High corporate tax rate
Income tax
Social Security - retirement age NEEDS to be raised to 70+
Unemployment - i agree with @OrangeTigerTower and @scotchtiger on this one, people should be working to better themselves or help the state/locality provide services. This is not far from Obama's proposal of a nationwide, extensive Americorps Though, im not sure why they dont see it as a massive expansion of the federal government. I mean, those people will become federal employees to an extent.
Public pre-k - study after study after study says pre-k improves life outcomes, the government should provide it, free of charge to everyone. plus, it allows people to get back into the workforce after having a baby quicker.
Public elementary school - everyone deserves an elementary education
Public secondary school - everyone deserves a high school education
Public trade school - not everyone should go to college
Paid family and maternity leave
Public University
Socialized Healthcare - i believe its the role of the federal government to provide a baseline of healthcare to its citiznes
Farm subsidies
Corporate bail outs
Infrastructure (roads rail ways, air ports)
Fire departments
Prison system - i believe its the role of the government to rehabilitate people who have committed certain crimes. not sell them into the prison industrial complex who's shareholders demand their repeated and constant incarceration.
I'm on board with you on almost all of this, particularly the elimination of the private prison system, which is a disgrace.
I do have a quibble with high corporate taxes, as I'm pretty big on providing a positive environment for businesses to compete in, but otherwise I think having a fairly robust social safety net is a good thing - my understanding is that crime rates drop dramatically under those circumstances, but I may be mistaken. If it's safer for me and my family and I can help someone out without hurting our situation, I'm all for it.
I would like to see if we could accomplish this without increasing government revenue (i.e. taxes), and I think it's possible despite the rhetoric from both sides. I just don't want to see tax systems in place like they have in Scandinavia as I think it stifles small business and innovation.
At any rate, I'm not really familiar enough with the details of most any of this stuff to intelligently comment, so vague generalities is about the best I can do lol.