Some are upset that Kamala treated Pence poorly in their last debate says the man who incited #MAGACultMorons to storm the Capitol, assault police officers, erect a noose to hang Mike Pence & smear feces on the wall.

trump: "She asked Brett Kavenaugh tough questions. In the history of congress, nobody has been treated that way."

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Kamala used a different accent in Pennsylvania, which is highl;y upsetting!

Just proves how much of a fraud she is and how she panders.

Acting like she’s something she’s not to try and be accepted.

lol at KJP being so irritated and trying to deflect and act like she doesn’t know. Just answer the question. Why be fake and pander?
Just proves how much of a fraud she is and how she panders.

Acting like she’s something she’s not to try and be accepted.

lol at KJP being so irritated and trying to deflect and act like she doesn’t know. Just answer the question. Why be fake and pander?
Yes, I did it! I picked the thing that MAGAs are most butthurt about today!


@nytigerfan - do I win a prize?
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Except I’m not maga. Nice try.

Sorry - my non white ass didn’t find her pandering funny.
Funny how all these white leftist like to say all of maga is white, even black maga is white in their eyes. White leftist are the most racist people in the world, just ask MalcolmX and MLK...