What's wrong with Trump

IF your side takes over the House and Senate it will be in large part due to Trumpublicans taking those seats and that wing has been hijacked by the lunatic fringe. You're obviously not paying attention or don't care, but the deplorables on that side and red states have shown us what their vision is for our country. From banning books, banning history, monitoring teachers, refusing to let them acknowledge gays, denying science, passing laws that would allow them to overturn election results that they don't like, suing women that want abortions - heck there's even a bill in Missouri that would require women to go through with an ectopic pregnancy, which would kill them. They won't be satisfied until America is a white Christian ethno-state and people only learn what THEY approve.

It's definitely not an agenda that helps Americans or makes their lives better. In fact it's all about making our lives harder and allowing them to control us. That's who the party is now - the one you call the party of "Freedom"
Wow! Okay, I am not going to change your mind, but you really need to take a look at what is happening right now. If you're okay with that, then there's nothing more I can say to you.
God Bless!
Wow! Okay, I am not going to change your mind, but you really need to take a look at what is happening right now. If you're okay with that, then there's nothing more I can say to you.
God Bless!
Be honest with yourself and admit that the loudest voices on your side are Marjorie Taylor Greene, GED Boebert, Greasy Gaetz and Madison Cawthorn. If your side wins the mid-terms it means there will be many more just like them. Do you think it will be healthier for them to be in control? Do you think they will promote positive, forward thinking policies that will improve the lives of all Americans?
Be honest with yourself and admit that the loudest voices on your side are Marjorie Taylor Greene, GED Boebert, Greasy Gaetz and Madison Cawthorn. If your side wins the mid-terms it means there will be many more just like them. Do you think it will be healthier for them to be in control? Do you think they will promote positive, forward thinking policies that will improve the lives of all Americans?
I think it will be a much more unified America. If the left thinks different, they will do what they did pre-election and try an create disorder from as many areas as they can! This time though, I think some who took part in the disorder have seen that what they did has not helped them one bit and in most cases hurt them!
So he's in your head that bad. Wow
Really he is not! Just that some can’t or won’t take Donald penis out their hands or mouths. Every week this fool keeps going on about the election was stolen from him. It wasn’t. Just did not think POC were going to vote heavily. And now you have the same ones just fawning over this prick to actually think it’s going to win them an election. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!
I think it will be a much more unified America. If the left thinks different, they will do what they did pre-election and try an create disorder from as many areas as they can! This time though, I think some who took part in the disorder have seen that what they did has not helped them one bit and in most cases hurt them!
Really he is not! Just that some can’t or won’t take Donald penis out their hands or mouths. Every week this fool keeps going on about the election was stolen from him. It wasn’t. Just did not think POC were going to vote heavily. And now you have the same ones just fawning over this prick to actually think it’s going to win them an election. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!
Sounds like you're the one that can't let go.
81 million votes disagree with this
Would you consider Obama to be a more likable president in terms of your belief in policy and how he governed that policy, how the he ran his campaigns and just his overall broad knowledge and delivery over Uncle Joe?
Would you consider Obama to be a more likable president in terms of your belief in policy and how he governed that policy, how the he ran his campaigns and just his overall broad knowledge and delivery over Uncle Joe?
they're both schisty fvckers. more likable? i'd have to say the guy who wasn't about to die was more likable or at least more watchable. Joe is sad and debilitated. It's like watching your grandparents slip away. That's what makes it so much funnier that not only did he get 81 million votes, but won in a electoral college landslide. And rather than face the truth of the matter you can't stop deflecting about it or, like Growls, pretending the other guy cheated when actually your guy just lost. Sad.
So you liked neither Obama or Biden. Is there a president you have liked?

Back to your 81 million number, and without mentioning the former President, you don't see that in trend of votes for one particular party, 81 million completely obliterates that of Obama's in 2008 and 2012?
I think it will be a much more unified America. If the left thinks different, they will do what they did pre-election and try an create disorder from as many areas as they can! This time though, I think some who took part in the disorder have seen that what they did has not helped them one bit and in most cases hurt them!

These are your unifiers! 😂 Thanks to your support, we'll get even more unified if your side wins the mid-terms!

These are your unifiers! 😂 Thanks to your support, we'll get even more unified if your side wins the mid-terms!

So you are still wearing your mask that Fauci recommends you wear for B.2, and are still okay with a man who ID's himself as a female walking into your daughters bathroom??

