locker room, complain the the refs cheated and that some of the people on your team were really wanting the other team to win... And don't worry about proving that or anything, it should be enough for everyone that you think it is true. THAT'S the lesson kids need to learn! Because that's the way the Dear Leader rolls.

I teach my sons, if you lose, go work harder until your next opportunity.

I also teach my sons, you have to earn your way in life, and no one owes you anything. You don’t do drugs, mess with hookers, or receive money for nothing from foreign entities, simply because of my status.
I teach my sons, if you lose, go work harder until your next opportunity.

I also teach my sons, you have to earn your way in life, and no one owes you anything. You don’t do drugs, mess with hookers, or receive money for nothing from foreign entities, simply because of my status.

You know, I teach my son and daughter the same thing. And when they ask me why the President of the US doesn't do the things that we as a society consider the right things. I reply that that is the primary reason that I don't support or vote for him. What do tell yours?
You know, I teach my son and daughter the same thing. And when they ask me why the President of the US doesn't do the things that we as a society consider the right things. I reply that that is the primary reason that I don't support or vote for him. What do tell yours?

My two boys are too young to understand what Trump is/is not doing.

If they were, I would tell that (in many instances)... you are to not act the way President Trump is acting.

The one caveat to this, is President Trump is facing an opposition my children hopefully never have to.
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You know, I teach my son and daughter the same thing. And when they ask me why the President of the US doesn't do the things that we as a society consider the right things. I reply that that is the primary reason that I don't support or vote for him. What do tell yours?

The peanut gallery is the cutest.

Do you even kid, bro?
That's a reasonable question. The bottom line for Trumpians is: Sure Kids. We teach you all these things and tell you they are important. And we go to church every Sunday and teach you the same thing. But I'm going to support the guy that gives me the fattest paycheck and to hell with right and wrong. amiright?
That's a reasonable question. The bottom line for Trumpians is: Sure Kids. We teach you all these things and tell you they are important. And we go to church every Sunday and teach you the same thing. But I'm going to support the guy that gives me the fattest paycheck and to hell with right and wrong. amiright?

I think it's more like, I will support the guy who insults the people I don't like the most, because it makes me feel powerful when he owns the libs.
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I think it's more like, I will support the guy who insults the people I don't like the most, because it makes me feel powerful when he owns the libs.

No, I actually don't think that. I think that a lot of Republican don't like these things about Trump. But they are willing to support him and the things he does and says b/c they are getting paid more than if he weren't in charge. Never been a shortage of people who are more than willing to compromise their morals and/or ignore a LOT for a few extra dollars.
That's a reasonable question. The bottom line for Trumpians is: Sure Kids. We teach you all these things and tell you they are important. And we go to church every Sunday and teach you the same thing. But I'm going to support the guy that gives me the fattest paycheck and to hell with right and wrong. amiright?

The part you’re leaving out, is the democratic side is worse (in conservative eyes) than Donald Trump.

I understand you have your stance, but you have to take this into account.
No, I actually don't think that. I think that a lot of Republican don't like these things about Trump. But they are willing to support him and the things he does and says b/c they are getting paid more than if he weren't in charge. Never been a shortage of people who are more than willing to compromise their morals and/or ignore a LOT for a few extra dollars.

I’ve succeeded under every president during my career... 6 in one hand...

It matters not.

However, the democratic platform for wealth redistribution is not my cup of tea. I work my rear off to be successful, and I care not to give more to the government, just to watch them piss it away. I’m philanthropic on my own accord.

The truth is, I believe everyone in this conversation believes in the same ultimate things. How we get there is where the disagreements begin.
No, I actually don't think that. I think that a lot of Republican don't like these things about Trump. But they are willing to support him and the things he does and says b/c they are getting paid more than if he weren't in charge. Never been a shortage of people who are more than willing to compromise their morals and/or ignore a LOT for a few extra dollars.

Sure, I believe that's true for the high earners but how do you explain the low income uneducated whites that make up the majority of his base? That will willingly max out any superspreader events solely to listen to him insult, complain and own the people they hate. And then scream in unison : "Lock Her Up!", Lock Him Up!, "Send Her Back!". That makes them feel powerful - but that's all they really get out of it other than COVID.
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The part you’re leaving out, is the democratic side is worse (in conservative eyes) than Donald Trump.

I understand you have your stance, but you have to take this into account.

Unfortunately for them, the LARGE majority of the country doesn't agree.
Unfortunately for them, the LARGE majority of the country doesn't agree.


