Where's the excitement?


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
...for the party that wants to win the presidency.
GITT and tell what you're excited about when you dream this as your new president.

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...for the party that wants to beat Donald J Trump for President?
GITT and tell what you're excited about when you dream this as your new president.

I haven't been excited about any presidential candidate in years but the End of Maga will be cause for a great celebration and that's what most of us dream about. That hate-filled, obnoxious buffoon has taken up all the air in the room for almost a decade now and it's time to put him out to pasture once and for all. A pasture called Leavenworth preferably.
...for the party that wants to win the presidency.
GITT and tell what you're excited about when you dream this as your new president.

No one is excited about Kamala, nor does anyone WANT to vote FOR her. At best, her support comes from people who are anti-Trump.

If you’re even remotely objective, you have to admit conclude that Kamala is AWFUL. The only question is if you believe Trump is more awful.
I haven't been excited about any presidential candidate in years but the End of Maga will be cause for a great celebration and that's what most of us dream about. That hate-filled, obnoxious buffoon has taken up all the air in the room for almost a decade now and it's time to put him out to pasture once and for all. A pasture called Leavenworth preferably.

Polls suggest that dream may be just that. Trump substantially outperforming 2020 numbers in swing states. RCP no toss up map shows Trump with 302 electoral votes.

Maybe I should've done a poll. I hate polls!

So, this is a who is more awful election. Hmmm
I thought some on here might actually like her policies over Trump's policies and we could push aside the hatred of a person for a minute or two.
Polls suggest that dream may be just that. Trump substantially outperforming 2020 numbers in swing states. RCP no toss up map shows Trump with 302 electoral votes.

They also include Rasmussen who is no longer considered a reputable pollster and that skews the averages - 538 no longer uses them. I can't find it now but there was an election expert who explained that in the last week or so, there were polls from 15 R leaning pollsters that came out and only one poll from a D leaning pollster to make us believe that Trump has made up ground, when the numbers actually haven't moved. If interested, this polling expert explains it pretty clearly.

It's a tight race but nothing has really changed.

Maybe I should've done a poll. I hate polls!

So, this is a who is more awful election. Hmmm
I thought some on here might actually like her policies over Trump's policies and we could push aside the hatred of a person for a minute or two.
No question that I prefer her policies over Trump - none. He wants to turn America into an authoritarian Christo-fascist state that would be unrecognizable to most of us and many of us care about that. Crazy that you don't.
I haven't been excited about any presidential candidate in years but the End of Maga will be cause for a great celebration and that's what most of us dream about. That hate-filled, obnoxious buffoon has taken up all the air in the room for almost a decade now and it's time to put him out to pasture once and for all. A pasture called Leavenworth preferably.
You’re gonna be okay after Trump wins.
They also include Rasmussen who is no longer considered a reputable pollster and that skews the averages - 538 no longer uses them. I can't find it now but there was an election expert who explained that in the last week or so, there were polls from 15 R leaning pollsters that came out and only one poll from a D leaning pollster to make us believe that Trump has made up ground, when the numbers actually haven't moved. If interested, this polling expert explains it pretty clearly.

It's a tight race but nothing has really changed.

Here’s an interesting view on Hillary/Biden/Harris on 10/11 of each respective election cycle.

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Here’s an interesting view on Hillary/Biden/Harris on 10/11 of each respective election cycle.

And again, the averages are skewed due to Rasmussen and the many polls from R leaning pollsters that just came out. Most reputable polls show her leading slightly in the blue wall states. No side can be comfortable right now.
This is also why the local TI libs are melting down as we type.

It’s not gonna be close.

Who is melting down? Kamala is going to win.

It is essentially tied right now as it has been since she entered the race. The difference will be that she needs to get voters back in her camp, which is an easier task than trump, who is courting young people who really have not voted before. The apathy of youth will be his downfall.
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Who is melting down? Kamala is going to win.

It is essentially tied right now as it has been since she entered the race. The difference will be that she needs to get voters back in her camp, which is an easier task than trump, who is courting young people who really have not voted before. The apathy of youth will be his downfall.
btw- Is the bet still on?

