Which of these socialist ideas do you support?


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Greenville sc
High corporate tax rate
Income tax
Social Security

Public elementary school
Public secondary school
Public trade school
Public University
Socialized Healthcare
Farm subsidies
Corporate bail outs*
Infrastructure (roads rail ways, air ports)
Fire departments
Prison system

Bolded i agree with

Italicized I can live with but need to be cut significantly.

Everything else is a waste of time and money and essentially sets our species back.

* I am totally against these morally but recognize that the economy would have fallen at times without bail outs
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High corporate tax rate
Income tax
Social Security
Public elementary school
Public secondary school
Public trade school
Public University
Socialized Healthcare
Farm subsidies
Corporate bail outs*
Infrastructure (roads rail ways, air ports)
Fire departments
Prison system
High corporate tax rate
Income tax
Social Security
Unemployment (very limited, should be coupled with some type of assistance to facilitate job placement)

Public elementary school
Public secondary school

Public trade school
Public University
Socialized Healthcare (i'd point out obama care is not socialized healthcare, the single payer system)
Obamacare (personal mandate, universal access for pre-existing conditions, needs to be fixed so people don't jump in and out, if you are 22, not in school, and don't have health insurance you should be drafted into either the military or a public service organization that will provide you healthcare (peace corps, teach for america, ameri corps)
Farm subsidies (should be privatized, except for strategic temporary support)
Corporate bail outs*
Infrastructure (roads rail ways, air ports)
Fire departments
Prison system
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My husband and I make above average. We're not rich, but we definitely pay into the system. I'm a nurse and I work with all levels of society. I feel for those less fortunate than I.

I feel for people less fortunate that actually are trying to be contributing members of society but I do not feel for the lazy excuse makers that want to live off the government and think they are entitled to everything for "free"

A large part of society does not understand the definition of "free"

Nothing is free and I want to retire one day. Government is making society reliant on the system and that is not a good thing. People complain about Trump wanting to get rid of all the illegals and his wall but let's look at reality...if we get rid of the illegals, think of all the jobs that will open up to all the unemployed. Think of the tax money that will be pumped back into the system. Trump goes about it the wrong way but there are ways to stimulate the economy by creating revenue sources other than raising taxes and trying to give people things for "free"

The problem is, would the US have enough willing workers to accommodate the work force need. Some prefer to not work

Give investment incentives...maybe lowering taxes would create more income for families and they would spend more. Create tax advantage for companies within the US borders. Make tax panalties for companies who take their companies outside of US borders.Let's get back to taking care of this country and creating jobs rather than creating more charity for the lazy

Whomever the President ends up being, this country needs a severe overhaul. This is a result of the everyone gets a trophy mentality. More taxes is not always the answer to stimulate and fix an economy
I feel for people less fortunate that actually are trying to be contributing members of society but I do not feel for the lazy excuse makers that want to live off the government and think they are entitled to everything for "free"

A large part of society does not understand the definition of "free"

Nothing is free and I want to retire one day. Government is making society reliant on the system and that is not a good thing. People complain about Trump wanting to get rid of all the illegals and his wall but let's look at reality...if we get rid of the illegals, think of all the jobs that will open up to all the unemployed. Think of the tax money that will be pumped back into the system. Trump goes about it the wrong way but there are ways to stimulate the economy by creating revenue sources other than raising taxes and trying to give people things for "free"

The problem is, would the US have enough willing workers to accommodate the work force need. Some prefer to not work

Give investment incentives...maybe lowering taxes would create more income for families and they would spend more. Create tax advantage for companies within the US borders. Make tax panalties for companies who take their companies outside of US borders.Let's get back to taking care of this country and creating jobs rather than creating more charity for the lazy

Whomever the President ends up being, this country needs a severe overhaul. This is a result of the everyone gets a trophy mentality. More taxes is not always the answer to stimulate and fix an economy

Agreed. Nobody wants to hurt those that truly need the help. There has been a systematic and purposeful expansion by ALL the politicians to make Americans reliant. The fact is, they don't think you can take care of yourselves or make good decisions. The fact is, the fvcking Government doesn't do anything except TAKE money and create programs that are designed for failure.