If Uncle Joe really got 81 Millions votes, how in the hell are the repub's going to win the mid-terms?
Sounds like you're the one that can't let go.
More less like someone saying what needs to be said.. never have seen SOME people act like they are in a cult that still hanging on to the events that have been proven over and over again it’s legit.
So you liked neither Obama or Biden. Is there a president you have liked?

Back to your 81 million number, and without mentioning the former President, you don't see that in trend of votes for one particular party, 81 million completely obliterates that of Obama's in 2008 and 2012?

Of course it obliterates it because 30 million more people voted in 2020 than in 2008 or 2012. However, Obama's electoral count crushed Biden's, which is probably a better indicator he was a more popular candidate.

This "81 million" game is just crazy. Both he and Trump are terrible candidates, but we were forced to choose between the two, so with a huge turnout it was obvious both were gonna receive more votes than anyone in history. Doesn't mean either are worth a damn.
Of course it obliterates it because 30 million more people voted in 2020 than in 2008 or 2012. However, Obama's electoral count crushed Biden's, which is probably a better indicator he was a more popular candidate.

This "81 million" game is just crazy. Both he and Trump are terrible candidates, but we were forced to choose between the two, so with a huge turnout it was obvious both were gonna receive more votes than anyone in history. Doesn't mean either are worth a damn.
It's not the matter of how many more supposedly voted. We've had elections where the voter turn out has been more or less than previous years and visa-versa. The point is that the trends of 2020 votes were completely disproportional and abnormal from previous elections. It will be interesting to see what changes are made in 2024 and possible 2022.
It's not the matter of how many more supposedly voted. We've had elections where the voter turn out has been more or less than previous years and visa-versa. The point is that the trends of 2020 votes were completely disproportional and abnormal from previous elections. It will be interesting to see what changes are made in 2024 and possible 2022.
imagine there was a special cause for that variation. imagine people voted against someone rather than voting for someone. crazy you guys want to look at stats without even taking your major assumptions into consideration.
Welcome to stagflation courtesy of China Joe and he is a morally repugnant person and a crime boss to boot which is why you guys supposedly hate Trump. Hope you dipshits are happy with yourselves.
2049 plan.

Next they take Taiwan. But they have to do it before 2030 IMO, otherwise it's too close to the plan and too fresh on the worlds minds.

I often ask people, if you had intelligence that supported the plan for China to punch you first and wipe you off the map by a certain time frame, and you were witnessing their plan in motion many many years in advance, would you sit idle by and let them do it or would you strike first? Someone is going down and someone is losing.

Now, what if you found out your own Politicians "R and D" were enabling it and profiting off of it because they won't get blamed for it and certainly wont be around for it.

They get confused real quick and the typical answer is "man I have no idea. I don't know about any of that stuff." I hope 200 years from now the History books tell that story. I hope they tell the story that we simply didn't care and yet we did actually know it was coming. As a society, we chose to look the other way. We were looking for ways to "escape politics" that were affecting our every day lives.

In 2024, you're either voting for the American people or the Government. American First or The Establishment. That's it. It's pretty dang simple that elections have consequences. Team "us" or team "them".
Wonder what will happen when the US Dollar isn't the standard trading currency. Id imagine the CCP would love that. Any chance it happens because of the current policies?

Anyone think that's a possibility or is that far out there "conspiracy thinking"?
Wonder what will happen when the US Dollar isn't the standard trading currency. Id imagine the CCP would love that. Any chance it happens because of the current policies?

Anyone think that's a possibility or is that far out there "conspiracy thinking"?
living afraid isn't good for your life expectancy. no reason to be scared of an old mumbling man.
Does he say the election was stolen? HE DOES. Was it? WHO KNOWS. Do people flock around him and listen to his every word? THEY DO. Is he completely in your head? HE IS!
How's that?
Donald says the election? It was not WAS IT? Definitely not! Do people flock? Yep! Is he in my head? Definitely not! Can’t phantom why people in the political arena flock to this pathologically lying orange mofo, to crave for his attention. Do you have a man crush on Donald…
Donald says the election? It was not WAS IT? Definitely not! Do people flock? Yep! Is he in my head? Definitely not! Can’t phantom why people in the political arena flock to this pathologically lying orange mofo, to crave for his attention. Do you have a man crush on Donald…
Johnny come lately
Saw that the former president got a hole-in-one recently. That's impressive.

But Kim Jong Il had FIVE in one round the very first time he played golf.

Step it up, Donny.