I'll give you anyone vs. Trump. This should cover it, just in case y'all decide to pick another candidate in the next few weeks.
If you are not for Agenda 47, then it's not even worth conversing with you. You do you and I promise we will both be okay!
You're damn right I'm not. It basically says the world should revolve around Trump and should be rearranged to make sure he can never be held accountable for his many crimes. Who cares about how this affects future adminstrations that don't involve Trump, we should bow to his every whim and turn law abiding citizens into enemies of the state, so he can satisfy his revenge lust. Fvck that shit.

He does not own this country
There are 2 voters in this; those that want Trump and those that don't want Trump. Harris is not in the equation. She is a empty head who is NOT Trump. To those people who vote against Trump, be careful what you vote for, because you have NO idea what this mean. There is a reason she has NEVER gotten ONE vote in a primary.
It is never gonna change peoples minds but it is a decision that could impact not just the USA but the rest of the world. Thank goodness I'm in the 4th quarter of my life and will not get to see the consequences of this dunb decision.
Still no answer to the original question: What excites you about Kamala? There is no answer !
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There are 2 voters in this; those that want Trump and those that don't want Trump. Harris is not in the equation. She is a empty head who is NOT Trump. To those people who vote against Trump, be careful what you vote for, because you have NO idea what this mean. There is a reason she has NEVER gotten ONE vote in a primary.
It is never gonna change peoples minds but it is a decision that could impact not just the USA but the rest of the world. Thank goodness I'm in the 4th quarter of my life and will not get to see the consequences of this dunb decision.
Still no answer to the original question: What excites you about Kamala? There is no answer !
What's "exciting" about any politician really?

What excites you about that corrupt, orange bag of dementia?
What's "exciting" about any politician really?

What excites you about that corrupt, orange bag of dementia?
You just answered your own question. Trump is not a politician. The fact that he is not one is reason enough. When Trump was in the White House, my business increased 48% during his time, due to a friendly business climate, a lot of deregulations, tax cuts, etc. We have 4 years of Trumpto go on and if Covid had not happened, we would have 8 years to go on.
But we don't have 8 years, we have 3 1/2 years of Biden-Harris and that is enough. High inflation, high prices, open borders, 2 wars started under this watch , etc. Don't want anymore of these idiots in charge.
Can you imagine The cackling idiot in a meeting with other leaders of the world. She can't speak when the teleprompter goes out, but she is not Trump.
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Who is melting down? Kamala is going to win.

It is essentially tied right now as it has been since she entered the race. The difference will be that she needs to get voters back in her camp, which is an easier task than trump, who is courting young people who really have not voted before. The apathy of youth will be his downfall.
It’s going to be a tough day for you libs.
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You're damn right I'm not. It basically says the world should revolve around Trump and should be rearranged to make sure he can never be held accountable for his many crimes. Who cares about how this affects future adminstrations that don't involve Trump, we should bow to his every whim and turn law abiding citizens into enemies of the state, so he can satisfy his revenge lust. Fvck that shit.

He does not own this country
He evidently owns your thoughts.
No question that I prefer her policies over Trump - none. He wants to turn America into an authoritarian Christo-fascist state that would be unrecognizable to most of us and many of us care about that. Crazy that you don't.
Authoritarian Christo-facist state or Starving Marxist Hell scape ?????

Those are the choices we have.
You just answered your own question. Trump is not a politician. The fact that he is not one is reason enough. When Trump was in the White House, my business increased 48% during his time, due to a friendly business climate, a lot of deregulations, tax cuts, etc. We have 4 years of Trumpto go on and if Covid had not happened, we would have 8 years to go on.
But we don't have 8 years, we have 3 1/2 years of Biden-Harris and that is enough. High inflation, high prices, open borders, 2 wars started under this watch , etc. Don't want anymore of these idiots in charge.
Can you imagine The cackling idiot in a meeting with other leaders of the world. She can't speak when the teleprompter goes out, but she is not Trump.
Well the good thing about you being in the 4th quarter of your life is that you won't be paying back the $8 trillion he added to the deficit, including the $2 trillion he added with the unnecessary tax cuts he gave to corporations and the 1% to give you that business climate you remember so fondly. I'm glad you could enjoy that fools gold but now somebody else will have to pay for it.