It has gotten so bad their is a candidate that has broken Federal Laws that you or I would be in jail for. Whose watch resulted in unnecessary deaths. Worse, there are idiots that would vote for her. SMGDFH
maybe you are right...I just heard Carson say something along those lines the other day. Either is true
Ben Carson/Captain Quaalude

Why should "we" be bailing out corporations that, chances are, have made really poor decisions?? I'd support a welfare system that utilizes drug tests to weed out the bad eggs.
Perhaps, in the history of man, u could point me to a nation exemplifying the success of ur libertarian utopia?
Op and a few others. You honestly believe the way to better our country is to completely cut the public education system. I don't support free higher education but elementary and secondary are essential to the betterment of our country.
Why can't anybody reply to a post here without being insulted? Make your point and be nice about it. Geez...

I agree we should be nicer to one another. On your point though, I would encourage you to spend some time reading ab out what goes on in Scandinavia. They have no cultural diversity there. It's a country that is about 95% white. They are not blessed with our diversity! Their population would not even fill Manhattan so it's very easy to manage numbers. The same is true with Canada relative to the United States. They tax the ever loving crap out of people... over 50% when it's all said and done.

I want to see how the middle class in this country reacts when they get hit with a 50% tax to pay for all Sanders stuff. They all believe we can get it from the rich which is the inherent problem with the system we have where not everyone pays an equal percentage or at least close to it. They think they can vote themselves stuff without having to pay for it. Sanders never truly gets around to that part. The other thing is all these college professors who try to poison kids minds... I can't wait to see their reaction when these Ivy League guys go from making $180-$250k to making $40k. That will be the best part of it all. I'm sure they don't think the rules should apply to them. That'll be the one part I would enjoy if it were to happen. Mostly because I think all those overpaid jackasses should have their wages cut in half as it is to help kids better pay for college. They can live in big dorms for all I care!
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Op and a few others. You honestly believe the way to better our country is to completely cut the public education system. I don't support free higher education but elementary and secondary are essential to the betterment of our country.
Well I didn't say cut out elementary education or secondary. I even supported public elementary, but it doesn't profit society to spend billions, if not trillions on secondary education, the smartest should get scholarships and the idiots should stop wasting their and their teachers time with trig and classical lit and learn how to be the best brick layer they can be.
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Ben Carson/Captain Quaalude

Why should "we" be bailing out corporations that, chances are, have made really poor decisions?? I'd support a welfare system that utilizes drug tests to weed out the bad eggs.

Study after study has shown that drug testing welfare recipients is a WASTE of taxpayer money. The cost to implement the testing system far exceeds the savings generated by "weeding out the bad eggs," with programs finding well less than 1% of recipients testing positive for illegal drugs.

The idea of testing welfare recipients stems from stereotypes about the poor using drugs and attempts to further stigmatize an already marginalized subset of the population. There's no rational basis in need or results.
Ben Carson/Captain Quaalude

Why should "we" be bailing out corporations that, chances are, have made really poor decisions?? I'd support a welfare system that utilizes drug tests to weed out the bad eggs.

well let's be honest...the government bails out a large portion of society that have made really poor decisions

And where did I say bail anyone out? I simply said give tax advantages for companies that keep their business and employ American citizens rather than taking their business elsewhere. I simply want to generate revenue and dollars for our country and not others. What is wrong with putting ourselves first or foremost and rewarding successful American owned and operated business. Support companies that manufacturer and provide American made products and services.

But one is ever going to agree on these issues. I just read an article from NY Times that show how much money all these campaigns have raised. Hell Clinton and Sanders have $50 million dollars on hand and between the two of them have raised $284 million this cycle. Imagine if instead of having this extravagant political campaign functions they put some of this money back into the economy. Create a charity and go into areas of poverty and donate money to clean it up, provide education, provide healthcare, and use the money they are raising through charitable funds to financially fund these programs that they want to hard working American people to provide through increased tax dollars.
well let's be honest...the government bails out a large portion of society that have made really poor decisions

And where did I say bail anyone out? I simply said give tax advantages for companies that keep their business and employ American citizens rather than taking their business elsewhere. I simply want to generate revenue and dollars for our country and not others. What is wrong with putting ourselves first or foremost and rewarding successful American owned and operated business. Support companies that manufacturer and provide American made products and services.