Indeed, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood have left the building. Now we have transgenders fighting to play sports on the wrong side. Smh
Sure, I believe that's true for the high earners but how do you explain the low income uneducated whites that make up the majority of his base? That will willingly max out any superspreader events solely to listen to him insult, complain and own the people they hate. And then scream in unison : "Lock Her Up!", Lock Him Up!, "Send Her Back!". That makes them feel powerful - but that's all they really get out of it other than COVID.

Or they could just be 100% correct about Hillary and the like.

Indeed, John Wayne and Clint Eastwood have left the building. Now we have transgenders fighting to play sports on the wrong side. Smh

Well you still have your John Wayne wannabes that will storm a Capitol building, plot to kidnap and execute a governor and dismiss the slaughter of classrooms full of children as a hoax. I'll take the transgenders over them any day.
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Well you still have your John Wayne wannabes that will storm a Capitol building, plot to kidnap and execute a governor and dismiss the slaughter of classrooms full of children as a hoax. I'll take the transgenders over them any day.

I could do without either.

You do know, that’s not who John Wayne was, correct?
Sure, I believe that's true for the high earners but how do you explain the low income uneducated whites that make up the majority of his base? That will willingly max out any superspreader events solely to listen to him insult, complain and own the people they hate. And then scream in unison : "Lock Her Up!", Lock Him Up!, "Send Her Back!". That makes them feel powerful - but that's all they really get out of it other than COVID.

I have an interesting theory if you are interested. I've been puzzling over this kind of stuff for more than 4 years. Not so much the low income uneducated whites. They've been hoodwinked by the Republican party for years, thinking that they care about them. But I know some good folks that are Trump supporters. Not stupid people. Not brainwashed folks either. Good folks. And they are avid supporters. How could these folks support a person who by any real measure is a bad guy? I heard a pod cast where a fellow offers an opinion. Take it for what it's worth. It may not be THE answer, but it's food for thought.

The opening premise is that Donald Trump is a pretty crap human being. Furthermore, the left side of the aisle is pretty damn judgy. If you eat meat you are bad. If you don't have a low enough carbon footprint you are bad. If you don't support x, y, or z, you are bad. The whole "cancel culture" thing is an extreme result of this. People don't like to be judged:

Now given the above. No matter what you do, say, or even think. Chances are that Trump has done worse... Publicly. So Trump supporters have a safe space with Trump. No matter what you do, Trump is not going to judge you from a moral perspective. All you have to do to belong in this safe space, is to be loyal to him.
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I have an interesting theory if you are interested. I've been puzzling over this kind of stuff for more than 4 years. Not so much the low income uneducated whites. They've been hoodwinked by the Republican party for years, thinking that they care about them. But I know some good folks that are Trump supporters. Not stupid people. Not brainwashed folks either. Good folks. And they are avid supporters. How could these folks support a person who by any real measure is a bad guy? I heard a pod cast where a fellow offers an opinion. Take it for what it's worth. It may not be THE answer, but it's food for thought.

The opening premise is that Donald Trump is a pretty crap human being. Furthermore, the left side of the aisle is pretty damn judgy. If you eat meat you are bad. If you don't have a low enough carbon footprint you are bad. If you don't support x, y, or z, you are bad. The whole "cancel culture" thing is an extreme result of this. People don't like to be judged:

Now given the above. No matter what you do, say, or even think. Chances are that Trump has done worse... Publicly. So Trump supporters have a safe space with Trump. No matter what you do, Trump is not going to judge you from a moral perspective. All you have to do to belong in this safe space, is to be loyal to him.

With due respect, this is a very silly theory.
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Except for the silly little fact that she's never been charged with a crime. Don't you wish Orange Sunshine could say the same? 😂

Don’t you understand... there’s a class “above the law”? You oust one, and the dominoes fall.

It’s real.
Don’t you understand... there’s a class “above the law”? You oust one, and the dominoes fall.

It’s real.

How many years have we heard this? Have you put all your eggs in the Durham report now? I'm sure that will take down the "cabal"

That's exactly what we do every time we hear Trump say so and so Democratic politician should be locked up, charged with a crime, jailed for treason etc.. We know there's nothing that warrants it, all the while knowing he's gonna be making sexy time with Bubba in the very near future.
That's exactly what we do every time we hear Trump say so and so Democratic politician should be locked up, charged with a crime, jailed for treason etc.. We know there's nothing that warrants it, all the while knowing he's gonna be making sexy time with Bubba in the very near future.

