High corporate tax rate
Income tax
Social Security
Public elementary school
Public secondary school
Public trade school
Public University
Socialized Healthcare
Farm subsidies
Corporate bail outs*
Infrastructure (roads rail ways, air ports)
Fire departments
Prison system
Bolded i agree with
Italicized I can live with but need to be cut significantly.
Everything else is a waste of time and money and essentially sets our species back.
* I am totally against these morally but recognize that the economy would have fallen at times without bail outs
Income tax
Social Security
Public elementary school
Public secondary school
Public trade school
Public University
Socialized Healthcare
Farm subsidies
Corporate bail outs*
Infrastructure (roads rail ways, air ports)
Fire departments
Prison system
Bolded i agree with
Italicized I can live with but need to be cut significantly.
Everything else is a waste of time and money and essentially sets our species back.
* I am totally against these morally but recognize that the economy would have fallen at times without bail outs