But one is ever going to agree on these issues. I just read an article from NY Times that show how much money all these campaigns have raised. Hell Clinton and Sanders have $50 million dollars on hand and between the two of them have raised $284 million this cycle. Imagine if instead of having this extravagant political campaign functions they put some of this money back into the economy. Create a charity and go into areas of poverty and donate money to clean it up, provide education, provide healthcare, and use the money they are raising through charitable funds to financially fund these programs that they want to hard working American people to provide through increased tax dollars.
I wasn't referring to you about the bailout. I just commented on it after the Carson thing.
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Study after study has shown that drug testing welfare recipients is a WASTE of taxpayer money. The cost to implement the testing system far exceeds the savings generated by "weeding out the bad eggs," with programs finding well less than 1% of recipients testing positive for illegal drugs.

The idea of testing welfare recipients stems from stereotypes about the poor using drugs and attempts to further stigmatize an already marginalized subset of the population. There's no rational basis in need or results.
Seriously tainted studies, it's a fact that at least 10% of Americans 12 and older use illegal drugs, that's only that admit it. Absolutely impossible that number dives below 1% for welfare recipients.
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I think welfare/unemployment should be based on some contributing activity.
I can accept folks need a hand up every now and then. But instead of a magic check fairy bringing a check I want to promote lifestyle choices that will improve your chances to get a job.

So if you are on unemployment you will "clock in" every day at the county office at 8AM. If you are late a few times you will get a day or two suspension and no pay. While you are there your cell phone will stay put away and you will split your time between job skills training. (This can be technical skills like learning a construction trade and typing, or soft skills like interviewing and communication skills.) and contributing labor. So half the day you are in class the other half yoou are doing something to help society, there are lots of things folks could do from picking up litter, to hell assisting at the DMV. Talk to anyone who works for a state or county agency these days and they will tell you how understaffed they are. We have a huge workforce we are paying who arent contributing anything.

This resolution is four fold:
1- It benefits society
2- it teaches job skills and habits to the unemployed
3- Those who are capable of being employed will go become employed because it isnt easy to stay on unemployment
4- It will eliminate a bunch of fraud. I know a ton of folks working under the table and drawing unemployment, folks who clear 100k/year. If they have to clock in and be somewhere to earn that check then they will not be able to double dip.
Can you say your sorry for your offensively over simplified and incorrect view it Scandinavian politics?

No. But, I've got something you can chew on if you want to keep in this line of thinking.
I agree we should be nicer to one another. On your point though, I would encourage you to spend some time reading ab out what goes on in Scandinavia. They have no cultural diversity there. It's a country that is about 95% white. They are not blessed with our diversity! Their population would not even fill Manhattan so it's very easy to manage numbers. The same is true with Canada relative to the United States. They tax the ever loving crap out of people... over 50% when it's all said and done.

I want to see how the middle class in this country reacts when they get hit with a 50% tax to pay for all Sanders stuff. They all believe we can get it from the rich which is the inherent problem with the system we have where not everyone pays an equal percentage or at least close to it. They think they can vote themselves stuff without having to pay for it. Sanders never truly gets around to that part. The other thing is all these college professors who try to poison kids minds... I can't wait to see their reaction when these Ivy League guys go from making $180-$250k to making $40k. That will be the best part of it all. I'm sure they don't think the rules should apply to them. That'll be the one part I would enjoy if it were to happen. Mostly because I think all those overpaid jackasses should have their wages cut in half as it is to help kids better pay for college. They can live in big dorms for all I care!

I am not a Sanders fan. I am not a Socialist. But, I understand that a blend of socialism and capitalism is generally the best way to go. In fact, the U.S. already has some socialism as people on here have noted. Also, more diverse countries like Australia and Canada also use blends of capitalism and socialism. And very successfully. So, the question becomes not whether there is going to be some socialism, but how much? And in my opinion this country will always move towards more socialism and not less. And that is the way it is going to be as the population increases and puts more and more stress on decreasing resources. But, this country will probably never be totally socialist. I'm outta here no matter what anybody says.
The Gov't has slowly made a lot of people dependent upon Gov't assistance. Gov't assistance is a great thing when it is not abused and when it is given out to needy people. I am sorry if this hurts someone feelings but when it is more lucrative to live together out of wedlock. Have multiple kids. The woman not work. The man pays no child support. That type of system has to change. Look I know accidents happen and couples create children without meaning to and I am all for helping people in that situation. Keyword. HELP. Not raise. I am all for sending the parents to a trade school and helping out with bills and such. Give those parents an avenue to becoming part of the paying working class and not the "you owe me" class. Then those 2 parents turn around and do the same for the next generation. It is a cultural mindset that we have lost.