Your symbol should be the recycle logo.
I teach my sons, if you lose, go work harder until your next opportunity.

I also teach my sons, you have to earn your way in life, and no one owes you anything. You don’t do drugs, mess with hookers, or receive money for nothing from foreign entities, simply because of my status.

I also teach my sons, you have to earn your way in life, and no one owes you anything. You don’t do drugs, mess with hookers, or receive money for nothing from foreign entities, simply because of my status.

Do you really think that the Trump kids have made their own way? Do you really think that it was coincidence that Ivanka trademark applications in China suddenly got fast tracked after dumpy donny won the election? Do you really think Don Jr. isn't coked up 24/7? (given that one is speculation, but I have done some nose candy in my time, and he sure seems coked up).

I also teach my sons, you have to earn your way in life, and no one owes you anything. You don’t do drugs, mess with hookers, or receive money for nothing from foreign entities, simply because of my status.

Do you really think that the Trump kids have made their own way? Do you really think that it was coincidence that Ivanka trademark applications in China suddenly got fast tracked after dumpy donny won the election? Do you really think Don Jr. isn't coked up 24/7? (given that one is speculation, but I have done some nose candy in my time, and he sure seems coked up).

I’m raising my kids, not his. You can rest assured I don’t model my parenting after Trump or Biden.

You have kids, so I’m confident you’ll understand this... there’s a fine line between me wanting to do for my kids, and teaching them to earn things.

Financially speaking, I’ve been able to accomplish far beyond what my parents did... but me doing so is largely in part due to what they taught me, and who they were/are as people and parents. So I want to do things for my kids, that my parents could not for me... but that’s a slippery slope. I want my kids to learn how to work for it, just as I was taught. I don’t begrudge the Trump kids for their success, I’m happy for them... but I get your point.
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I have an interesting theory if you are interested. I've been puzzling over this kind of stuff for more than 4 years. Not so much the low income uneducated whites. They've been hoodwinked by the Republican party for years, thinking that they care about them. But I know some good folks that are Trump supporters. Not stupid people. Not brainwashed folks either. Good folks. And they are avid supporters. How could these folks support a person who by any real measure is a bad guy? I heard a pod cast where a fellow offers an opinion. Take it for what it's worth. It may not be THE answer, but it's food for thought.

The opening premise is that Donald Trump is a pretty crap human being. Furthermore, the left side of the aisle is pretty damn judgy. If you eat meat you are bad. If you don't have a low enough carbon footprint you are bad. If you don't support x, y, or z, you are bad. The whole "cancel culture" thing is an extreme result of this. People don't like to be judged:

Now given the above. No matter what you do, say, or even think. Chances are that Trump has done worse... Publicly. So Trump supporters have a safe space with Trump. No matter what you do, Trump is not going to judge you from a moral perspective. All you have to do to belong in this safe space, is to be loyal to him.

I'm not so sure they look that deeply into it. IMO, since they aren't smart, they don't understand or trust people in high positions that are smarter than them(i.e., Fauci, Obama) who might use language they don't comprehend. Then Trump comes along and "he don't use no fancy words" and he insults the people they don't trust so they feel a kinship and believe he "gets" them. All of a sudden, they feel powerful and heard. I'm not saying I don't understand why they would feel like that but it also makes it clear that as a country, we have got to do a better job of getting people educated.
I'm not so sure they look that deeply into it. IMO, since they aren't smart, they don't understand or trust people in high positions that are smarter than them(i.e., Fauci, Obama) who might use language they don't comprehend. Then Trump comes along and "he don't use no fancy words" and he insults the people they don't trust so they feel a kinship and believe he "gets" them. All of a sudden, they feel powerful and heard. I'm not saying I don't understand why they would feel like that but it also makes it clear that as a country, we have got to do a better job of getting people educated.

What are your thoughts on Dabo, and how is your vernacular working for your success?
What are your thoughts on Dabo, and how is your vernacular working for your success?

My vernacular comes in handy every time I own you Cockamamie. I think Dabo is brilliant and one of a kind. So if you're trying to compare his language to Trump's, that doesn't pass muster and you know it. Dabo can discuss almost any subject and could go into detail on many. He may be folksy but he ain't dumb. Trump brags about remembering five words on an IQ test. PERSON, WOMAN, MAN, CAMERA TV
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