Have you paid attention to Trump at all in the last year or are you choosing to be willfully blind? Because if you have, you'd know he's lost his damn mind and he's completely unfit for office, but if you had integrity, you would have held him accountable a long time before now when he tried to overturn the will of the people because of some bullshit he made up in his head. It's unfathomable to me that the American people would reward him for that shameful period. It's sickening

I can't imagine Trump in a meeting with world leaders or any leaders for that matter. He's not interested in normal relations with anyone and could care less how his decisions affect us after he's gone. He just wants revenge and to stay out of jail and that should not be the leader of the free world's agenda. Plus he's batshit crazy

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Can you imagine The cackling idiot in a meeting with other leaders of the world. She can't speak when the teleprompter goes out, but she is not Trump.
Always great when the MAGA types accuse a criminal prosecutor who handled sex crimes of not being able to navigate a serious setting compared to the real estate guy who hosted a reality TV show and beauty pageants.

Again, not about Harris, just hate Trump. Harris brings nothing positive to this countryexcept she is not Trump.
Look, I'm not going to change your mind, you can't change mine so that's that.
Speaking of the deficit, it is not just Trump, it's every idiot in congress and administration inthe last 100 years. They are ALL complicit in this crime on the country. When the bubble bursts, its going to be ugly.
Don't really care about tax cuts, everybody benefits when Washington takes less of our money. It is a total SPENDING problem that needs to be solved, not giving freebies to certain groups to buy votes.
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Always great when the MAGA types accuse a criminal prosecutor who handled sex crimes of not being able to navigate a serious setting compared to the real estate guy who hosted a reality TV show and beauty pageants.

Always great to hand over a 4-5 Trillion Dollar budget to someone who has never signed a payroll check and has never run a lemonade stand to be in charge of the largest budget in the world. Yes, genius!
Again, not about Harris, just hate Trump. Harris brings nothing positive to this countryexcept she is not Trump.
Look, I'm not going to change your mind, you can't change mine so that's that.
Speaking of the deficit, it is not just Trump, it's every idiot in congress and administration inthe last 100 years. They are ALL complicit in this crime on the country. When the bubble bursts, its going to be ugly.
Don't really care about tax cuts, everybody benefits when Washington takes less of our money. It is a total SPENDING problem that needs to be solved, not giving freebies to certain groups to buy votes.
Two trillion dollars directly attributed to his tax cuts. You can't get around that reality.
Always great to hand over a 4-5 Trillion Dollar budget to someone who has never signed a payroll check and has never run a lemonade stand to be in charge of the largest budget in the world. Yes, genius!
How many times has Trump declared bankruptcy again?

The moron bankrupted a CASINO. How is that even possible?
Again, not about Harris, just hate Trump. Harris brings nothing positive to this countryexcept she is not Trump.
Look, I'm not going to change your mind, you can't change mine so that's that.
Speaking of the deficit, it is not just Trump, it's every idiot in congress and administration inthe last 100 years. They are ALL complicit in this crime on the country. When the bubble bursts, its going to be ugly.
Don't really care about tax cuts, everybody benefits when Washington takes less of our money. It is a total SPENDING problem that needs to be solved, not giving freebies to certain groups to buy votes.
Wall Street Journal - Harris Is the Safer Economic Choice

Who is melting down? Kamala is going to win.

It is essentially tied right now as it has been since she entered the race. The difference will be that she needs to get voters back in her camp, which is an easier task than trump, who is courting young people who really have not voted before. The apathy of youth will be his downfall.
Do you want to go ahead with a soft exit, or are you simply going a fast MIA the day after?

I really don’t mind if you stay, but I’m telling you this.. you & your fellow libs are about to take a beating on Election Day.
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