Personal example. I have 2 female cousins that are sisters. One got pregnant out of wedlock. Raised her kid on her own. Had multiple gov't assistance programs in place for her and her daughter. She went to school. Is now an RN making damn good money and is off of all the gov't assistance she ever needed. She used the system to better herself. Her daughter is going on to college and works now. Now my other cousin(the sister) is a drug addict with a rap sheet as long as I am tall. She has never worked and never will. She gets gov't assistance and knows it will keep rolling in for her. Worst part is she is the smartest damn cousin I have. Super bright. Just a lazy ass bum. The first cousin I mentioned could call me for anything in the world and I would bend over backwards for her. My other cousin does not have my number and I plan on keeping it that way. That is a personal example. These 2 were raised in the same household as well so it was not upbringing. It was being responsible for yourself and using your damn brain.
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Makes one wonder how all those socialist Scandinavian countries do so well. Overall, much better than us. Hmmm....
They are small countrys with productive citizens, Too many scammers here, ruin it for the good people.
Study after study has shown that drug testing welfare recipients is a WASTE of taxpayer money. The cost to implement the testing system far exceeds the savings generated by "weeding out the bad eggs," with programs finding well less than 1% of recipients testing positive for illegal drugs.

The idea of testing welfare recipients stems from stereotypes about the poor using drugs and attempts to further stigmatize an already marginalized subset of the population. There's no rational basis in need or results.

I was surprised the costs weren't more. I actually think it's a deal, because one thing you or the article don't take into account is that many ppl are laying off the drugs in order to pass the test. With the exception of marijuana, most drugs aren't detectable thru a urinalysis past a few days.
I think welfare/unemployment should be based on some contributing activity.
I can accept folks need a hand up every now and then. But instead of a magic check fairy bringing a check I want to promote lifestyle choices that will improve your chances to get a job.

So if you are on unemployment you will "clock in" every day at the county office at 8AM. If you are late a few times you will get a day or two suspension and no pay. While you are there your cell phone will stay put away and you will split your time between job skills training. (This can be technical skills like learning a construction trade and typing, or soft skills like interviewing and communication skills.) and contributing labor. So half the day you are in class the other half yoou are doing something to help society, there are lots of things folks could do from picking up litter, to hell assisting at the DMV. Talk to anyone who works for a state or county agency these days and they will tell you how understaffed they are. We have a huge workforce we are paying who arent contributing anything.

This resolution is four fold:
1- It benefits society
2- it teaches job skills and habits to the unemployed
3- Those who are capable of being employed will go become employed because it isnt easy to stay on unemployment
4- It will eliminate a bunch of fraud. I know a ton of folks working under the table and drawing unemployment, folks who clear 100k/year. If they have to clock in and be somewhere to earn that check then they will not be able to double dip.

The ACLU would probably have a problem with that because, for the most part, they champion the bad guy over the good guy.
Seriously tainted studies, it's a fact that at least 10% of Americans 12 and older use illegal drugs, that's only that admit it. Absolutely impossible that number dives below 1% for welfare recipients.

Part of the problem is that drug tests are only really useful for finding pot smokers. Most other drugs leave your blood and urine within a few days.
Study after study has shown that drug testing welfare recipients is a WASTE of taxpayer money. The cost to implement the testing system far exceeds the savings generated by "weeding out the bad eggs," with programs finding well less than 1% of recipients testing positive for illegal drugs.

The idea of testing welfare recipients stems from stereotypes about the poor using drugs and attempts to further stigmatize an already marginalized subset of the population. There's no rational basis in need or results.

No way I'm going to believe that
Study after study has shown that drug testing welfare recipients is a WASTE of taxpayer money. The cost to implement the testing system far exceeds the savings generated by "weeding out the bad eggs," with programs finding well less than 1% of recipients testing positive for illegal drugs.

The idea of testing welfare recipients stems from stereotypes about the poor using drugs and attempts to further stigmatize an already marginalized subset of the population. There's no rational basis in need or results.
If the testing was done correctly, it would be more like 50%.