What are your thoughts on Dabo, and how is your vernacular working for your success?
He taught me the word "lugubrious". Dat boy is smart.
What are your thoughts on Dabo, and how is your vernacular working for your success?
My vernacular comes in handy every time I own you Cockamamie. I think Dabo is brilliant and one of a kind. So if you're trying to compare his language to Trump's, that doesn't pass muster and you know it. Dabo can discuss almost any subject and could go into detail on many. He may be folksy but he ain't dumb. Trump brags about remembering five words on an IQ test. PERSON, WOMAN, MAN, CAMERA TV
He taught me the word "lugubrious". Dat boy is smart.
I was expecting more. You must be in a hurry.
I know you long for it but I'll only give you as much as I decide to. Reclaiming my time.
As angry as Trump is about ... everything and everyone who disagrees with him... doesn't that make him perpetually owned?I chuckle at the extent to which he rustles all of your jimmies.
“He who angers you, controls you.”